
Dreams and reality

It was dark and cold, winter solstice was due in three moons so the weather had thickened, the mountains and forest empty, no one dared to go into the forest at night, that's when the werewolves hunt, so the rumors say,

But yet again Eleanora found herself running deeper into the woods, with no shoes on her feet digging into the snow leaving footprints for who ever is after her to follow, deeper and deeper into the woods she ran until she came across a big tree, she stopped to catch her breath only to be dragged instantly to the snow,

"You thought you could out run me Elea" a deep masculine voice said as he caressed her forehead and she laughs "I could never win against you Philip and you don't even have the decency to let me win" their laughter echoes round the woods for even the birds were dead silent,

" I'd only let you win when you fully become my wife" he whispered before crashes his lips into hers, light moan escaped her reddish lips as his cold hand made its way up her thigh, a louder moan left her when she felt his hand inside her, with a slow rhythm he slowly drove her into a pool of ecstasy, but her pleasure was short lived, as he began to his force his way, tearing her clothes into pieces taking her breast in his month, he was hurting her, she tried pushing him of but he pins her down even more,

"You said you'd wait Philip" she protested, he kept his head buried in between her breast as he plunged his way deeper into her, she let out several involuntary moans, though it hurts it also felt like her body was elevating with every thrust, the pain was momentary then pleasure was back, it was fast and rough with so much energy, an energy unlike any, she tried to make sense of it, why her beloved suddenly broke there oath to wait till marriage and why such new found pleasure sent her over the edge, and with every thrust she craved more,

She felt her head go lighter as she reached her limit, but just as it began, it stopped, she opened her eyes, but instead of her beloved was a face that hunts her dream every night a face of a man she has never met yet he felt so familiar, he was breathless on top of her, though they were deep in snow, he was sweating, his face was handsome, his brown eyes twinkle in the moon light

then suddenly his brown eyes glowed yellow and in an instant fangs like that of a snow wolf appeared, hair surrounded his arm and leg and she could feel him grown inside of her, "w..w,..WEREWOLF!!!! " she screams.

Eleanor jumps up from her bed falling off in the process, she was drenched from head to toe, breathing like she just ran the goblet, "Miss, are you alright" her maid asked helping her up "another dream miss, should I bring the herbs" the maid asked again "no need Oren I'm fine, just get me some water to drink and some hot water for my bath" the maid bow before running out,

She walks towards the mirror staring at her nightdress rumpled from all the tossing and turning, it's the fourth time this week that she had seen him, felt him, even that very moment she felt his cold large hand caressing her Inner most thigh and his brown eyes staring down at her,

It was an absurd feeling, she was engaged to me be married to Philip, her beloved,

she loves Philip dearly, though he is a hot blooded man who is use to having a maiden by his side to quench his sexual needs but he had agreed to wait for marriage, and that meant a lot to her,

She got her self into a lovely sun yellow dress and made her way elegantly down the stairs , her family all gather for breakfast in the dining area, "you're nobleman daughter Anastasia you will not go on a forest exhibition when the winter solstice ball is in three moon" her mother said to her older sister " but mother Anastasia is already engaged to marry the duke son, she is of no use at the ball" Eleanor said grabbing a seat next to her sister "well how unfortunate for you lot cause I'm the only young and single lady of the House of Darington, so I'm the only one fitting for the ball and i hope the prince sees me" she said blushing profusely

"Cut the nonsense elida you're only thirteen you should be in bed by the winter solstice ball not gallivanting around" her brother Lucien said with a chuckle "and you should be married and shouldering some responsibility but here we are" she toss back and receive a slap on the head by her brother,

"That's enough, this ball is a means to connect with the royal family" her father finally spoke "yeah by selling your Children like livestock" Maria spoke, she seemed like the odd one out of the family, while everyone wore their hair blond or ebony brown like Eleanor she wore hers black, even her dress is black and the strong distaste for the topic showed on her face,

"Meaning what Maria" her mother question Maria drops her book loudly "have you ever considered, mother, that some of us want to go out and see the world and find true love" Maria shouted "please, true love is for peasants, I never went out searching for true love yet here we are" her mother argued

As the family engaged in the usual morning discord, Anastasia and Eleanor sneaked off to the garden " you look sour Elea, is it another one of your wild werewolf dreams again" Anastasia teased "shut it some one might hear you" they both chuckled " I don't get it, I'll be married soon, why am I so obsessed with a guy I have never seen before"

"Maybe you're getting cold feet" Eleanor sat close to the pond slowly feeding the fishes "maybe, but why a werewolf, I have never seen one and I doubt they exist" she said deep in thought "oh they do, I heard they live deep into the Oaken woods where they roam around in there wolf form, and they only come out once in a while in human form" Anastasia pulls out a book "look, I have mark territories were hunters claim to have seen one, skin almost as white and snow, eyes yellow as gold, long fang and sharp claws"

Those fit the description the guy in her dream but she dismissed the thought, Anastasia was obsessed with the supernatural, werewolfs don't exist and even if they did the one in her dream is probably just that, a dream.

It was almost dusk, Eleanor's mother needed all the ladies of the house in her study for a fitting, Eleanor was asked to find her cousin Ivy who hasn't been seen since breakfast,

"Have you seen ivy" she asked the maid who looked around nervously "I don't see why I should repeat myself" she said firmly "w..w..we saw her at the Dain quarters" one responded with her head facing down before running out "and what in world in she doing in that abandoned dump" Eleanor though before running towards the dain quarters, it was the only quarters in the manor with less guards and numerous rumors claim that it's hunted,

"Ivy!!, ivy are you here" she called out but no one answered, after walking for a bit she heard faint moans coming from a broken shed, as she walks closer she saw only a small candle giving little to no light, the moans grew louder as she went closer, soon the source came into view, her cousin ivy pin to the wall, her dress torn into pieces, her head tilted backwards,her eyes rolled back in pure ecstasy as the shadowy figure rammed into her aggressively

She almost fell to her feet as the shadowy figure came into few, Philip her fiancé drenched in sweet and pleasure continuously plunged into her cousin, she closed her mouth in horror
