
Chapter 1: A Fools Folley

"Hey! I need that money you owe me, NOW!" The old man yelled.

"Geesh, calm down! I just need one more sale and I'll give you…some of it!"

The young man snatches the bag and dashes off.

"Why you son of a BITCH?!"

The old man hurls a rock at the evading youngster. Aching to hurt him anyway he can.

"Grays, Megan! Grab mah peeshooter!!"

The old man commands his kids.

"Yes, paw!" The kids readily obey.

Grays darts off and grabs the "peashooter"…a old fashioned laser rifle with dual particle beams for destroying matter.

"Imma kill him!!"

The old man takes aim and fires several attempts.

The kid looks back for a month and taps his legs.

"Git git!!"

His legs unfold a small engine with turbine acceleration likened to that of a jet.

"Ha! Not TODAY old man!"

The kid hits 215 mph and the man is left with only his anger, a rifle and two kids incapable of helping much.

With no chance of being caught, he taps his legs again and decelerates. The year is 3496 A.D.E.

A.D.E. is the in the year of our lord extinction event.

After the end of the world some thousand or so years ago, the Earth had repopulated with hybrid humans and a bio fueled ecosystem. Things believed to be fairytales had evolved from a mixture of time and man's bio-genetic engineering. Unicorns, ogres, foul beasts and even dragons found a way to become "real" in this new world. The people have discovered new ways to prolong life exponentially as they meshed science with fiction. The struggles that plagued them were resources and shelter was cosmic rays burden the lands due to a depleted ozone layer. The lands were scorched and made day travel nearly impossible however, man and machine are trying to find a way…

"Ruttlin', scavengers, great beasts and bullshit's all I got nowadays. Owe ya money? Shit! Can barely feed maself as is. Gotta do something about this heat!"

The young boy rubs his legs and they are hot to the touch.

"Maybe a lil too much runnin', eh?"

He cools himself in the makeshift shade from the metal forest of bio-engineering trees. The "forest" consists of large metal slabs jutting out from the war-torn lands where cities once stood. The "trees" had been striped down years ago and provide minimal shelter. Still… some beats none.

He wondered over to the void. A dark energy portal that changes locations based on the sun's gravitational field. By this time, the sun has become more powerful and shines to temperatures of 167 degrees Fahrenheit. Most oceans are small rivers now. The oceans floors barely team with aquatic life as those creatures have been bio-engineered to roam the lands. These mutations are the results of man's need to change the fate of this world. That need led to the nuclear annihilation of nearly all mankind. If not for the Ozarks and many man-made underground cities, all would be lost.

The dystopian world was just a destination to fuel for visiting alien spaceships. The need to live here was optional. Born with incestuous ties, Sytdeth 1 was all that was left after the aliens ransacked the last of humanity's resistance…they used sexual tactics.

"Don't breach until I give the word!" A memory appears to flood Sytdeth's mind. He shakes his head as he tries to clear it. "That group over there, the rest come with me!" The memory causes Sytdeth to seize. "Agh?! Arhghhhhhghhh!!!!" A woman is screaming as several unknown entities begin to rape her. The woman fights and claws but is stripped of her clothes and forcefully brutally raped until she moves no more. An older man is enraged with each being that continues to rape the now lifeless corpse that was a woman fighting for her life. The beings shapeshift and move about the lands in search of more victims. A young woman enters the frame. She runs as fast as she can but there's no where to go. A hurried heartbeat is felt. Panicking at certain doom. The heartbeat begins to slow as a warm, sticky feeling invades the coverings protecting two…now, one sibling. The boy cannot cry out as the the aliens stabbed him through the left saw of his jaw. The thrust dishevels several teeth as he wails softly. More footsteps are heard but only for a moment. The thuds are like painful memories of the desperate attempt to divert the tragedy. With all of that, it's only the pain of seeing the woman's exposed limp body that causes the young boy to get away. Her hand and legs can be seen twitching with each thrust…blood was soon to follow.

He curls himself into a ball and begins to cry softly as the other troops join in and push back the invasion.
