
(chapter 4- the discovery of the cube)

I finally arrived at the top floor, the place where the explosion happens. That place was basically a ruin, nothing left other than the pillar that is holding the top floor in place. There is almost no footing, so it is hard to move around the place. One wrong move and I'll die.

"Why am I doing this," I said while questioning my life choices.

After hopping from pillar to pillar I get to the middle of the 7th floor. And there I saw a giant glowing orb just floating around the place. I don't know what it is but I do know that the giant glowing orb thing is dangerous. So I decided to walk closer to it so I can inspect it.

"it's shiny, I like it" said a 14 years-old who have a mind of a kindergartener.

So after careful consideration and some serious thinking, my dumb brain took the conclusion that I must touch that giant glowing orb thing."I really should find a better way to call it, I'm tired of calling it the giant glowing orb thing" I say.

As I get closer to the thing, I finally saw what it actually was. It turns out that the floating thing isn't an orb, but it was a cube.

"let's call it the cube from now on," I said with a happy face, knowing that I don't have to call it the giant glowing orb thing that floats around the place anymore.

All of a sudden, a loud sound come out of the cube. A sound that is at least 100 times louder than my alarm, a sound so loud that it almost cause my ears to bleed. I can't stand the loud noise that the cube is making, so I grab it and I throw it as far as I can. But it's no use, the cube float back to me.

Just when I was about to poke my own ears with a pen that I have in my pocket so that I can't hear the voice that the cube is making. The cube suddenly stop generating the loud sound and start making a weird mechanical voice.

{loading...starting ######}

"what? is that thing talking?" I shout in confusion.

{identifying user...user identified}

"seriously, what is happening? user? who? me?" I shouted.

{hello user, I am the system}

"uhm, hello?"

{how should I address you user?}

"hmm, I guess you could call me putra"

{understood...user name = putra}

"sorry to interrupt you, but who are you? oh wait no, what are you?"

{what am I? I am the system, created to assist the user to [REDACTED]}

"I'm sorry? to what?"

"it looks like user putra doesn't have the required rank to gain this information}

" I don't have the required rank? what rank? seriously, what in the world is happening!?"
