
The demon of the battlefield

Ashley_Ketchum44 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 4


A year quickly passed since my parents death, and the war is still going on. After my parents death I immersed myself into training alongside my three partners, Summer, Autumn and Snow. We trained until we could barely walk most of the time and continued to fight those who ran to the village where the survivors from the last confrontation still lived. I had grown much during this time.

I kept reading the scrolls my parents left me for days on end to learn all they had to teach as well as training the jutsus they left me. I also started to train with Tessaiga. It also turns out that the tessaiga that I received from the god or whatever, always stayed in its fang form. Funnily enough I managed to recreate a technique from another anime that I watched when I was young. Can you guess? No? I fucking created a chakra based getsuga tensho. You know, the slash that splits the heaven in bleach? Yeah, I know Im badass.

As for my three companions, yeah they have grown too, just much more than me. They are 152 cm long and 1.4 m tall with Summer being the smallest of them with only a couple cm. They have also learned quite a few of the inuzuka jutsu over this time.

But the hardest part was when it came to my bloodlines. You see, all is good when you have power, but when you dont have any jutsu to use with this power, thats the hard part. I ended up having to try and recreate many of the jutsu I saw on tv as well as create my own. It went fine, if you dont count half the mountain covered in basalt (Lava stone). I also had to regrow quite a few trees over my time training.

Now that I had been training for a while, I decided to join the war. Yeah, not smart decision from what should be a ten year old, but Im trained to be a shinobi this time, so why not use my training. I put on a shihakusho that I had ordered made from the town, strapped tessaiga on my back that I had thankfully become big enough to carry properly, along with a certain ceiling scroll that hung horizontal across my lower back. I then took a look into the mirror and saw quite the sight.

In the mirror stood a boy with a heigh of 145 cm with long silver hair going down to his lower back. He had sharper teeth than a normal person and a more feminine face than he would have liked. He wore a black shihakusho with long sleeves that almost covered hist hands. He carried a giant sword ov his back as well as a scroll, white in color. He also wore traditional geta sandals. That was me, Inuyasha Inuzuka Senju, now ten years of age and about to enter the battlefield for the first time since he came to this world.

"You guys ready?" I asked my three wolves.

"Wrooff!" They called out simultaniously.

"Then lets go and finally go to where we belong, Konoha." I said, and we exited the house. I took a moment to look back at the house that had been my home since my birth before finally turning around and running off into the distance.

- Timeskip.

We ran for nearly two days straight before we sat up a camp. We had barely crossed the southern border to reach fire country. We had to evade quite a few ninja patrolling the border, but we managed for the most part. There had of course been some enemy shinobi from other countries around that we had to fight. Thankfully there werent any strong ones around, so we killed them and went off again.

We kept up this routine for days on end. untill we finally reached the western battlefield in grass country. I already had a vendetta against grass because of the battle that took place a year before, but I didnt base my attack on that. No I went there to get proper experience in a real battle.

As I arrived at the battlefront, I noticed multiple grass and konoha shinobi engaged in battle, so I grabbe my blade and unsheathed it before jumping into the fray. One shinobi after the other, I cut the down. There werent any real challenge among those I fought, but they fought in groups of up to five at a time, so I got a bit of excercise. I noticed that the konoha shinobi had noticed my presense, but thankfully they understood that I wasnt their enemy, but rather an ally. My three partners fought too. One they bit in the neck, the next they clawed to shreds. It was a bloodbath.

We fought for hours on end before the fighting finally started to die down with the grass nin retreating. Seeing as my enemies ran off, I wiped off my blade and sheathed it. I was about to run off again when I was stopped.

"Hey, kid wait up!"

I turned around to notice a man wearing the standard konoha jonin uniform, a sword strapped to his back as well as a cylindrical object on his back. I also recognised who the man was.

"Uncle Shinku..." I said with a small smile on my face.

"Uncle...? Wait, dont tell me. Silver hair and that face.... Inuyasha is that you?" I nodded with a small smile at him. He grinned and pulled me into a hug. I just hugged him back, though it was a bit hard since he was taller than me by quite a bit.

"Its been a long while since I have seen you kid. What are you doing here on the battlefield? And where are Itama and Kaede?"

"Well, lets find a place to sit down first. Its gonna be a long story." He nodded at my words, noting the tired sigh I let out with my words.

We walked together towards his camp where I could see multiple shinobi that I both could and couldnt recognise. But what I did see was that they were wary of me. I would too if I was in the middle of a war and a kid with an oversized butterknife and three giant wolves showed up and started to slaughter the enemy.

We finally entered a tent where I noticed another familiar face.

"Aunt Hiromi is here too?" I asked the man next to me.

