
The Demon's Hidden Treasures

“I didn’t want this Izan, this is all your fault” she said looking away from the mirror to look away from him. “I know but I need you and you agreed to this, so it’s not my fault after all” he said forcing her face to look back at her. “I did not, you coerced me into this so don’t you turn this on me, now please let’s get on with what is necessary” “I am not sleeping with you, sex is intimate and sacred” she said standing to walk away from him. She couldn’t believe she was denying a good night with him. The beautiful and handsome King of the darkness Izan. “Trust me I know darling, it is sacred” he stressed on the ‘is’ but then continued, “but to you it’s not” She narrowed her eyes finally looking at his gorgeous face. Sometimes he looked cute and she felt like she could pinch his cheeks but on the other hand, dark pleasure played on his face. “What do you mean Izan?” How did he know about her habits back at home? “Well, I did some digging and, I found alot so this should not be a big issue for you Neera” “With you it is” “I’m sorry, but they’re here and we need to do it” “No” her eyes snapped to the door when a knock interrupted their banter. “Yes Neera” he said his black eyes glinting the dark of the room. The door opened letting in cold air and three people. Why did she agree to his offer? **** What happens when you take an unwanted journey to find treasure. Treasure that you don't really need but end up finding more that just treasure. A new world in which you didn't really want any relation with. It was her one last time that she gave in but the results were much greater. ;The Cover is not mine and credit should be given to the owner. This is NOT a Fanfiction. Enjoy.

AlesHa14 · その他
16 Chs

Enemies to Lovers Trope

Haelyn observed the room she'd been assigned as hers with squinted eyes. Klara dissapeared after making sure she got into the car and left her premises.

Haelyn never even got the chance to say goodbye to her mother and brother. They would be alright, Klara promised.

"Haelyn Fowler, come with me" the womanly voice came from outside so she quickly walked out fast enough so that she couldn't be left behind.

"Where are we going?"

"Just follow me," after some minutes of walking and manouvering some corners they finally arrived at their destination.

"So here we are, here is where you're going to train for four months and later you'll receive a brochure with everything that shall happen here in the next few months.

"If you need anything just write at the forms over there and hand them to me before.." she looked at the clock at her wrist, "five o'clock and it's four thirty so hurry up"

She finished waving her hand for her to get in and she did joining the rest of the girls her age. Some actually younger than her.

What were they training for anyways?


Not long, they were assigned to their rooms. They were single and small. Each of them had their own rooms.

She inspected everything given to them with cautious eye. A pair of pyjamas, socks and inner wear in one bag.

The other bag had high heels and lingerie. Her eyes bulged at she held out the lingerie. This was way to exposing for her.

Why was she given this?

She couldn't wear that even at the comfort of her own room.

The brochure only had a time table for their activities. Nothing more or less.

She slumped into the mattress sighing out loudly.

What had she gotten herself into?


Cold deep sexy and familiar.

"Who said that?" Haelyn looked around with searching eyes.

Neera looked at Izan then pointed to his direction so that Haelyn could have an inkling as to his direction.


"There, a man in a black cloak" she directed her head to look at him but seems like her eyes were closed. "You don't see him?"

Neera asked unbelievably.

"No I don't but I hear him"

Izan stood there like a statue just watching their chatter. Neera had the urge to call his name but he was looking behind them so she turned to find a fire aflame the building they had been locked in although it was some distance from them.

"What did you do? she asked implying to Haelyn's state of vision.

"I think it's pretty clear what I just did, no need to explain myself" Izan said still looking behind her at the flames.

"I mean, her vision" she pointed at Haelyn, the state of her leg completely forgotten about.

"I didn't do anything, she's human so that has to happen" he explained plainly, dismissing the existence of Haelyn and he started walking away.

Haelyn looked at Neera questioningly clearly not understanding him, Neera was human too. Right?

"I am human too, I shouldn't be seeing you either right?"

"If you see me, that technically means that you are not human" he explained again already bored by the conversation that hadn't brought a lot of benefit to their situation.

"I am human, I don't know what you're saying" she helped Haelyn up and tried to reach him since he was walking too fast with his incredibly long legs.

"Is there any point of this conversation because it's getting annoying to talk about the same thing for so long" he sent a glare her way after turning around to look at her.

"Yes…No!" it was true there was no point in a conversation that wouldn't actually lead to Haelyn getting back her sight or turning her into a non-human which she couldn't agree to. "But-"

"I wish I could see him, is he handsome?" Haelyn interrupted breaking the ice and tension between Izan and Neera.

Oh yes, he is totally handsome but- she couldn't say that in his presence.

"No, he's not, he's…" she didn't finish the statement and Haelyn was quick to finish the statement but not in the way she expected. Although she was still limping, her eyes livened with animation and delight.

"This is so good, you could be and enemies to lovers trope" she didn't particularly direct to Neera but she heard her and she was confused as the man ahead of them was.

What was Haelyn spewing?


"You know, like when at the beginning you two are enemies then end up falling in love and you have very cute baby girls or boys" she said dreamily as if picturing two cute babies. Neera would have loved babies to but not with the handsome freak ahead of them.

"I don't know that but we aren't enemies with him" she pointed at him but whispered instead of speaking audibly.

"He's enemies with you, he doesn't like you that much"

"How do you know that, you just met him?"

She slightly tapped on Neera to emphasize on her point, "Trust me, Darling there's a lot you learn from a person's tone of speech"

"I…guess" she didn't know if she disliked Izan or otherwise and she didn't care, what she wanted was to go home and spend the rest of her youthful days gaining pleasure from Jason then get married off to some king or crown prince then get a son who would be the next king and she would be the old and boring king's mother.

How so not enticing.

Deep down though, she knew that when she went back home, she would want to have known what would have happened if she wouldn't go back home. The what-ifs would be plenty and her mother taught her to avoid what-ifs.

Pretty undecided but she was staying, though not sure exactly where.