
The Crusader Emperor

The Sacred World of Pangea was once a peaceful world where not a single man lived. But… after many years, a war god brought forth entire nations across time. Japanese Samurai, Nordic Vikings, European Knights and the hordes of China all clashed against each other. Looking around, they realised that the battles they were fighting in the past… were mysteriously concluded. Now, they were in a different land and had several different opponents before them. Did they all shake their hands and embrace each other peacefully? No… quite the opposite. A war without end had been waged... The War to conquer Pangea and its divine treasures! (Fantasy world very loosely inspired by history and myths)

SovereignOfHeaven · ファンタジー
8 Chs


The invasion by Prince Aryan would have mixed success, though he had managed to burn down many villages, Erik the Red and his wolves obliterated the Prince's army. In embarrassing fashion, the prince had been captured and ransomed back for a truce as the Vikings had been forced into a war against the Tai Empire to the east of Pangea thanks to Lu Bu growing restless. King Charles paid quite the fortune to have his son returned and agreed to a truce, much to the distaste of the Knights Crusader who began to see him as weak. Artos laughed at his eldest half-brother's failure when he found out.

In the following Nordic-Taian war, Lu Bu Fengxian the Flying General and Sima Yi the brilliant strategist would join hands for the first time. It was said that he pierced a path across the Nordic lands, killing thousands along the way, and was only stopped by Erik the Red deep in Nordic territory. They fought for seven days and seven nights, shaking heaven and earth while the lesser mortals beneath them fought their own battle. In the end, Lu Bu emerged as the winner, proving that he was unmatched in the open field. Though Lu Bu won the duel, his army had suffered heavy losses and King Ragnar and his sons had arrived with reinforcements. The Flying General Lu Bu Fengxian carved a way out for himself, escaping back to his mountain lands in the north of Tai. However, many of his cavalrymen were lost.

After that victory, King Ragnar, his sons and Loki the Seer made great advances in the north of the Tai Empire, taking their main islands in that region. It was only through the bravery of the overlord Guan Yu, his daughter, Zhang Liao and the sheer vastness of the Tai hordes that the Vikings had been kept off the shores.

A ceasefire was later called as both nations went to lick their wounds, having had great losses in manpower on both sides. Though they wanted to obliterate the other, both rulers were well aware that the Knights Crusader were eager to pounce on any sign of weakness. Giving an advantage to Eternia was something neither wanted. The Nords managed to keep the islands, consolidating their power and gaining easy access to the north-east of Tai through the sea. Meanwhile, the Tai Empire had gained some of the disputed lands in their southern border from the Vikings due to contributions from Sima Shi, Long Jun the Dragon Spear and the warlord Yuan Shao. Sima Yi, upset with Lu Bu's impulsiveness, had held his western border from the Vikings with his own brilliance and the assistance of his son Sima Shi.

And so there would be peace… for a time.

This was how Pangea's conflicts would usually resolve themselves. It was the four-way wheel that kept spinning on and on for millennia. When forced into a desperate situation by another nation, a third nation would attack the stronger one fearing it's growth. There were even periods of 'total war' where all four factions were actively fighting each other. In desperate situations, new great heroes would emerge and defend their lands. Though, in recent times the Anzai Shogunate had become eerily silent and did not partake in any conflict unless it was to defend their lands. They were the smallest nation with the smallest population yet it had a formidable navy, the most heroes across the board and it was rich thanks to trade. Due to the nation being one giant island, no one had effectively invaded it… Erik the Red tried and almost reached the Sky Fortress, their sacred ground, but was crushed by the Swordmaster in only three swings.

Miyamoto Musashi, the Anzai Shogunate's greatest living hero, was a great anomaly. He only fought in defence of his people, never lost a duel and had a dojo of his own where he raised many great heroes from the ground up. He was widely regarded as the greatest samurai to ever take breath among the Anzai people, even greater than the Heavenly Emperor who forged the Anzai Shogunate. Though, the rest of the world sees him as a reclusive hermit and lesser to the other three S Class generals.

The following years were difficult, certainly, but also enlightening. Artos Pendragon learned to cut down huge trees on his own, remove their roots using horses, refine that wood to later build houses, built a longboat and sailed it around, learned to cook, fire a bow, ride, hunt effectively, tend to farms alone, speak the Nordic language fluently and began to properly integrate himself into the Hafr community. He was widely regarded and praised as a hard worker who was quick to smile and tended to raise everyone's spirits by his presence alone.

