1 Prologue(Therefore I am)

"You're nothing but a useless attention seeking whore and ur  not even the leader of this mafia because  lasers are supposed to be men, not useless puttana." Once those words flew out of his mouth, I turned back to him and gave him a really strong right hook, but it wasn't strong enough to knock him out." Listen here you idiota, in case you forgot u stole from me so I am on the verge of killing u right now so if I were u i would choose my words wisely and second of all last time I checked my father was the former don of this mafia but since he died I am the rightful leader so therefore I am the Donna. Now ur  time on this earth has expired now go to hell." And with those final words I shot him right in the centre of his head twice. Walking back up to the living room u see my second in command Giovanni and say"Quell'idiota ha messo il suo sangue su tutta la mia maglietta preferita Gio"( that idiot got his blood all over my favourite shirt Gio). He let out a breathy chuckle and said"La prossima volta non indossare una camicia bianca per torturare e uccidere qualcuno e so che ti avevo detto di non farlo" ( Next time don't wear a white shirt to torture and kill someone and I know I told you not to). And with that he went up the stairs.

Okay let me clear things up a bit. My name Alessandria Grassio and I am the Donna of the most feared and most powerful mafia in the world, the Italian mafia. My father died when I was 15 so I had to take over at that young age. I have a twin brother but I am older than he is by 30 seconds. We have been training to be in the mafia since we were 9. Right now I am the most feared person I  the world alongside my twin Alessandrio. Anyone who is our ally is just as strong as we are and those allies are the American, British, Spanish-Mexican, and Russian mafias and together we are known as the IABSR.
