
The Dao Must Be Crazy

'The weak fear the strong, and the strong fear nothing, but I am not strong, and I have offended a lot of scary people.' Such were the thoughts of the cultivator who defied time as he created a technique that would allow him to escape those he feared. The same way you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, the soul of one unlucky youngster traveled through the stream of time in search of a bloodline connection that would take his place. By the time the soul of the descendant traded places with the original soul of the body, the demonic cultivator, who sacrificed the whole village in what he believed to be another failed attempt at his forbidden technique had left to ruminate over what went wrong while searching for another village. Chester (Chen) Wang had spent the last seven years trapped in the VRMMO called Brave Quest. On the morning of his 6th re-class, 5 years before the game was finally cleared, had his soul transported into another body.

DaoistKushMountain · 東方
31 Chs

A Game of Cats and Mouse

The forest surrounding Chester had descended into chaos, a battleground teeming with ferocious beasts and a horde of vicious goblins. Fear coursed through his veins as he sprinted with all his might, desperate to stay one step ahead of the encroaching wave of goblins that spread in all directions.

The air was filled with relentless barks and growls, echoing through the barren trees tainted by the ever-shifting corrupting fog. Their feral nature, sharpened by their instinct to survive, glimmered with hunger and savagery in their eyes. Chester knew he had to keep moving, his heart pounding in his chest as he navigated through the treacherous terrain of rocks and broken tree trunks.'Fuuuck.' The scent of fear permeated the air, only fueling the predatory instincts of his pursuers, driving them to relentlessly chase their prey.

To make matters even more horrifying, the haunting cries of cannibal goblins pierced the air. Their grotesque figures, malnourished and deranged, gave them an eerie appearance. Chester contemplated his chances, realizing that he might be able to handle a few goblins in a fight. However, their eyes held a hunger that surpassed mere physical sustenance; it was a hunger for power and dominance. Stripped of their freedom, these child-sized humanoids had transformed into ruthless predators. Their pursuit of the forest beasts was driven not only by hunger but also by a twisted pleasure in inflicting pain and suffering.

As Chester raced through the decaying forest, his mind raced alongside his pounding footsteps. He observed the decaying trees on this side as well, a disturbing phenomenon. Fatigue gnawed at his body, but his determination pushed him beyond his limits. Though he lacked specific knowledge of goblins from Brave, he had seen enough movies and read enough comics to understand the unspeakable acts, sadistic rituals, and psychological horrors associated with them. The thought of falling into their clutches filled him with dread, knowing that the outcome would be worse than death itself. In his mind, he wondered, "What would Goblin Slayer do?"

With each stride, Chester unearthed reserves of strength and determination he never knew he possessed. Exploding his mana while employing a weaker version of [Lightning Step], he made his way toward the makeshift shelter to retrieve his belongings before fleeing to the village. The relentless shrieks of the goblins seemed never-ending, as if they were manifestations of the nightmarish world that now surrounded him. Sweat drenched his brow, his breath came in ragged gasps, and yet he pressed on, propelled by an unwavering will to survive.

In this heart-pounding race against death, Chester's only hope lay in his ability to outrun his pursuers. With every twist and turn, he sought sanctuary, a place beyond the reach of the goblins and their mounts, where he could catch his breath. He knew that his survival hinged upon his capacity to outmaneuver and outlast the relentless terrors that hunted him. Chester's determination burned like a flame, a defiant beacon in the face of darkness, as he continued his desperate flight from the horde that encroached upon the desolate forest.

As Chester sprinted through the decaying forest, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and adrenaline, he stumbled upon a large pack of oversized rodents feasting on the decaying carcass of a parrot-chicken. Inspiration struck him; they could serve as bait. Veering sharply, he sprinted past the rats, hoping to divert their attention toward the pursuing goblins and their mounts.

As Chester made his escape, the scent of fresh prey enticed the rats. Their beady red eyes fixated on the approaching man. With a hiss and a screech, the pack of oversized rodents launched themselves at their perceived threat. These rodents were no ordinary creatures; their bodies grotesquely huge, with elongated limbs and razor-sharp teeth that dripped with saliva.

The nearby squad of goblins, veering towards Chester's direction, heard the screeching made by the rats. Driven by their insatiable hunger and sadistic tendencies, they descended upon the rodents, viewing them as an unexpected meal. Their twisted forms clashed with the vicious rodents, as sharp claws and gnashing teeth met the rats' ferocious attacks. Chester exploded his mana, dodging and ducking as he maneuvered into the center of the chaotic rodent battle. The air was filled with the sounds of snarls, shrieks, and the gruesome tearing of flesh.

Meanwhile, the wild mounts, sensing an opportunity for spoils, lunged into the chaotic fray. These feral beasts unleashed their primal instincts upon the oversized rodents. Barks and growls mingled with the squeals of the rats, creating a cacophony of violence.

In this brutal clash for survival, the battlefield transformed into a chaotic maelstrom of blood, fur, and twisted limbs. The goblins fought with reckless abandon, their hunger and twisted desires fueling their aggression. The oversized rodents, despite their smaller size, proved to be formidable opponents, utilizing their abilities to their advantage. The wild beasts, with their pack mentality and brute strength, tore and ripped at anything within their reach, including their own riders.

As Chester sprinted farther away, leaving the mess of blood and gore behind, the sounds of the violent struggle gradually faded into the distance. He couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and panic, running away from such a massive source of experience points. Yet, he understood that without the certainty of respawn, sacrifices and desperate measures were the only paths to survival.

With the diversion created, Chester continued his harrowing journey, hoping that the chaos he left behind would grant him a precious window of opportunity to reach the village. The mountainous forest, in a state of decay and corruption, stretched out before him. The once lush greenery had given way to twisted, withering trees, their branches contorted and lifeless. The very air seemed heavy with malevolence, as if the forest itself echoed the terror that now enveloped it.

Remembering the overwhelming pressure of that person's gaze, Chester made a gamble on his survival and resolved to seek refuge in the beginner's village. He knew that his path to safety was fraught with danger, but he had no other choice. Every step forward carried the weight of uncertainty, and the chase was far from over.