
Chapter 8

"YEAH !!!" Naruto shouted in glee, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"What are you getting excited about Naruto?" Sakura asked, hands on her hips.

"Is this your first time leaving the village, Naruto?" Naruto nodded his head and grinned.

"I'm finally a traveler !! Believe it!" Mylia chuckled into her sleeve, her eyes softly looking at Naruto.

"Am I really supposed to trust this runt with my life? He's nothing but a joke!" Tazuna insulted, pointing to Naruto.

Naruto glared at him.

Kakashi smiled behind his mask.

"Don't bother with him. I'm a Jounin, so there's nothing to worry about" Tazuna looked at Kakashi before pointing a finger at Mylia.

"When she's here, there's nothing to worry about anyways" Kakashi looked at Mylia in suspicion. She gave him a smirk until her heard Naruto.

Mylia turned her head and see Naruto jabbed his finger in Tazuna's direction.

"Hey old man! Don't ever insult ninja's, especially me !! Someday I'm gonna be Hokage, believe it !! My names Naruto Uzumaki, remember it !!"

Tazuna took a gulp of his sake,

"Hokage's are the most powerful Ninja's of all centuries. Not to mention wise. Unlike you, a puny brat who's completely brainless.

The day you become Hokage is when it rains cat's and dogs" Naruto glared at him.

"Shut up!" Naruto shouted, an anime vein on his head,

"I'll do anything to become Hokage, even if that means going through the most toughest of situations! And when I do become Hokage, everyone will have admit that I'm a powerful ninja including you !! " Tazuna sneered at him.

"Oh trust me kid, I won't. You can be Hokage for years and to me you'll still be nobody. A loser!" Naruto suddenly charged at him until Kakashi held him back sighing.

"Instead of conversing, how about we continue the mission?" Mylia muttered, they looked at her and nodded.

*Time skip***

"Hey Tazuna-San?" Sakura asked as they were walking.

"you're from the country of the wave, right?"

Mylia wasn't focused with them since she was staring at the sky while walking. She was daydreaming as she looked at Sakura, getting back to real life. She felt a hand on top of her head as she looked at kakashi who was smiling at her.

She blushed slightly and removed his hand off.

As they were walking Mylia had sensed that two ninja's were following them since they left Konoha's gates. Mylia hummed.

Mylia saw a puddle on the ground and raised both her eyebrows in amusement.

'These ninja's are honestly pathetic. Do they really think that we wouldn't notice? ' Devil huskily laughed. Mylia smirked at his comment.

Mylia pretended to act casual and took out a Kunai.

She twirled it around her finger rapidly before accidentally dropping it in the puddle.

She secretly added some lightning and smirked triumphantly as she heard a grunt of pain. When we walked past it, I heard the sounds of chains.

"What !?" Kakashi 'acted' surprised as chains wrapped around his entire body. The Demon Brothers pulled the chains and Kakashi was 'killed'.

Mylia looked on in amusement. She knew that was clone. The real Kakashi was hiding behind the trees. Sakura screamed in fear "K-Kakashi-Sensei !!" Naruto shouted in fear.

The two ninja's rushed forward and started attacking us.

Mylia created a shadow clone to stay near Naruto as one of the other ninja's came towards her.

She snatched the guys wrist as he tried to swipe at her with his poison claw.

Mylia punched him in the face, making him fly back and hit the tree. He cried out in pain. Mylia noticed Sasuke taking care of the other as Sakura protected Tazuna.

"Now you're dead !!" The others looked at Mylia in fear as she calmly stood there, an eyebrow raised.

"Mylia !!" They cried out in fear, surprisingly Sasuke too. She raised her hand and activated her Kekkei Genkai "Akuma Style: Devil chain whip!" A long vine like rope, covered in glimmering rose petal that reflect the black blood appeared in her hands.

She swung it at the ninja, lashing his body with it.

Mylia watched as it made contact all over his body. He shouted in agony and slumped to the ground in a bloody heap The others stared at Mylia in disbelief and incredulity.

She deactivated her Kekkei Genkai and the whip disappeared.

Kakashi suddenly appeared.

"Hi" He looked at Mylia, curiosity in his eyes as she stared back.

"Sorry I didn't you help you right away Naruto. I didn't think you'd freeze up like that. Luckily Mylia 's clone was there to protect you in time."

Naruto looked at Mylia as Kakashi said that.

He passed Naruto.

"Well done Sasuke, very smooth. You too Sakura. Mylia, I'm very impressed with your skills, excellent work" He then moved to tie the two brothers to a tree.