It had been over four years since it had all begun at the raid of Chester…

Artos Pendragon stood in a lake that was rather cold, the breeze lightly swaying his slightly long golden hair. His chin had grown more defined and his skin was no longer smooth as a lady's. He had strong arms and legs, well-muscled like a bull due to his labour gains. He was a little over six feet tall, boasting a medium-sized chest for his height that was highly defined. His eyes retained their beautiful emerald glow, remaining as the only part of him that was 'pretty'.

Nineteen years old now, Artos Pendragon was far from the boy that was dragged along from the burning village of Chester. He was a man now, a handsome and strong one at that.

He washed his face properly, shaking off the water after he was done. He turned and was caught off guard by a familiar figure. Her long red hair was brushed straight, falling down both sides. She had a lady-like frame, slim and long with a bit off a hill towards her chest. Her skin was smooth for a nord and her face overall was on the smoother side. If not for the red hair and choice of clothing, she could be mistaken for an Eternian.

Kari Agnarsdottir…

Artos paused as she looked directly at him.

"Handsome as ever."

"You have a terrible habit of following me at the wrong times." Artos Pendragon remarked, smiling slightly. "How would you like it if I suddenly emerged from the forest as you bathed?"

"I'd have to accept my fate." She chuckled.

"I don't believe Jarl Agnar would very much like that." Artos Pendragon remarked, stepping closer to the edge. "Why don't you come closer."

"I know you better than that." She smiled, stepping back. "The last time you threw me in…"

"An accident." Artos chuckled. "My hand slipped-"

"And dragged me in."

"I can't help that I'm strong." Artos tilted his head. "Why don't you turn around and let me get dressed?"

"Why do I need to turn around?"

"I think… it would be rather improper for the Jarl's daughter to stare at a man naked."

"Not if I marry that man."

"... You have terrible taste in men."

"Worst case - I'll just buy you." She smiled.

"I'm afraid that I am priceless."

Artos Pendragon lifted himself up, sighing as Kari kept looking at him. She gazed down, blushing like a girl. Artos wasn't one to lack confidence in his body… but even this was a little much. He used that moment to step forward and grab hold of the woman, swiping her off her feet and holding her in his arms.

"Wait…-" Kari's eyes widened as she knew what was about to happen. She tried to cling to him in desperation. "Don't you dare-"

"Up… up… and away!"

Artos Pendragon threw her straight into the lake.


The water splashed as she fell right in.

Artos Pendragon laughed.

Kari lifted her head up, shaking away the water. Her dress was wet in its entirety… and the woman had a dissatisfied expression on her face. "I hate you."

"You flew like a majestic bird, my lady." Artos Pendragon laughed. "I'd say it's a decent punishment for staring at my manhood, wouldn't you agree?"

"..." Kari's face was red as walked back and was helped up by Artos. "You're going to help get these clothes dry… and that's an order, Artos Egilsson."

"Uhhuh - an order." Artos chuckled. "No helping it now… I'm going to-"

She threw his clothes to the lake, one after the other.

Artos' eyes widened.

"Go fetch." Kari giggled, observing his stupefied expression. "You'll be going back wet too, it seems."

"What an evil woman… I think you need to bathe for longer." Artos Pendragon smiled, pushing her back into the lake. "A baptism, if you will."


"I know, Jarl Agnar will want my head and I'll have your suitors dressing up to fight me." Artos Pendragon remarked, frowning slightly. "It's the way of things, you do something you shouldn't and I pay for it."

".... I don't mean to make things difficult for you."

"And yet you do." Artos Pendragon smiled, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter, I'll stand up for myself."

"... All you have to do is accept me." She pouted slightly, muttering under her breath.

"What did you say?"


Artos dived in to retrieve his clothes. In the end, he was forced to wear wet pants. Though, after a good walk it didn't seem that bad. He decided to go to Egil's house first and Kari followed him there. Egil was cooking up some soup when Artos entered.

"They grow up so quickly…" Egil chuckled. "Should I leave?"

"It's not like that." Artos sighed, shaking his head. "This foolish, persistent woman-"

"Was thrown into the lake. I simply avenged myself by throwing his clothes there too." Kari interrupted.

"Because you needed to be taught a bloody lesson by now." Artos rolled his eyes. "A man should have some privacy."

"You're like two grown children." Egil stroked his brown beard as his lips curled into a smile. He stood up. "Well, let's get your clothes dried up."

"You don't have spares, though…" Kari remarked. "I'd have to undress-"

"Even better for Artos here, eh? You can hump each other while I do the work." He laughed.

"Egil…" Artos frowned.

