
chapter fifty

Dinner with the Bridgertons proved to be, as always, an astonishingly hectic affair.

Daphne had also chosen to join them at Bridgerton House as the Duke had been called away up North on a matter of some urgency - though what exactly Daphne could not say.

Shortly after arriving Aurora made the mistake of telling Eloise that she had some most important news to impart. This only led to the younger girl pestering her all evening with questions about what the news could possibly be.

In hindsight telling her probably wasn’t a good idea.

Lady Violet had been delighted at their company, declaring that it had been an eternity since she last saw the pair.

‘Didn’t she visit us yesterday to welcome us back home,’ Aurora thought, though she dare not say something so rude out loud.

At dinner she was seated between Anthony and Colin, and opposite young Hyacinth who seemed only too excited at the prospect of getting to know her new sister-in-law better.

For her part Aurora was delighted with the arrangement. Colin always made her laugh with his stories of the continent, Hyacinth rather reminded her of herself in her younger years, and how could she not be pleased with the thought of sitting beside her husband?

“I visited Miss Hayward today,” remarked Aurora part way through the dinner, directing it at a certain young Bridgerton. She observed Benedict’s response closely, hoping for a sign of his affections toward the girl.

She was most certainly granted it.

Benedict, who was seated at the other end of the table happily eating his lamb suddenly flushed at her comment. Indeed, he went such a vibrant red that there were few on the table who did not notice.

“How lovely,” he managed to utter as he reached for a glass of water to reduce his colouring. “I take it she is well?”

‘He’s absolutely besotted!’ Aurora shrieked internally.

“Yes, she seems to be in perfect health. In fact, her spirits seemed to have been raised somewhat during my time away. She has always been a vibrant young lady but now she is positively radiant.” The tone of the new Viscountess’ voice was not subtle.

In response, Colin choked on a potato.

It took some time to remove the object from constricting his airflow but once she had, Aurora was pleasantly impressed to see that the viscount had every intention of continuing their previous conversation.

“I wonder, my dear, what kind of an event could have occurred to leave my brother so flustered and your fried in such high spirits?” He glanced at her knowingly and for a moment Aurora felt a desperate desire to grab him and kiss him senseless.

Thankfully she was able to restrain herself.

She wasn’t sure Lady Violet would be particularly happy with her if she were to do such a thing in front of the entire family.

Daphne, who had now caught on to their allusions, gasped quietly and stared at Benedict eyes open wide.

“Tell me you didn’t?”

“Didn’t what?” He asked, trying his hardest not to become any more flustered at the several pairs of eyes now watching him.

“Enough!” Spoke their mother, “whatever the matter is it can wait until the younger ones have left the table.”

Benedict sighed in relief.

“Do not think you are being let off so easily, young man. This conversation is not yet over.”

There was an elongated silence before Violet shifted the conversation onto lighter topics. Much to Benedict’s appreciation.

“Daphne, how is your little boy getting along? He grows more handsome by the day I hear,” the maternal tone that Violet was so famed for had now returned to her voice. Aurora felt warmed by the display of affection, if only she could do half.a good a job one day.


“What of you, Colin?” She whispered, now that the others had returned to casual conversation, “do you have any young women who take your fancy?”

Colin only chuckled. It was clear from his confidence that no such woman had yet caught his eye.

“I am afraid not,” he smiled at her gently. It was a smile of understanding and warmth.

Suddenly Aurora began to feel at home amongst the Bridgerton’s. She could not tell if it was Colin’s kindness, Benedict’s embarrassment, or her husband’s hand which had some show managed to work its way on top of hers.

At the contact, Aurora glanced up at him, temporarily halting her conversation with Colin.

“Anthony, we are in public!” She whispered, not removing her hand.

“Hardly. We are visiting our family. Besides, you are my wife. They cannot tell me off for being unable to take my eyes off of you.”

She blushed and had to glance down into her lap to hide it.

This only made Anthony persevere further, for now he had proof of his effect on her.

“If you think it is so very rude to our guests then by all means, do remove my hand from yours. They are only lightly enclasped after all,” he teazed.

She did not move an inch and, after a moment, he knew that he had won.

“You have not moved, my lady. I wonder why that might be.”

“Stop it Anthony,” she muttered out, “stop it or I swear to god I’ll kiss you right now in front of your entire family. It’ll scare them all for life but I don’t -“

His eyes shot open at her confession. Aurora Bridgerton had never said anything so... demanding in the entire time he had known her.

“Anthony! How are you finding your new home?” Interrupted Daphne.

“We will continue this conversation later,” he whispered before turning to answer his sister’s question.

Once dinner had finally ended and Benedict was locked in the dining room with his mother for a ‘little discussion’, Aurora retreated into the sitting room with Eloise.

“I have a proposal for you, Eloise.”

“Go on then!” She interrupted, clearly wanting Aurora to get on with the subject at hand.

“You will know of Miss Hayward, indeed after tonight’s conversation I can have no doubt of the matter. Well, together we have decided to set up a... society, as it were. A society for young ladies to study together and expand their knowledge.”

Eloloise looked at her in a mixture of shock and awe.

Regaining her senses she was filled with an excessive numbe of questions. @do you mean to say I will be able to learn - like the men do at university?”

“That is exactly what I mean. We were wondering if you would come along, and Penelope too. I don’t know if you have any other fitness with a disposition similar to yourself but, if you do, pray tell me and I can consider them as well.”

Suddenly Eloise leapt from her seat on the sofa and engulfed Aurora in a tight hug.

“You are the best sister I could ever ask for, I hope you know that.”

The Viscountess blushed at that - gosh, she seemed to be doing an awful lot of blushing this evening!

“I thought perhaps you could tell your mother that you are visiting me. It isn’t exactly a lie, is it?”

“Not at all, and Mama absolutely adores you. She thinks you’re a wonderful influence and that you’ll one day inspire me into marriage.”

Aurora chuckled at the suggestion. She did not think it likely. Indeed, she voiced this opinion to her young friend who wholeheartedly agreed.

“I shall see you soon then. But now I must take my leave, for Anthony looks as though he would rather return home.” She hugged Eloise warmly and said her goodbyes, making her way over to the viscount.

As the two headed through the hallway of Bridgerton House toward their carriage which was waiting patiently outside, Anthony leant down and whispered into her ear.

“I hope you’re ready to finish what you started earlier,” a low laugh came from deep within his chest and Aurora became acutely aware of just how forward she had been.


My darling readers,

It would seem that Aurora’s plan for female education is off to a good start. And her marriage with Anthony seems to be regressing nicely... how intriguing.

I hope you’re all well - I’ve been quite busy recently as I have a philosophy examination on Monday and three different pieces of coursework to complete! Alas, I am sure I will manage it all with time to spare, I disallowed do anyway, but this knowledge does nothing to decrease my stress levels!

I restarted fencing the other day now that one of my brothers has decided that he wishes to pursue it as well (I’d tell him to find his own sport were it not for the fact that it’s rather difficult to fence with yourself), so I shall have to keep you all updated of any injuries I sustain during my practices.

Yours truly

V Riviera