
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
220 Chs

Chapter 97: Communication - Part 2


As promise another update for you guys. It's Monday today about 21:36 here hehehe (laughing expression this is how we usually type laughter hehehe or hahaha.) I was kind of busy earlier that's why I only manage to upload this now. I'm actually about to cook Chicken adobo but I decided to upload it before I do. Chicken adobo is like one of my favorites I mean I usually ends up eating like 3 cups of rice before because of that but now I'm trying to control my rice intake hehehe but if you're going to ask me what dish I like the most it would probably Caldereta and sinigang those two are like the champions to me and my whenever that is the ulam or viand or the dish (we usually call it ulam.) believe me the word hold back suddenly disappears in my vocabulary and I always ended up eating like 3 cups per meal well that doesn't happen everyday though hahaha. I'll try to send a photo of the adobo jn the comment section but a fair heads up it doesn't really look appetizing. Ow the next chapter will be very exciting it will be about Adrian and Nash so I hope to see you all on I have been telling all sorts of stuff. Enjoy Reading Everyone 😊!


"Perfect!" Lance clap his hands together after seeing the set up he has in mind. If he's being honest he feels more fear mixed with nervousness rather than excitement. After their conversation regarding Aiden's heat Lance felt the fear that his wife might change his mind and decided to get a divorce all because he has been too persuasive and the call that he got from Aiden this morning didn't help at all as a matter of fact it only added to his fear that's why he got this idea of a romantic date to help change Aiden's mind just in case that the later is thinking of ending their marriage.

Lance sat down the chair he sigh as he think how hard it is to have such strong and independent wife like Aiden that he sometimes miss the times when the man is still Liam the Liam who always rely on him "What can I do, I still love him regardless." Lance whispered, without any cue the music start and Lance turned around to see Aiden walking to their garden filled with lights and scattered petals of red roses. Upon seeing Aiden he haste and got up to his sit to walk towards Aiden. When he reach Aiden he handed him the bouquet of roses made of paper folded.

"What's this Montero?" Aiden asked in awe. "I remember asking you for a diner to talk about something but I'm not quite expecting to be greeted with all of these." Aiden looked at the bouquet and smell it even though they are all made from folded papers. "They smell like real roses." Aiden complements.

"They are roses of my love for you." Lance said. "I hope you like them."

"Sweet and romantic, I never take my husband to be that kind of man. Then can you be a gentleman for me and escort me to my seat?" Aiden asked as he hand him his hand to to take.

Lance took Aiden's hand and place a sweet Kiss on the back of it. "My pleasure my dear wife."

The dinner went on smoothly, they dance to the slow romantic song, they laugh over the small silly things. If Aiden can explain it in one word it will be Perfect. It's like they are both dating, trying to know each other again but Aiden knows that he still needs to address the most important thing to his husband so he asked everyone to leave the garden so that only just the two of them will be left alone.

Lance felt even more nervous after all the people left. "Love I think we should better head inside. If you're tired now then we better retire now." Lance is trying to sound calm and natural but Aiden hold his hand as if he's silently telling him to stay.

"Lance, I know it is the right time to talk things clearly. We need to do this at some point and I think now is the right time." Aiden softly said but Lance doesn't want to hear it, he doesn't want the marriage he has been waiting and wanting for so long to just end right there and then.

"No, I'm tired not Love can we just talk about this some other time?" Lance persistently said.

"Lance love, listen to me. It is for the best interest of our relationship that's why we have to talk about it." Aiden said.

"I don't want to divorce our marriage, no matter what you said I don't want to. I will fight for our marriage." Lance finally said it.

Aiden's calm and soft expression suddenly drop down and the crease to his forehead is slowly forming as he began to frown. "What are you saying? Divorce?"

"Yes divorce! You wanted to divorce me cause I'm useless. I can't even protect you properly, not then and not now! I can't protect you back then and when you came back I still can't protect you but what's more is that you're the one who's protecting me and our son. I'm an Alpha and yet I'm the one who's being protected by my Omega." Lance drop down to his seat again. "You can't even trust me with your heat." Lance cup his face with his hands. "But you know what, it's ok if you and the other people think I'm a useless alpha it doesn't matter it's just my pride. You, our marriage and family is far more important to me than my so called pride as an Alpha. I have been thinking since our argument that it's ok too if you don't want to entrust me with your hear or even if you don't want to depend on me it's ok. I have let you down years ago so I can understand why you can't entrust me with anything.... It's ok as long as you stay with me I don't mind I you can't rely on me."

