
Get out alive

Crowds hold their breath as the Behemoth comes closer towards Akagi's burned out body, Akagi is still alive but drained all Biotium, unable to regenerate.

He just stays there watching The Behemoth coming to take his life. One of the audience discussing each other, one man says to the another.

"Hey, it's all fake right? The show I mean."

The other man replied to the other.

"Of course it is a show, like a movie, it's for the entertainment, I'm sure that Burned Victim is acting, to create tension."

Despite all the audience thinks, the Battleground is real, Akagi really burned as hell, unable to do anything.

"So this is it, my end, I'm still not able to move, bearing breathing, I don't feel any pain, not even looking at my body."

Akagi just slightly opens his eyes seeing the Behemoth coming

Behemoth roars rise a hand to smash Akagi, seeing that he thinks, "Well, this is my end" he closed his eyes.

But it was taking to long, crowd dreads and surprises hearing them discussing each other.

"Why am I not dead? Does something happen?"

Akagi opened his eyes and exclaimed.

Tomita Mitsumasa holding the Behemoth's large hands with his one hand holding Ali by other hand. Seemly Ali quite beat up, by his the unrecognised face, bloody mouth.

Tomita while smiling he announced "Ladies and gentlemen, sorry for interference but we have decided the Winner, there is" he releases the other hand, grabs the Behemoth's chubby legs and tossing it on the ground.

Everybody including Akagi himself was massively exclaimed, how powerful he is. The Behemoths minimum weight is 1 to 3 tons and he plays with it as if it is a toy.

"There is no need for you to be alive any more, I already taken care of your master's bodyguards and his bunny bitches and now I'll take care of you"

He runs towards the fallen Behemoth and jumped and dive like a swimmer dive in a swimming pool, he did exactly he went into its fat belly and ripping off everything that it inside. The big Monster is agonising in pain, a strange wave's movement coming from that Behemoth's body soon it is moving upwards.

Around its chest, Tomita tears, its heart inside out, blood smashing everywhere, like a fat man swallow a grenade and it explodes in the belly. As it becomes weaker, expand his Seaks and consumed the Monster.

Mutants cannot consume fully big creatures or those who have big biomass. If Mutants tries to consume it, the creature will not disappeared completely , it only able to absorb all Biotium inside, drying the creature out.

After Tomita got out from the monster's belly, soaking in blood, even his spiky hair falls down as wet. He grabbed Ali throws down near Akagi's burned body; Tomita asked him to consume Ali for obtaining Biotium to heal himself, Ali was terrified to hear that he begging for mercy.

Akagi looked Ali begging to him and told Tomita supposedly to his last breath.

"No, I can't kill him intentionally to save me, I won't... I won't kill him, killing is wrong, even it takes my life, I'm not a murderer, I rather die than becoming something else."

"Oh, so you refuse to devour him, knowing that he's the one sent you to get killed, that's alright I'll help you" Tomita punched Ali's belly with pouring blood coming from it, as Ali agonising in pain a dozens of Seaks appearing from Tomita's body. While halfway of the consumption he puts the other hand on Akagi's body. Half of his Seaks went to Akagi's body slowly repairing him, as Tomita working as a mild man he let Akagi indirectly Consume Ali.

As Akagi gets up again as fully recovered, his hair back to normal, no burned scars, his skin turned into his milky fair skinned as before but he's topless because his clothes burned down from the fire a few portions of his pants still intact.

"What am I become? Powers like this I will become a total freak."

Akagi wondered, looking at his fully recovered body,

As for the audience some cheers for Akagi and some yelling about Tomita interference and killing that man, to silence them he went closer towards the dyed Behemoth's body, pulling its head and separates it from his body.

Tomita bounce its big head like a football and throws the head onto the crowd.

"This is going to make you keep silence for all."

The head stuck into the wall, its yellow three eyes melt away from his socket like egg yolks falling. A warm thick blood rains from above follows up some of its brain matter. As the crowd screams in fear and gets out of the Arena as quickly as they can.

Akagi first recognised Tomita Mitsumasa as kind, gentle, polite and knew a lot about what's is around him. But in same time he saw a brutal sadistic psychopath.

After they gone Tomita puts his pocket and gave him a plastic wrapped money that has full covered in blood "Here you go your winning prize, we'll meet soon enough, you started the madness and cruelty in this world, soon you realised it too, until then Addio (goodbye)".

He lets him go at the same time; he thought an Evil plan plotting for him "Now it makes you last prey for my new cycle".

Akagi hopelessly get outs from the arena, this is the experience that Akagi will never forget.