"Forgive my boy, he still doesn't know how to handle women." Egil chuckled. "As for spares, I have quite a few somewhere. Some of the girls were kind enough to leave some for me…"

'Old devil.' Artos thought to himself. 'I don't know how he does it.'

"Oh… that's fine then."

"You can spend the day at our hospitality." Egil smiled, nodding. "Though, I only have two beds… I don't suppose you two would mind sharing one?"

"What???" Artos raised an eyebrow, shaking his head. "Of course, I would mind! Besides… Jarl Agnar wouldn't allow such a thing."

"I'll worry about Jarl Agnar." Egil stroked his beard. "Of course, if Kari doesn't wish to, then I am more than willing to escort her back home."

"I quite like what has been done to Hafr…" Kari shook her head. "I'll stay."

Artos Pendragon rolled his eyes.

"It's settled, then. The day is still long… Artos, go find the clothes."


Artos would help around the house and farm as usual, practising his archery and swordsmanship with Egil once all the chores were done. Since his fight against the holy knight, Egil had regressed quite a bit - both by his accumulated wounds and age. Even so, he was still a fearsome and wise opponent.

Clang… clang… clang!

With an excellent parry move, Artos deflected Egil's blade and swiftly pointed his own at his neck.

"Good, you're improving by the day. Now raise your fists."

"Raise my fists?" Artos raised an eyebrow. "You want me to brawl you?"

"A master of one weapon is feared." Egil nodded. "A warrior who has mastered his body is invincible."

"I haven't even mastered the sword."

"Aye, you are no master but you are good - very good. Answer this: what will you do if your sword breaks in a battle?"

"Find another?" Artos shrugged his shoulders.

"What if you don't have that option? What if you're caught off guard by an enemy… without a weapon to your name? Will you give up?"

"I'd fight as best as I can."

"Using your body." Egil nodded, smiling slightly as Kari observed. "Your body is a weapon, from knuckles to legs. With Odin's blessing, that weapon only grows more deadly."

"Alright…" Artos Pendragon raised his fists.

"Now, attack me with the intent to kill."

Artos Pendragon nodded, knowing just how deadly Egil was. He paced forward, attempting to punch the old man in the face. Egil moved his head and punched Artos straight in the gut… forcing him onto his knees.

"Damn, old man… you didn't have to punch so hard."

"A sword to the chest hurts more." Egil remarked, stepping back. "You are young and full of vigour… why is your footwork that of a moving mountain? You are not clubfooted, Artos. Jump… keep your feet steady."

Artos jumped back to his feet and Egil struck once again, lifting his leg to kick Artos in the face sideways. Artos moved his head away just in time using Egil's previous advice. Egil smiled slightly, forming a claw-like palm with his left hand. Artos swung for his head… but Egil blocked it with his claw, using his hold to twist his arm and counter with a punch of his own to the solar plexus.

Artos Pendragon stepped back, falling to his knees as a surge of pain overcame him. He was completely dazed.

"Always going for the head… there are other places to hit. Where I just hit you is one of them."

"Isn't that a bit much, uncle Egil?" Kari questioned as she looked at Artos with a worried expression.

"The boy is tougher than you know, Kari." Egil countered, shaking his head. "Treating him like a child wouldn't benefit either of us… and he knows that. He wants to be strong so I train him to be strong. Simple as that."

Artos took a deep breath, managing to get up.

"I'm fine…"

"Now, you have legs too - not just fists. Use them to your advantage!"

After several more exchanges, Artos Pendragon received quite the beating… but he learned quickly through it all. When night came, Egil prepared dinner and everyone ate by the fire. Egil began sharing stories, ending on a story about Bjorn Ironside.

"Long long ago, there lived the Grinning Knight." Egil grinned slightly, stroking his beard. Suddenly the room seemed to be colder. "He was cruel, well beyond anything that had come before him. He would cut unborn children out of their mother's wombs with his sword, feast on the flesh of his enemies with his bare teeth and skin nords alive - displaying their horrific bodies for all to see."

Kari sat closer to Artos, putting on a frightened look.

"His superior, the crown prince Artorius had come to disapprove of his methods and ordered him to cease." Egil stroked his beard. "He did not stop… rather, he cut off the prince's tongue and cleaved open his mouth - carving out a wide crimson grin. He sent him back to his father and slipped away into the shadows soon after."

"That's… horrible." Kari was leaning against him now. "He's dead now… surely?"

"No one truly knows." Egil shook his head. "Though, many say that the nords he flayed alive still live on as vengeful ghosts… causing chaos for all. In truth, the records believe his last raid to have been in this very land. Maybe his cruel spirit resides here too…"

"Stop scaring the poor girl." Artos chuckled, pushing her away lightly. "She won't be able to sleep."

