
The Demons In My Closet

作者: River_5554
Magical Realism
連載中 · 64 ビュー
  • 2 章
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What is The Demons In My Closet

WebNovel で公開されている、River_5554 の作者が書いた The Demons In My Closet の小説を読んでください。A text pinged into Marshal’s phone, triggering him to reach into his pocket for it. The screen lit up, the background of his mother made him smile softly, he still missed her dearly, but at least he c...


A text pinged into Marshal’s phone, triggering him to reach into his pocket for it. The screen lit up, the background of his mother made him smile softly, he still missed her dearly, but at least he could finally go visit her this weekend. Tapping against the screen and grumbling to himself, he loaded the new message. It didn’t take Marshal more than half a second to snap the phone off and forcibly stop himself from cursing out loud. The message was from Diana. This weekend was the last weekend he wanted to talk about it. Marshal strode up the steps, he was home at last, and yet he felt on edge, a sneaking suspicion that something bad was going on with Diana. He put his phone on mute, sliding it into his pocket, and knocked gently on the brightly colored pastel yellow door before him. He had to banish all thoughts of it from his head. He was only going to be gone for two days. The only two he got to spend with his mom out of the whole year. He wouldn’t let anything sour his mood.

3 タグ

Moments With My Devil

*Triggers*Mature*Dark Romance* Not for the faint of hearts and not as it seems. Sex, drugs, and sin throughout Preview: They say when you wake with the woman you love in your arms it feels like the whole world has been set right. I have to agree, except once reality kicks in you feel like you just been mind fucked and panic......... "Please what? Tell me you want me to fuck you!" He demanded and I was losing my willpower. His finger slid halfway in my wet heat as his thumb rubbed perfectly over my clit. His touch was throwing my body into an erratic mess of pleasure, but the slow torture was making me lose control. He chuckled watching my body squirm under him then his mouth attached back to my breast. I took a deep breath then let everything go. "Please, fuck me." "That's my girl." He taunted removing his fingers "Christian!" I gave him a look that I would cut off his dick right now if he dared leave me like this. This boy loved teasing me and it really pissed me off. "Relax kitten. I never break my promises." He pulled me up and slid my dress off then untied my bathing suit top. I became instantly aware of us both practically naked in front of each other. My legs tried closing shut and my arms came to my chest "Oh, it's too late for that little girl. Your body is mine now." His knees moved my thighs further apart and he took both my wrists in one hand pinning them above me. His mouth sucked on my breasts then his other hand untied my bathing suit bottom slowly peeling away the last piece of fabric covering my body. "Fucking perfect." His hand grabbed one of mine sliding it down my body making me touch myself until he reached the one part of my body, I needed him to touch the most. He guided my finger with his inside my walls making my back arch. "You feel how soft your pussy is? It drives me insane." His lips sucked our fingers dry then his gorgeous mouth dipped between my legs giving me the attention I so desperately needed there.

Phoenix_Rising2372 · アクション
18 Chs

The Legend Of Pin Hwa

The Legend Of Pin Hwa Pin Hwa, adalah bunga terakhir yang sangat dijaga oleh keluarga Biu, yang dikenal sebagai keluarga dengan penuh kekejaman. Entah apa yang terjadi, sehingga bunga ungu dengan corak merah ini sangat dijaga dan di sembunyikan agar siapapun tidak menyentuh kelopaknya . Sebelum nya, Pada zaman Api ke-4 terjadilah peristiwa peperangan antara Biu dan Zhang. Zhang adalah kerajaan dengan dipenuhi pengendali ilmu Air, sedangkan Biu dipenuhi dengan ilmu Tanah. Peperangan sangat sengit sehingga Zhang melakukan sesuatu terhadap Biu. Di sisi lain, 3 utusan terakhir Zhang telah bersembunyi dan bertapa selama 200 tahun untuk bisa menciptakan Pin Hwa kedua, tentunya dengan 11 kelopak sempurnanya. Hal ini membuat dewa Zua Zua, sang pemusnah Pin Hwa turun ke Bumi dan mencari semua bunga yang tersisa. Zhang dan Biu akhirnya sepakat untuk melawan Zua Zua secara bersama, sebab mereka tak ingin Pin Hwa milik mereka disentuh oleh nya. Peperangan sengit pun terjadi, namun kerajaan Zhang harus mengalami sebuah kejadian tragis yang hampir melenyapkan semua keturunannya. Beberapa abad setelah kejadian perang tersebut, seorang lelaki yang datang dari keluarga kecil di pelosok desa, mencoba mencari tahu apa arti dari mimpi yang selama ini selalu menghantuinya. ia pamit pada Ibunya dan pergi menuju kota Gihun, yang ternyata merupakan kerajaan wilayah Zhang. Mengetahui anaknya selama 1 tahun tidak pulang dan ternyata berada di Zhang, ibu nya sangat khawatir dan segera mencari keberadaan Quan Xa, anak nya. Yuen Ywe, putri cantik dari kerajaan Ywe cukup terpukau dengan keahlian serta sifat Quan Xa yang rajin dan cekatan ketika ia sedang pergi ke kerajaan Zhang. Mereka secara diam-diam bersama mempelajari ilmu penguasaan air secara mendalam dibantu dengan seorang guru. kemudian..

YuanYue_ · ファンタジー
1 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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