
My name is Isaac

After hearing all those dark backstories and heavy thoughts u may think that the MC is going to have a whining and pitiful personality and the story is going to be all dark and serious. Well, sorry to break it to you

MC and the story is neither a whine nor serious.

To be exactly he a ********** and a ******.

{ Oops!! Spoiler }

[Well my part of narration is over, from here on the Snotnose pansy of an M.C. will take over.]

«•••••• Isaac POV ••••••»

[ Fuck you, author, 🖕.

Sorry guys don't mind that idiot. Let me introduce myself my name is Isaac, Issac D. Damien the M.C. (Protaginst). We decided that from here on the penning will be mostly from my POV, so then without any further delay let's continue. ]

After getting all my minor wounds treated at the infirmary, not wanting to stay even for a second longer in this hell hole.

And since tomorrow is the day for the educational tour, the school was only working half a day today, so we were free to leave the school after morning classes

Not to be get caught by any more problems for today, I immediately initiated

Operation 'hell break'

You may feel like ' Why the hell is this guy over exaggerating such a simple thing like going home ?'.

Do you feel me exiting this school is an easy task?. Naive!, It is just you that don't know about all the risks and dangers involved in this getaway.

If someone were to ask me whether exiting the school without being sited by someone and getting caught in some kind of a problem or escape from the sketch (scheme) or the clutches of a serial killer. which one of them is manageable?

Without any hesitation, I would choose the latter.

Because this school is a war zone and everyone here is a hostile presence. it's as if someone has given them a shoot at sight order on me, everyone here is like a bounty hunter on a quest to find me. And most of these just one way or the other want's a piece of me.

So mistakes can cost life here and the important aspect here is the timing of the breakout.

Timing is extremely crucial, I have to be more careful about not stepping on any landmines or trying something stupid that leads to me bumping into some dangerous characters or getting hooked in any one of their traps, or getting captured by any of their lackeys.

Speaking of dangerous individuals, Owen isn't included in this list. You guys should already know about what Owen and his dogs did to me. But why are they not included in the list?.

it may come out as a surprise

But trust me he is a decent guy when you try to compare him with these crazy lunatics and psychos from whom I'm trying to escape now.

Do you want me to give you an example of one such individual?

There is this one Fat bitch named Stacy in the next class and a few days back she and her gang of whores caught me while I was on the verge of my getaway.

Just as I was about to step out of the school gates and fly away they caught me.

They then escorted me to a nearby alley behind the school and the bitches wanted to shoot a video of me giving a handjob to a street dog.

When I refuse to do so and satisfy their kinks they were ready to use violence and force me to do the deed.

And just when they do something to me, A officer who was on his patrol came by and saved me from the group of Psychotic nymphomaniacs.

So, now do you understand why I would rather choose the second option. Because escaping from a serial killer is a child's play compared to this.

It took me more than 35 minutes just to walk out of the main building to the gate which was just about 80 meters away.

At the end of my Horror packed adventure, I finally managed to reach home to meet the final boss of my everyday adventure. Just when I was about to enter my house, I heard my mother calling for me from the neighbor's house.

As soon as I heard her call my name in a hurry before I could enter our house. I know that my today's portion of suffering has not come to an end.

My Father must have gambled all his liquor money and lost it and he must be waiting in our house to torture me or my mother and vent all his frustration.

Afraid of being beaten my mother seems to be hiding in our neighbor's house until he leaves or falls asleep.

So I immediately stopped in my tracks and started taking steps back from the entrance of the house as slowly as possible not wanting to confront the boss monster so soon.

If there is a call for a special ops selection in my country and with all these stunts pulling on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure they would take me in with open arms even if don't pass their exams with flying colors.

Oh, sorry about that back to the top in hand.

Meet my mom, the sweetest and most loving woman I have ever seen in my life. And also the most unfortunate one among them.

As soon I saw my mum walking out of her hiding spot, to meet me. I felt a stinging pain in my heart for being a weak and useless son.

Not being able to provide any real help on her ordeals is eating me and this helplessness really inflicting deep scars on my heart.

Looking at her exhausted face, and her weak, sick, and fragile figure which was made to dress in worn-out clothes filled with patchwork, my eyes started sweating.

Without any hesitation immediately ran forward and hugged her. As did that she smiled and try to push me away saying,

" Come on your a big boy now, you should stop crying like a baby ."

Though her words may sound like she does not like my hugs, her voice wasn't saying so. I know, she must have thought that if I hug her the clothes I'm wearing might get dirty.

So what, if there is a possibility that I can just offer my life and I would hold and protect my mother from harm's way, I would gladly do so.

Just by looking at my face, she seems to have already understood my thoughts, and with a lovely smile that could put the sun and stars to shame, she started bombing me 100s of questions.

" Did you eat your lunch properly, ?did you.....

Did you complete all your homework at school? Because I don't think you would be able to do it at home today."

Not wanting to give any hints about what happened in my school I just said " Yeah "

" Here take this 100 credits, go buy something for your excursion or hide this somewhere so you can use it with friends tomorrow".

I know with that 100 credit is can't buy much ,Not wanting to hurt her I took the money and hide it under my right shoe's sole. If I don't take the credit now hide it properly and my father finds out this both me and my mom are dead.

" Now go to your friend's house or go play somewhere. And try not come to the house until ur sleeps"

Not wanting to lie to her I just nodded my head and turned around and started walking down the streets with my head down.

At that time my head was filled with various thoughts and I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going. I just let my feet take where it felt like going before I knew it was at the small suspension bridge on the outskirts of our city.

Seeing the view from the bridge I climbed over the rail and sat to enjoy the view of the busy boats in the water and birds. Looking at them living a peaceful life I felt a little Jealous. Not wanting to board on the train of negative thoughts. I continued my voyage in search of inner peace on busy city streets.

Before I knew it was already late in the evening. And I knew it is time to end my voyages, I then took a few shortcuts and arrived at my house.

As soon as I entered the small dark house, I saw my mother crouched in one of the corners of our living room. Then I saw my drunkard father who had passed out on the kitchen floor. While he was trying to eat something.

" Seem like we are on a diet tonight "

Here to my gag, my mom just smiled a little, well it's not our first-time sleeping on an empty stomach.

With those empty stomachs and heavy hearts, both of me and my mom closed our eyes to sleep. Soon our day's exhaustion took over and fell into a deep sleep.

Hi, this is Wolfy here. Well, English is not my 1st language and since this is my very first time writing a novel. Well to be honest this is my first time even trying to type more than a sentence.

So please, forgive me for any misspelt words or missing punctuations or pronouns. Please guide me and support me.

These [ ] are used me and Issac have our conversation breaking the 3rd wall, so just take note of it for now and I will explain in detail about that later as the story progresses. *Ty*

WOLFYcreators' thoughts