Back in the Green zone Hyoubu Masamune reached the ground floor with his partner Nakajō Tomotaki, on his way to the exit.

On the way to wait Tomotaki, Masamune sees on a glass made Television stuck in the ground floor wall, an energetic man with army General uniform, high ranking badge on his shoulder, has long light brown hair that reaches up to his shoulder, with a short black beard. The man talks with Press saying about the situation.

"In recent Mutant's activities Brittonia recruitment has been increasing and weapons technology went developing until its limits, all the things we do to keep us humans safe from those savage."

"You talk Human safety, but we've received many complains from the citizens about cruelty from Brittonia in the other zones."

A female reporter interrupted him

Before the General explains himself, the other male reporter asked another question, he looked at his notes.

"And, and.. What about the conditions of the other zones? Undeveloped technologies outside of TYZ, unstable economy, forced occupation over unmarked territory over Japanese islands, overpopulation, citizens still living constant fear for the Mutants, you may have made Green Zone safe but real question arises for how long we will safe from that Virus, all that funding that the Empire receiving from the A.N.A, still you people talks about Brittonia, MRC and even Lex unit doing nothing just display of violence and atrocities in those zones in the name of Mutant extermination, what about internal rebels."

General looked down silence for a moment then spoke with confidence.

"Do you ever fought a war, a war against time between two races, do you think everything according to your plan."

He clearly his throat.

"Ahem... to secure the fate of Humans we have to take hashed actions. We're living in the city surrounded by zombies, monsters and Mutants, we still are very successfully keeping the virus in the east not growing any further, and we will keeping the city as safe as possible. We also have spending billions even trillions of money, developing technology, advancing bio research, paying millions of soldiers for day to day duties and STILL this animals are willing to s kill us taking our right from us, rule the world like it's their own."

He straighten his body "Because TYZ and the all other States belongs to The Imperium of Brittonia Empire and to it's citizens, one else."

Tomotaki finally reached into ground, he saw Masamune lost in the TV "Mute" he command the TV.

Seeing TV have muted Masamune looked at him.

"Who's that?" he asked Tomotaki

Tomotaki replied "General Kakehashi Yuzuru He is in charge of controlling over the Capital also head of the five Generals, do you know the system works after the martial law?"

"Yeah I know, the city divided 5 zones for better control and their army, control civilians and exterminate any threats who came into contact."

"Correct! We are in war against these Monsters, a proxy war for who will live and will going be to extinction, there is possibility, Humans are likely to be extinct as well, Mutant's powers much more than we do. We're using scientific technologies or military weapons and techniques to counter them. And the general is reassuring to the press; we'll going to win for the sake for Humanity."

"Mutants are troublesome creatures if they continue with their evil deeds and that because innocent people suffering then I'll won't hesitate to take their lives with my Cube."

Hyoubu Masamune is a somewhat kind and heroic qualities unwilling to sacrifice the innocent, Hyoubu held a more positive outlook on the Empire, believing that it could be changed for the better.

"Well said Masamune, with a attitude like that, you'll get promoted very quickly."

Tomotaki spoke again and looked at the armed Brittonia car.

"Car waiting ready to go to the yellow zone."


Back to Akagi, he takes few days off, because the what happened to him he stayed at his apartment for few days, he didn't slept very well, following up with nightmares. He somehow gets up in the morning and went to Friendo's to inform his condition.

He reached Friendo's and saw The waited Yata, the one with the glass and brown hair with the ponytail is washing the table, Yamamoto on the hand cleaning the beer glass from the table.

When Yata and Yamamoto saw Akagi entered the door, Yata welcomes him

"Good to see you little Manager, are you have enough rest yet?"

Akagi replied with unpleasant voice,

"Yeah, I don't think do for the day, but I' be resuming tomorrow" he looked at the kitchen door "By the way, where is Misaki? Is she here, I really need to talk to her."

"Oh, It's her day off, she will be back tomorrow."

Yata said in disappointment

Yamamoto puts the glass on the table and politely said.

"Why don't you go to her Apartment if you're such a hurry" footsteps from the downstairs, Miyoshi was also about to Misaki's place, Yamamoto looked at Miyoshi.

"Plus can also take Miyoshi with you."

"That's OK, but where she live?"

Yamamoto given her address and Apartment name. After the hearing Apartment's name and room no.

After hearing that Akagi was baffled its the one floor above where he lives.

Knowing that they living a same apartment, Akagi went off with Miyoshi. While on the road waiting for traffic light, Akagi noticed few stickers that Miyoshi is carrying.