Aiden didn't know that all he has been doing is slowly building insecurities inside Lance's heart. He got up from his seat and walk to Lance side where he squat and cup his face to make his look at his direction. "Hey lover, I'm sorry I didn't know you felt that way. All I'm thinking is not to be of any burden to you. I don't want to be a burden to anyone, not to anyone specially not to you." Aiden wiped Lance tears away from his eyes. "I'm so sorry, I have been too insensitive. I was just thinking of getting things done immediately and not letting my heat to limit what I can do. So I resorted to taking my suppressants in place of relying to you. It's an old hobbit that is hard to break but don't think too much of it." Aiden kissed both of Lance's hands. "I will rely more to you so please don't cry, please don't think of you as useless. Stop blaming your self for what happened years ago. It's not your fault it was that bitch Bea and my family who are to blame for that and not you." Aiden hug Lance and whisper to his ear. "How can you be weak when you are the source of my strength."

Lance hug back and cry harder as he heard all the things that Aiden says to him.

"There, there." Aiden patted Lance's back. "I didn't take my husband to be a cry baby."

"Love you smell nice" Lance said, his voice is like someone who is intoxicated which made Aiden smile. Then suddenly Lance push him away. "Love You're in heat where's your suppressant?" Lance asked.

"I didn't take any." Aiden smile.

"But, but how are you going to handle your heat?" Lance asked.

Aiden kiss his husband, it was light and sexy. "With you, why should I need suppressant when I have my husband here with me." Aiden smile beautifully."

"Are, are you sure? Well if it's only for tonight then I think that wouldn't interfere with your work." Lance said out loud, he thought he was still saying it to his mind.

Aiden didn't know that the impact that his action had made will cause him this much. "No I decided no more suppressants I will stay at home during my heat and will have all my work done at home during those times so I'm expecting you to clear your schedule during those times and I will do the same whenever your rut will come. We will only bring suppressants for emergency cases. Don't think about it too much I'm in your hands now husband." Aiden sat on Lance lap as he hug him. "So make love to me husband."

Lance didn't waste any time and carry Aiden. He hold himself back from pounding on to his wife till they both reach their room. The moment the door close Aiden kiss Lance he bit the Alpha's lower lip to slip his tongue in. Aiden can feel his heat kicking in, he has been suppressing it for so long that he didn't know it will come hard and strong. He felt his body hit the soft mattress of their bed, he didn't even noticed how they both got there. "Wait love I want to wash first." Aiden tried to push Lance away but his husband's lips don't want to leave the porcelain skin of his neck, it's already turning read from all the nibbling and sucking but the only response that Aiden can get is just a plain protest of "mmmmmhhhhmmm" from Lance.

"Love, I'm serious, I'm all sweaty and I probably smell." Aiden. tried to persuade his husband again. He too wanted to be pounded by his handsome luscious husband but cleanliness first before anything else.

"You smell nice. We could shower later." Lance already unbuttoned his wife's polo exposing his white creamy skin. The times they made love after getting married can only be counted in his fingers. Aiden is always busy with work, he wakes up before dawn to prepare him and Lander breakfast and goes to work right after their breakfast not to mention that Aiden goes home late most of the time to the point that he sometimes is already asleep by the time that Aiden arrives. They didn't even had the chance to have their honeymoon as the Omega insisted to delay it because of the cases they are handling and their own business they need to run. So Lance acting like a horny beast has a reason, he has been sexually deprived for more than five years and by the time he finally have Aiden again he still can't do it, he doesn't want to force Aiden so he just follow what his wife wants.

"Lance love come on." Aiden plead, his pants are already down to his knees but after seeing the upset look on Lance eye he knew he can no longer say no but cleanliness is still necessary. He wouldn't want his husband getting sick just because he has been nibbling, sucking and eating every part of his body without washing so Aiden come up with an idea. "Ok, ok but we still need to get ourselves cleaned, how about we do this in the bath tub?" Aiden suggested which brings the light back to Lance's eyes. The Alpha carrier Aiden like a sack of rice over his shoulder and walk towards their bathroom. Lance seated Aiden beside the tub and he start filling it with water that is warm to help both of them relax which put smile on Aiden's face.


In the hospital there are two souls who's making the same wish and that wish is to make their love ones open their eyes for them. The time that they are waiting only ads to the anxiety that they are feeling. The fear of seeing that person who they love to never open their eyes. The fear of loosing them without them hearing all the things they still want to say. The regret of not doing the things that they wanted to do nor to spend more time with them. So much regrets and so much sadness floats around whenever they watch that person in that bed with nothing but machines that keeps them alive.

"Open your eyes, if you just open your eyes then I won't be harsh to you. I will tolerate you even more." Says of the husband who's talking to his spouse. He stayed there for a while and decided to get something to drink.

"Darling open your eyes, Mom just want to see that amber eyes of yours. Mom just want to see you run around again. Zay has been coming here over and over. I think if his feelings will remain the same once the two of you grows up I think Mom will approve but the only problem is your father. He doesn't seem to warm up to Zay but your Dad approves of that Omega Author. He seems to like him for your brother only if Uno would like him back then I guess he can be your in law. What am I even saying I'm already talking about the future." A Mother who's wiping his eyes that are filled with regrets that he can no longer fix. He's only hoping that one day his own son will open his eyes.

