
Log 1 - The Cynical Nobody

[ may 16, 2022]

I honestly don't know if I can call this a log but hey, I'll just call it that. anyway to start this off I'll some basic info about myself, the name's max, 27 years old and single, living life with my cynical and realistic expectaion of... well everything, plus I find a lot of things in life boring so this is gonna be a "good" way to spend or kill time.

I did write a journal or diary whatever you wanna call it before because I couldn't say all the things I had in my mind and I always find it relaxing when I write everything that's running around my head and for some reason I had this idea of why not just write it on webnovel since it's digital I can write everything there without needing any notebook or journal.

So here I am writing this here for all to see,

hahaha.. I don't know of this was the right decision or not but hey, I can always just save and delete.
