Liam who is born in a world where cultivation and martial arts is everything is born with a disability that takes away his ability to cultivate so he is treated like trash until he meets the cultivation god the only person who could possibly help him.
In a world where cultivation and martial arts was everything Liam was just useless trash. He had been born with a disability that was incredibly rare and that disability prevented him from being able to draw in qi which meant he could not cultivate.
Liam's life was a living hell every day he would be called trash or useless not only that Liam would get his ass beat every day for being a disgrace to the sect he is part of. The divine martial arts sect one of the first sects ever founded and one of the 4 great sects.
The only reason Liam wasn't kick out of the sect was that his father was the captain of the sect army so if the sect leader kicked him out the sect would just lose a valuable asset. So the sect leader just left him be.
Liam looked up to his father and wanted to be just like him. He wanted to be a strong cultivator and fight for his sect just like his father, but that was only a pipe dream for someone with no ability to cultivate like him.
"Look what I found here a useless piece of trash who can't even cultivate practicing martial arts what a fucking disgusting sight how dare someone like you be apart of the great divine martial arts sect" A boy that looked around 15 walked up to Liam with a disgusted look in his eyes.
"Look at this fucking pathetic bug every time I see you it makes me pissed off how can someone so weak be the son of someone so strong"the boy said with pure hatred in his eyes.
Liam simply looked down he was used to this it was every day and not only that he kind of understood what he was saying this world is one where the strong survives while the weak are destined to die a horrible death.
The person in front of Liam was Nathan Smith the son of the sect leader out of everyone who bullied Liam he was the worst.
"I'm feeling generous today how about I show you a move I learned recently" Nathan said with a smile on his face
Everyone in the training grounds where they were surrounded them watching the scene that was unfolding.
Golden qi began to surround Nathan "you better take notes because I'll only be showing it once" the golden qi then condensed around his right fist.
Liam braced for impact because he knew what was going to happen next it was only a matter of time before it happened.
Nathan then punched the air in the direction of Liam and the qi that was surrounding his fist shot out like a shot gun hitting Liam directly in the chest.
Liam hit the ground hard and began to cough up blood while grasping his chest.
Nathan then began to walk up to Liam no longer smiling. When he reached him he lifted his leg up and stomped down as hard as he could in Liam's head "if I ever see you training in martial arts ever again I'll fucking murder you"
Liam couldn't move a muscle he was too weak
Nathan smirked a little "let me ask you a question when was the last time you've seen your father think very carefully"
Liam didn't know why he was asking but he knew the faster he answered the quicker his foot was off his head "maybe three years"
Still with the same evil smirk he said "you know why that is"
Liam grimaced in pain before answering "he has a lot of work because he's the captain"
Everyone in the group began to laugh including Nathan. Liam began to have the feeling that he was left out in something " what's so damn funny"! He yelled
"Don't raise your voice you fucking useless piece of shit the reason we are laughing is because of how unbelievably fucking stupid you are you really think that's the reason you haven't seen your dad in three years your dad fucking left you because your a disgrace and didn't want to be associated with trash like you he was so embarrassed to have a kid so useless he left to work in the army full time and isn't it a little weird that the same year he left is the same year you learned that you were a damn cripple" Nathan lifted his foot off of Liam and spit on him "remember what I said and remember it well I'll fucking murder you a disgrace like you doesn't deserve to practice this sect martial arts.
Tears began to fall from Liam's eyes what Nathan said about his father he didn't want it to be true but he knew the truth ever since his mom died his father was the only family he had left so he still hung on to the hope that his father still wanted him Liam felt truly alone in that moment to him there was no reason to live.
Liam laid on the ground as Nathan walked away he made up his mind he was going to end this suffering he had felt ever day. As soon as Liam got to his feet he began to run towards his home on the outskirts of the sect.
When Liam reached his home he ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife then placed it to his neck. Liam's hand was shaking wildly 'damn it just do it what's the point any more I'm just useless trash'
"What a pussy taking the easy way out"
Liam turned around quickly "whose there who said that"
"Im the cultivation god you can't see me because I'm in your head"
'I've finally gone crazy all these years of being mercifully bullied has finally caught up to me'
"Think what you want but I have an offer for you my time as the cultivation god is coming to an end and I need a successor and after 100s of years of searching I finally found someone worthy to take my title what do you say"
"How am worthy to take your title I cant even cultivate" Liam decided to play along with voices in his head he knew there was no way in hell that he was actually the cultivation god the first cultivator and the founder of the divine martial arts sect.
"I'll heal you of course this is nothing for a god I could do it just by snapping my fingers and also you will become my personal disciple you'll catch up to you peers in know time even surpass them"
After hearing That Liam decided play along even more " in that case I'll do it" he said sarcastically
As soon as he said this a shining light surrounded Liam