Naruto was looking at Mylia and Sasuke 'Sasuke didn't even receive any scratch marks on his body! Mylia hardly moved yet she was able to take them down !! Why can't I keep up with them !? ' Naruto thought, a bitter expression on his face.

Mylia looked at Naruto before calmly walking up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. He glanced up at her, before looking away in awkward.

"Naruto, don't feel ashamed. You did nothing wrong. It's normal for ninja's to freeze up when they are in combat for the first time. Don't worry, you'll get better. On another note, are you hurt? " Mylia murmured. He glanced at her before nodding his head.

"Thanks Mylia ..." He told her.

Mylia nodded her head and watched as Sasuke approached us.

"Hey, you're not hurt are you? Scaredy cat"

Mylia rolled her eyes at his comment.

Sasuke looked at me "Are you alright, Mylia?" He asked her with a gently voice.

Mylia looked at him in surprise before nodding my head.

In the corner of my eye, she could see Sakura glaring at her.

Mylia turned her head when Naruto started shouting at Sasuke.

"NARUTO !!!" Kakashi cut him off.

"Naruto! Hold still! These ninja's have poison in their claws. We need to get rid of it quickly" .

Naruto looked at his hand, slightly scared.

"You have to open the wound and remove it. It's in your blood , so don't move around. It could spread quickly and kill you. By the way Mr. Tazuna, "Kakashi looked at Tazuna"

We need to talk "Tazuna gulped. Mylia walked up to Naruto.

"Give me your hand Naruto" He looked at Mylia in confusion before complying.

He gave her his hand and a black aura appeared on Mylia. She placed it on his hand and started to heal his wound.

"Woah, what's that?" Naruto asked. Mylia glanced at him "Medical Ninjutsu." Mylia simply said.

Sakura looked at her with jealousy in her eyes.

Kakashi smiled at Mylia.

"Well, seems like we have a medic on the team."

Mylia smiled slightly. Mylia turned back to the wound and shocked to see the wound already cured.

"Why do you have that weird expression on your face !? Am I gonna die !?" Naruto started to flail around.

Kakashi approached us and looked at the fully healed wound while Mylia approached the Demon Brothers.

They looked at Mylia before recognition flashed in their eyes.

"Mylia?! Didn't think we'd see you again" They said.

Mylia nodded her head.

"Me either, I didn't think our reunion would be like this. Anyways, onto business. Who sent you?" Mylia questioned.

They looked at one another "Gato" .

Mylia narrowed her eyes.

'That bastard ?! Stupid short guy, he pisses the hell out of me'*Mylia thought. *

"Gato? Well, it seems we have more to expect than just you guys. I have a feeling he'll probably send someone else" mylia admitted.

They nodded. She released them from the binds as they stood up.

"Thanks Mylia, and be careful" They told her.

Mylia nodded her head and watched as they flashed away. Kakashi and the others looked at her curiously.

"Let's get moving." She told them.

They nodded and we continued our way. Kakashi suddenly appeared beside Mylia.

"Mylia, what was that Jutsu you used? I never saw anything like it" Kakashi asked. The others also looked at her interested.

Mylia sighed ."That was my mother's clan's Kekkei Genkai. No further questions" She finalized.

Mylia walked up ahead but she could still feel Kakashi's gaze on her back. She sighed. This is going to be one long trip ..

*with team 10**

Tylia stand in the Hokage's office, the river cleaned and her clothes changed.

"I promised them a better mission if they did a good job sir, you can check the river yourself if you'd like. It's the cleanest it has been in years."

"Hmm .. What mission would you suggest?" The old man asked Iruka's opinion.

"You can't seriously be considering this! They're fresh out of the academy, they can't handle a mission like those." Iruka objects.

"Well a promise is a promise, we have an escort mission and a delivery mission."

" Deliver a message to the Kazekage."

Asuma seemed to ponder for a minute before making his decision.

"I haven't been to Sunagakure in a while, it might be nice to catch up with some people over there." Tylia's sensei accepted the message and mission details before turning to her.

"We'll leave bright and early tomorrow morning, it'll be several days so be prepared and make sure you're ready to go." He says, Tylia's team follows him out of the office before he parts ways.

"Does anyone want to grab something to eat?" Chōji questions.

"No way! I have to get packed." Ino says, she starts to walk away before pausing.

"But definitely another time!" Chōji looks toward Shikamaru.

"Sure, whatever." The young Nara said with a shrug.

"You coming Tylia?"