Akagi asked about the sticker.

"Hey, that's some nice stickers you got here, what's that for?"

"Those are for my scrapbooking, Misa-Chan has also one and she gave me a new notebook to fill in so I collected the sticker as I could"

Miyoshi showed her sticker and smiled

Akagi looked at stickers they were TV shows cartoon characters, he felt little happy for her but he did not say anything, went to their apartment.

On the third floor, he rings the bell, the door ones as Misaki directly asked "So what are you doing in here Four-eyes?" in home, she wears a short blue jeans and full sleeve black and white t-shirt.

"Could you just call me just my name, this is my apartment, I live below you and I brought Miyoshi-Chan here".

Misaki quite surprised to hear that all this time Akagi also lived in the same apartment.

"Huh… you're too, strange, I never see you in here, whatever."

She let them in, Akagi first saw Masaki's room, quiet normal for a teenage girl, light sliver colour room, study desk, books, single bed and a Led TV.

Miyoshi up her hand showed the stickers to Misaki.

"That's good, but you need collect more to fill the book, wait"

Misaki smiled, went and looked for the new one from the bookshelf

"Here you can place it right here."

Akagi was surprised to find that Misaki's strange hobby "So scrapbooking is hobby, kind of cute don't you think."

Hearing that from Akagi, she was overly exclaimed and stammered

"Wha!?? What!?... Damn right it's my hobby, you want to laugh seeing my quirky habits then laugh I won't care less, beside you are living in same house as me is problematic enough."

"No, no, calm down, there is no to justify yourself for having a hobby is a good thing and I like those kind hobbies."

Misaki looking elsewhere went on silent after hearing an unexpected answer from him, because everyone make fun of her for having a weird habit.

*Pip, pip, pip*

An text alarm rang from Akagi's smart watch, he swaps the watch to look at it ,

"Ah...its Yuji I got a get back to my usual training session, I'll see you later."

Misaki signs for a bit and suddenly remember what she intended to say about Tomita Mitsumasa, she stopped him right about the front door.

"Oh, I forgot, if that scumbag Mitsumasa asked you to hang out or offer you free food or anything, don't take it, it one of dirty plan to trick people".

Akagi was pissed because he about to ask same question so last but he did not say anything, just nod and go, when he opened the door suddenly someone appeared there, they intended to door as well.

Casual clothe wearing young thin girl with green eyes, yellow hair tied into a ponytail with a flower blue ribbon.

After she saw Akagi, she literally shocked,

She misunderstood and apologise "I really sorry, Mister I thought it was my friend, Mayumi, Misaki's room no.

It looks like I have been mistaken".

She tries to walk away from but Akagi stopped her.

"Stop ! You're in right place, it is Misaki's room, and I'm just..."

"You! Who you talking to?"

Misaki shouts while running to the door.

"Why you still here? Don't you training to do."

"Oh, I almost forgot, I better get going."

Akagi quickly stepped down from the stairs.

"Hey! Don't forget what I said."

Misaki warms him While he was went down from the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah I will remember."

After he was gone, Misaki tries to explain that Akagi is just a colleague and why is he doing in her room, but her human school friend named Rika already has an explanation.

She smug looks at Misaki's face.

"Hmm... What was that, I don't know that you got someone within the restaurant, you're so lucky."

Misaki suspicion about something that Rika going to say but she act dumb.

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about"

Rika trying to admit her "Don't act dumb, you know that guy, the one was in your room, when I opened the door. He's not just a one of your colleagues is it?"

Misaki knows what Rika is up to, she forcefully trying convinced her "No! You got the wrong idea that freak isn't..."

Rika interrupts "So you're close enough to call each other freak, how cute... " she excitingly convincing Misaki to her.

"Tell me. Tell me, that boy is your boyfriend?"

Misaki blushes embarrassingly yells at her.

"No!!! He is not my boyfriend, you completely misunderstood."

"Yeah I know what it going. I also watched lots of romance movies."

Rika ridiculously acted one the dialogue 'Oh, that guy is a jerk, I hate him so much' that's the line every heroine going to say beginning of the movie, come on split it out already He looked pretty cute to me."

Rika sighed remembering about her past few years.

"I can't help to be curious as how much you changed."

"How many times I have to say that fre... That guy is nothing to me, we are just colleagues, that's it, end of story, I don't have any kind of relationship with him."

"Oh, why you get so frustrated, come on" push you in her room, she also entered "I need know everything about him, it is only reason I come to you, to have to chat with you."

"Ugh... Teenage girls, they're all the same."