"Hey he's still hasn't woke up yet?" Chester turned to see who's talking.

"Yeah no signs of waking up soon." Chester answered with a force smile. "How about yours?"

"Same old, same old." Dexter answered. He noticed the sad look on Chester's eyes.

"Don't beat yourself too much." Dexter took a chair and seated beside Chester.

"I'm just regretting not listening to my husband." Chester said.

"I know but no matter how much to regret it nothing will ever going to change because it already happened. I'm also wondering if that husband of mine regretter ever not following and listening to me? I hope he does because once he wakes up I will remind him and guilt him for all the rest of his life on how much devastating I'm feeling right now." Dexter blink a couple of times to not let the tears flow. He has been holding it in for so long now. He has to be strong but he's also just a human he too breaks down.

"Hey it's ok to cry." Chester assured Dexter.

"Fuck! Of all the times he has to be stubborn why does it have to be that time."

"Everybody around me keeps on telling me that he will wake up but sometimes a thought creeps up to my mind and then I suddenly question myself of the what if that I'm trying to deny. What if he won't wake up what if I lost my baby? What will happen?" Chester start sobbing and Dexter hug the Omega.

"Don't worry, we will wait you're not the only here. I know it's hard cause I sometimes think that way too."

Terrence sigh after hearing the two talk, he doesn't want to interupt the two so he decided to go and see his friend maybe talk to him but what he saw there left Terrence speechless.


"Aaaahhhh Lance aahhhhh love.... deeper there more aahhhh." Aiden beg he's holding his hands to the tiles of the wall he's trying to grip on to something Everytime Lance thrust inside him.

"Fuck you feel so good Love." Lance whispered, he let his right hand wonder to Aiden's smooth and wet chest and there he feels his protruding and erect nipples he caress it and pinch it lightly which made Aiden bit his lips. "Aaaaaahhhh Love more, more I want more of you aaaahhhh that feels good Lance ahhhh hhhhmmmm." Aiden is already loosing his mind, it's the first time he let himself loose after all the years he has been controlling himself. He didn't even let himself loose when they got married not matter what happens he always make sure to gain control over his rational mind but not today. Today he let himself submit to the man that he loves and he's loving it. He is loving the attention and he is loving how Lance is treating him it's like he's back to his old self the only difference is that he's more outspoken.

"Damn Love you're so sexy, I never seen anyone as sexy as you are." Lance pulled out.

"Why did you pull out?" Aiden asked, he felt betrayed and disappointed.

"Don't worry it will be back in no time." Lance sexily whispered to him and that promise only made Aiden burn in anticipation. Lance turned him around to face him and then he lifted him up and put him against the wall and there without warming Lance slammed back inside him which made Aiden Yelp in surprise. "Aaahhhhh it's aaahhhh way tooo aahhh wait love aaahhh it feels good aaahhh. Lance.". Aiden reach to Lance hair and grabbed it while his other hand grip on to Lance's back.

"Fuck Love you're so tight aaahhhh you feel so good. You're walls is tightening around me. I miss you, I miss this feeling, I miss us. Aaaahhhh."

"La-lance w-wait you're getting bigger aaahhhh wait aahhhhh." Aiden's mind is already giving him so much warning but he too doesn't want to let go. What he's saying is the complete opposite of what his body is begging for him until it happens, what he's predicting happens.

"Aaaahhhh it hurts." Aiden grunt.

"Fuck I'm sorry, sorry." Lance shower Aiden with kisses. "I didn't mean to I'm sorry."

Aiden can see the guilt in Lance's eyes so he smiled. "It's ok, you're my husband so it's ok." Aiden tried to assure him.

"I know you still don't want to have kids other than Lander I'm so sorry." Aiden laugh at what Lance just said.

"Don't think too much let's just enjoy this." Aiden said.

"I'll buy you a morning after pill." Lance volunteered.

"Ok but first make me yours." Aiden is the one who initiated.

Aiden woke up because of the Sun light, this is far from his usual routine to wake up even before the sun is up but because of last night's hot sex his body is demanding him a lot of rest. He found a not on the table with a morning pill table and a glass of water. Aiden sit properly and took the table, he was about to put it to his mouth but what Axel said yesterday about having a child stuck to his mind. He knows how much Lance wanted to have a baby, to take care of a baby once again and Lander has been asking for a siblings lately after seeing Theo's twins. Aiden decided to throw the table into the trash bin.

"If there will be a baby there will be a baby." Aiden whispered to himself. He got up and got into the shower. Like what he promised to Lance he didn't go to work rather he took his work at home. That way he wouldn't have to worry having his heat out in public besides that marathon of sex they had last night is enough to keep his heat stable till Lance can get home.