
The Dominance Equation: Unveiling Darkness

In a world where humans and supernatural beings coexist, Eijin, a young mutant with extraordinary powers, embarks on a dangerous mission. With the help of his allies and lovers, who possess their own unique abilities, Eijin confronts evil supernatural beings and navigates power struggles among different factions. As their powers intertwine, so do their relationships, creating both strength and danger. Love blooms amidst the darkness, providing solace and strength in their relentless battle. As Eijin and his allies face the encroaching darkness, they must confront their fears and discover the true extent of their abilities. The fate of the delicate balance hangs in the balance, as they uncover the truth behind the darkness threatening their world. In a realm where humans and supernatural beings coexist, their journey is filled with danger, testing their courage, loyalty, and the enduring power of hope amidst a world shrouded in darkness.

SirLowie · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 3: Shadows of Alliance

"Ah, dinner is served," Amelia said delightedly. "Since those filthy humans took the power of governance, our kind has suffered. They have taken away our liberty to taste fresh blood," she added disdainfully.

"Indeed, my dear Amelia. The laws created by the humans and other species, who lick their butts, forbid us from killing other species to drink fresh blood," Victor seconded. "But now, we will indulge ourselves in this once-privileged act."

Alpha Gabriel Stone just stood there, while his deputies seemed to be dripping with saliva, their hunger overwhelming.

"Hahaha! I think this alliance will be beneficial to our kind, Lord Alpha Gabriel," Blaze Ironclaw exclaimed. "Let us have a feast. Elves' blood is of the highest quality," he added while looking at the other co-deputies.

Alpha Gabriel Stone growled. "We are not here to kill. We are here to expand our power."

His deputies nodded in fear.

"My dear friend, I hope you don't find my words offensive, but why won't you allow your subordinates to fulfill their desires just this once?" Victor asked Gabriel calmly.

"Please refrain from intervening in our personal affairs," Gabriel answered back, his gaze sharpened.

Victor's lips twitched. "As you wish. Your pack, your rules," Victor said before bowing slightly, showing a sarcastic display of respect.

Amelia clapped her hands as a signal to their subordinates. "Apologize to Sir Alpha Gabriel. Since he is not interested in our little gift, we will simply share it with our own underlings," she said in a calm voice.

Vampires dragged all the female elves towards Victor and Amelia.

"Ah, the scents of fear." Victor said sniffing in the air.

Amelia grabbed one of the female elves.

Selena and Agatha, the two witches, observed quietly.

Meanwhile, atop the steel beams where Eijin hid, he noticed the other group of mysterious women who were also observing the secret meetings of the supernatural factions below, signaling to each other. They appeared to be arguing, although the exact reason was unclear.

Eijin shifted his attention back to the scene below, deep in thought. He knew he had to save all the female elves, even if it meant blowing his cover. While remaining hidden could potentially provide valuable information, the lives of those elves held greater importance. Eijin weighed his options carefully, realizing that he needed to take immediate action. Just as he was about to leap into action, the three mysterious women suddenly made their move.

With a calculated and audacious action, Kristine's group emerged from the shadows, their presence a sudden eruption of defiance. The werewolves and vampires, caught off guard by this unexpected resistance, responded with feral aggression.

"Who dares!" Victor and Gabriel exclaimed in unison.

A tempest of violence erupted, as the superhuman girls clashed with the packs of werewolves and hordes of vampires.

"Mica! Calista! Untie the captives!" Kristine's voice cut through the chaos, her command resolute.

Mica and Calista moved with a swift and deadly grace, their weapons becoming extensions of their will. In a single fluid motion, Calista's dagger sliced through the binds that held the captive elves, freeing them from their impending doom.

Four of the five elves, their eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and determination, offered their assistance. "We can fight. We can help you."

Mica's voice rang out, resolute and unwavering. "Just follow me..."

The clash of weapons and the crackling of supernatural energies filled the warehouse, shrouding it in an aura of darkness and despair. Amidst the cacophony of battle, the voices of the superhuman girls and their adversaries pierced the air.

"We won't allow you to harm these innocent girls!" Kristine's voice cut through the chaos, her words infused with unwavering resolve. She is a Cyborg and a mutant as well. Her both legs and left arm are made of advanced nano tech cybernetic machines covered with special alloyed nano bot. Her mutant abilities, granting her superhuman strength, speed, agility, and fast healing, made her a formidable force. With her katana in hand, she danced with lethal grace, her every strike a symphony of death.

Alpha Gabriel Stone, his voice dripping with arrogance, sneered, "You foolish humans think you can challenge us? We are the true rulers of the night!" He didn't transform into his werewolf form, underestimating his opponent and being confident enough in his current strength.

Mika's voice, laced with haunting mysticism, rose above the chaos. "Your arrogance blinds you. We possess powers beyond your comprehension," she declared. Mika is a half-human, half-vampire with exceptional skills in both mystic and martial arts. Her vampire lineage grants her heightened strength, speed, endurance, and senses. With her mastery of martial arts, she gains an advantage in every encounter, her movements flowing like an ethereal dance of destruction. Furthermore, her proficiency in the mystic arts proves invaluable as she can cast illusions, manipulate shadows, and harness a multitude of other mystical abilities, further amplifying her advantage. Her weapon is a scythe.

Victor Blackwood, his voice resonating with the eternal hunger of the undead, growled, "You may possess powers, but you are still no match for the immortal strength of vampires!" He leaped into the air, sweeping his sword towards Calista.

Calista, her voice a fierce growl, retorted, "We'll see about that. Prepare to face the wrath of the half-werepup!" Her half-human, half-werewolf heritage granted her superhuman strength, speed, agility, senses, and fast healing factor that surpassed that of her lupine counterparts. With her twin dagger as an extension of her fury, she tore through her enemies with relentless determination.

As the battle raged on, the tension and desperation in the combatants' voices grew. The captive elves, armed with improvised weapons, stood their ground, their determination to protect their own kind unwavering. They knew escape was not an option, their only path forward was to fight.

"Let's take our chances. There might be more out there if we escape," one of the female elves said to the other elves, holding two uneven length steel pipes, one of which has a sharp pointed tip.

Kristine's voice, laced with iron resolve, rallied her group. "Stay focused, everyone! We must protect the girls and bring down these monsters!"

Orion Bloodfang, one of the werewolf deputies, his voice dripping with sadistic glee, taunted, "You're outnumbered, little humans! We'll tear you apart!"

Mika's voice, filled with unwavering defiance, cut through the chaos. "Your threats mean nothing to us!" Her scythe danced through the air, severing the ties that held her adversaries to their mortal coil.

Amelia Nightshade, her voice laced with a chilling calmness, hissed, "Your defiance only prolongs your suffering. Surrender now, and we might spare you."

Calista's voice, a snarl of determination, echoed through the warehouse. "I'd rather die fighting than surrender to the likes of you! Prepare to face the fury of the half-werepups!" she dashed towards her enemies, swinging her daggers with leathal precision.

One by one, all the minions close to her fall to the ground, vampires became ash, werewolves splash blood from their severed limbs.