"Yeah, she and I were assigned the same front. Hey, Hiromi! Look who we have here!" He answered before calling out to a woman who was surrounded with medical equipment. She looked over at Shinku before finally noticing me. I could nearly see her eyes almost popping out of her skull when she saw me. Not a moment after she had seen me, it was as if she disappeared. The next moment I felt myself being engulfed in a hug.

"Inuyasha!" She sobbed in what I could presume was happiness.

"Hey there aunt Hiromi." I said as I hugged her back.

"What are you doing here? Its dangerous you know." We could hear Shinku scoffing from the side. We both looked over at him, Hiromi with a glowering expression and me with a bit of amusement.

"Dangerous? That kid and his wolves just slaughtered a great part of their forces, and I dont even see a scratch on him."

I could once again see her eyes nearly popping out of her head before she started to make a thorough check on me, lifting my arms and legs. It was when she was about to check under my clothes that I stopped her.

"Nope, not happening." I told her. She just puffed her cheeks and turned her back to me.

"Fine the, I wont make sure youre safe." She sat back down on her chair and motioned us to some other chairs in the tent.

"Now then kid. You said you would explain why youre her." I nodded.

"Yeah, but first." Before they could ask what was happening, I whistled. From the entrance of the tent came three large wolves the size of a pony.

"Oh my kami!" Hiromi exclaimed.

"Dont worry. These are my partners."

"You got yourself some ninken?"

I shook my head. "Not ninken. These are whats called a direwolf. Basically oversized wolves." I told them as the three sat beside me. I just started to stroke their fur.

"From far left to right," I said as I indicated with my arms. "They are Autumn, Summer and Snow. Found them as pups and raised them myself." They looked at the three wolves in silent astonishment.

"Well to why Im here...."

I started to tell them my story, from when I was six, the last time they visited. I told them that my training went well, how I found the pups. Then a battle broke out a year before, how my parents died, at which they had started to cry silently while listening. I told them that I took my blade from one of the nins that I killed that day, and how I stayed there the last year to train before deciding to join the war, both to gain experience, but also so that I could integrate with the konoha forces before finally moving to konoha.

"And thats my story." I said with a sigh. Snow, maybe feeling that my emotions was heightened, snuggled up to me some more in comfort.

"So Itama and Kaede... Well shit...." Shinku, who still had tears in his eyes said. Hiromi on the other hand was loudly crying and ran up for a hug, which I reciprocated, finally letting a tear fall.

"So, you have it all planned out?" She asked when she decided to let me go free from her hug.

"Yeah. I want the forces to know me when the war is over. This will also make it harder for the upper eschelon to try and manipulate me. Dont think I dont know about people like Danzo Shimura. I probably know more than most."

"I know I know. Just be careful, okay?" She said, to which I nodded.

"Thats the plan." When we were going to talk some more, a shinobi clad in a chunin uniform entered the tent and saluted.

"Chunin Hia here. Jonin Shinku Yuhi and Jonin Hiromi Hyuga have been summoned by the commanders. They also said to bring the newcomer." He reported before leaving. I just sighed.

"It seems its time to introduce one of the last senju to the world." I said with a wry smile.

We left the tent, all six of us and walked to the commanders tent. Shinku announced our arrival and we waited for the permission to enter.

"Enter." I heard a lazy voice from inside.

Shinku opened the tent flap and let the trio, Hiromi and me enter first before entering himself. Inside I saw three faces I didnt expect to see here. Mostly since from what I knew, they should be in wind country, not grass.

The first person I saw had long ash blond hair reaching into his back, which he wore spiky on top and ending in a long ponytail, blue-green eyes and strong facial features, which included a well defined jaw line.

The next was a tall, plump man with naturally brown hair, but seems to wear a long, spiky red hair-piece. He has purple markings on his cheeks. He wears a samurai like outfit which entails a black suit completed with armour that has the kanji for "food" on it. He also wears a rope belt, hand-guards, and instead of a forehead protector a hachimaki tied around his head.

And the final person whom I knew the voice from before belonged to. He had two scars on the right side of his face which were probably his most noticeable feature. He had dark hair tied up into a spiky ponytail, dark eyes as well as a goatee. His ears were also pierced. He wore a meshed shirt underneath his flak jacket, a deer skin coat over that and hand guards.

They were this generations Ino-Shika-Cho, Inoichi Yamanaka, father of Ino. Shaikaku Nara, father of Shikamaru. And Choza Akimichi, father of Choji.

I noticed that I was the one being looked at, so I spoke.

"Well, its only polite that I introduce myself." They seemed to accept what I said, so I continued.

"My name is Inuyasha.... Inuyasha Inuzuka Senju..."