"Why not?" Tylia respond, following the two friends to Ramen Ichiraku despite not liking ramen. The three of them talked for hours as she ate, although Tylia and Shikamaru had finished their food long before then. In the end Choji didn't have enough money to cover all the food he ate so both of them chipped in.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." Tylia said as she exited the restaurant . Before Tylia stepped out of the restaurant, suddenly Tylia's hand was pulled by Shikamaru.

"Let's hang out, just the two of us"said shikamaru shyly.

Tylia quickly accepted Shikamaru's invitation without hesitation because for Tylia, maybe it was only on the basis of friendship but apparently not for shikamaru.

Shikamaru actually has a heart for Tylia but does not show it very much, that's why he wants to take Tylia out alone.

In the past Tylia always had spending her time with Naruto but now not anymore because they are different teams. Shikamaru felt very grateful to be able to group with Tylia, so he can try to get closer to Tylia.

"So where do we want to hang out?,"Tylia said softly.

"Training ground? "*Shikamaru said hesitation*

"O-oh okay"*Tylia said as she went to walked away to go to the training ground but suddenly shikamaru quickly hold her hand and they walked together .

On the way to the place, Tylia's heart pounded hardly as she felt the glance of shikamaru's eyes towards her .

Shikamaru hopes that no one is at the training ground. After reaching the destination, shikamaru saw no one there, he searched for a little hidden place so that no disturbance would occur at them.

They sat on the edge of a rock and a shady tree .

"Why did you suddenly ask us to go out alone together? Is there anything you want to tell me that you don't want anyone to know? "Tylia asked confused.

Shikamaru was nervous but still looked at Tylia's red eyes.

Tylia's cheeks flushed.

"shika ~ ..don't stare at me, I felt ashamed when you stare at me~"Tylia gently hit shikamaru's chest.

Shikamaru smirked at Tylia.

"Oorff!, That not nice, Tylia.... Don't hit me"shikamaru made a sore face .

Tylia's eyes were round.

"I didn't hit you hard right?! "Tylia asked worriedly.

shikamaru trying hard to held back a laugh but failed.

"Hahahahhaha... You've a cute look when you are worried , seriously I can't stand it because it's so cute.. "said shikamaru then pinched Tylia's cheek.

Tylia made a pouty face while she crossed her arms .

"Shika!! You such meany!! "

Shikamaru chuckled as he leaned against a large rock.

"did you love naruto?"Shikamaru suddenly asked.

"What do you mean by that, shika I don't understand? "Tylia said.

"What I mean is, do you love Naruto? I mean ever fall in love with him? Did you ever kiss him? Or did he say something about he love you or what"Shikamaru trying to explained it to Tylia.

"K-kiss???!"Tylia say slowly as she remembered all the event happened between her and Naruto.

Shikamaru heard it even she said with slow voice.

he grabbed the grass under him, not satisfied with Naruto's action of cutting his path to seduce Tylia first.

Shikamaru don't know what thing possessing him that make he willing to do strange things to Tylia.

Shikamaru moved closer to Tylia as Tylia freeze didn't move. He stroked Tylia's soft cheek then held her chin up and quickly claim tylia's mouth.

At first Tylia was shocked but eventually she returned Shikamaru's kiss while closing her eyes.

He held her, rubbing his thumbs back and forth, while his tongue gently prodded her lips until she opened her mouth just enough for him to slip his tongue inside.

The second Tylia felt the warmth of his lips on hers her mind exploded, bursts of fireworks in every color under the rainbow flashing bright behind her closed eyelids. She'd never felt anything like it and she was positive there wasn't anything better in the whole wide world than kissing Shikamaru.

She lifted her hands and placed them on his shoulders, holding onto him for all she was worth. She was sure she never wanted to let him go.

Hours later, though it was only minutes in reality, he pecked her lips once, then twice before resting his forehead against hers.

"Wow." It was all Tylia could think to say but it said everything.

He smiled at her, one that lit up his eyes and made her stomach do flips that would make anyone jealous.

"I've wanted to do that for months but Naruto did it first but nevermind" He laughed a bit nervously at the admission, but didn't regret it in the least.

Wow indeed. *Tylia blushing hard*

Yes.... *shikamaru blushing *

Hey... *Tylia pokes shikamaru Cheek * I've to started packed... Tomorrow we will leaving for the mission.

Yeah...…then let's go home *shikamaru said as he offered his hand to help her get-up*

Thank you *Tylia hold his hand back and get up from where she was sitting*

After that, they went home.