

There strict teacher Mr Sisubalan teaches maths ,all children of grade 7

watching boringly.

Here comes Gita .

She knocks the door and says "Excuse me ..sir ."

"Ah Gita every day you are late.

Late comer .late looser

How are u going to study?

You need daily canings."

He brings the cane out and gives five shots on each hand. Her hands become red.

What a pity! Her tears fall on her face.

Her dress is torn and patched.

She sits in the last bench and no one dares sits next to her because she is from a low class.

She writes with a half broken borrowed pencil and a tiny eraser.

No one likes her in the class.

She doesn't mind.

She focuses on studies as others tease her.

Gita ,why you have to study?

Do you think you can get a degree or nothing less than to be a house wife.

Gita turns away and bell rings.

struggle is life

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