Everyday is a new. Some people have bad day some people have good day some people discover new things .But at the night we all think what we done in hole day . we think about our happy moments , our embarss moments,our sad moments and our new moments. The story is about a girl.who at her age she discover new things.new peoples .
Do you ever had a deep day ? deep day means the day when you have deep thoughts so much called I call it deep day . cause I will be daydream all day all night that why i called it deep day.
In the 15 th November 2020 was a day like that.
I woke up late from the bed . Well... in the lockdown my sleep circle has been changed it's not my fault don't judge me i wake up by my beautiful mother scream .
I have to eat the lunch cause i missed the breakfast
after eating lunch. Mom tell me she will go out to buy a broom
she asked me to go with her cause my two sister will go to the gym and my father is a police officer so he will be busy. no elder will be at home. And my beautiful old mother doesn't want to leave me at home .so I have to go with my mother. They think if i stay at home I will break things I will make a bad incident . Ok first of all I am not a 5 years old kid and second of all they will lock the door and third of all I scared of fire . So what I can do nothing right ? except watching TV. I love TV . When I was 5 years old or 7 years old I thought if I become grown up I will marry a TV . Don't laugh ok I was a kid .
You know sometimes I feel like I am the most dumbest , weird person in the world or I am a loser . I don't have capability to do that . I always doubt myself that can I really do it . But suddenly I thinks that I have a hidden power. And my hidden power is my mind . I think that nobody can't stand with my mind or with my imagine . Wait I am not a narcissist ok . I think that cause I made a world by myself . I don't know when I made this world Even I don't know why? Maybe because of my lonliness. When I was little everyone was busy. I was at home all the time. So I don't have friends. I was lonley but I never feel lonley. Cause when I watched cartoons I thought they are reals. Reals means they have lifes in there world and I still believe it . And I used to daydream a lot.
Leaving Time
So its time to leave guys.Ok my sisters are gone to gym. My dad is still in the office . We are going to the market . So today I fold the clothes so my mother said she will take me to BFC. I like BFC's chickens. They are so good. We left for the market. But first we are going BFC. When we are going? I saw many many beggars. I felt so bad for them. I wish I would have some money. U know what in our country there so much uneducated , jobless , poor peoples but our government dosen't do anything about this . And our education system is not so good . These peoples can do work they have strength, they have hand and leg . Mostly I feel bad for those womans who sell's flowers they can go to NGOs they are so many NGOs in our country. I feel so bad when I can't help , So I make a plan when I will beacome grown up I will make a gaint charity for beggers and street kids .
after we buy a broom . In the road we saw my dad . So we buy few more things then gone home . Cause my home tutor is comeing .
After I fresh up . My tutor has come so I am studying now. when I was reading .My sister was reading english lesson the lesson is about teenage. teenagers feelings , teenager physical reactions . what a girl should do in her teenage ? ok I want know something this a english book girls and boys both read it . why it's all about girls ?? boys also have some teenage situation like girls . I arleady tell you guys in our country education system is not so good . In our country there so many rape victims . Some peoples get justice some people not .Which is not good . In our country we really need to talk about Sex education . but nobody talks about it .
After my teacher gone . I watch TV . Then i gone to sleep. I listened some music I falled to sleep .
That was my day guys hope u enjoyed . And remmber one thing guys never underestimate yourself . if u can't do this it's ok . No one is perfect . Just do whatever you want . Enjoy your Life . Hope you have a nice day.