"I'm not scared." Kari pouted.

Egil winked at Artos, standing up. "Alright, it is late enough. Off you go to your bed."


That was the problem Artos had almost forgotten about. They had to share a bed… or rather, both Egil and Kari had set him up!

The two entered Artos' room and an awkward silence swept them up like a cold wind. Artos did not bother taking any clothing off, putting down some furs and deciding to sleep on the ground. Kari raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you sleeping on the ground?"

"I'd rather have you sleeping on the bed than me. You are our honoured guest, after all." Artos Pendragon replied, closing his eyes.

"We can share the bed, can't we?"

"No." Artos Pendragon replied bluntly. "We cannot."

"Why not?"

"For one, we would have to be far too close to fit and… I'm a slave while you're the Jarl's sole child. Whoever is your man, he will be the ruler of these lands. That man cannot be an Eternian… don't you realise that?" Artos opened his eyes, looking up to Kari. "I'm not the man you should seek-"

"But you are the man that I 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕."

Artos Pendragon's eyes widened as she sat on top of his chest, leaning straight for his head. He froze as she pressed her lips against his… taking the prince's first kiss that wasn't his mother. Artos' face grew red as she kept kissing him and went so far has to touch his manhood.


Suddenly, he broke out of his dazed state and flipped her around, standing over the woman with a deep frown.

"What do you think you're doing?" Artos Pendragon was visibly upset, forcibly placing her arms above her head to stop her from moving.

"I didn't know you were so vile…" Kari blushed, glancing away. "I'll do whatever you want-"

"You're unbelievable." Artos Pendragon took a deep breath, standing up. "Don't ever try that again."

"Do you hate me that much?" Kari looked disappointed and twice as upset as she stood up. "I only ever supported you. When you wanted to rebuild Hafr, I told my father to lend extra hands. When you were hungry, I fed you the finest meals you could ever hope for. When you wanted to hunt, I gave you a horse. When you were lonely, I always accompanied you-"

"... That doesn't mean I owe you my affection." Artos Pendragon remarked, shaking his head. "Though, I appreciate everything you did for me…"

"No, you did not!"

She slapped him clean across the face.

Artos Pendragon's face buzzed as a bruise emerged.

"I'm done with you." Kari frowned, stepping back. "You take and you take… yet you give nothing back. You might live amongst us but you will always be an Eternian leech, living off our land, eating our food, warming yourself in our fire and living under our roofs. That's all you are… a parasite!"

And so, she stormed off.

'What in the devil was that?'

Artos Pendragon touched up the side of his face which was burning.


"What's wrong?" Artos heard Egil in the other room and sighed.

In the end, Egil escorted the lady back to the Jarl's hall and returned to his home where he saw Artos Pendragon contemplating in his bed.

"Women are troublesome creatures at times, truly." Egil remarked. "They don't take rejection well. I can tell from your face that you learned that much."

"Should I have insisted on a lie?" Artos frowned, staring up at the ceiling. "Should I have sought my own advancement and accepted the feelings that she had? I would be richer for it and in line to be Jarl after Agnar…"

"Your honesty is admirable." Egil nodded, shaking his head. "To lie to a girl and say you love her is worse than breaking her heart. What is in the dark always comes to light, in the end. Though I would've rather you had humped her and learned to love her in some way… I cannot blame you for what happened. I am at fault and I will take responsibility for anything that happens because of this."

"Won't Jarl Agnar want my head?" Artos raised an eyebrow.

"No, no… he would want your head if you had slept with his daughter, however. He still dislikes Eternians, I can tell that much." Egil stroked his beard, leaning against the wall. "The little lady might be upset but I doubt much will come of it. You did the right thing."

"I feel terrible for it." Artos Pendragon frowned. "Her feelings were genuine… and yet, I did not feel the same way. I didn't mean to break her heart in that way."

"You will be breaking plenty more hearts, Artos Egilsson. Get used to it." Egil chuckled, moving away from the wall. "You only have one woman on your mind, don't you? She has grown thrice as fierce since the last time you crossed paths."

"I don't care about her…" Artos Pendragon frowned, recalling his humiliation. She had made his soul jump out of his body for a moment, once in awe and the other in fear.

"Now if she wanted to have her way with you… no God is saving you." Egil laughed, shaking his head. "Just close your eyes and let her do what she wants."

"Hmph… she doesn't seem like the type to like Eternians regardless."

"You never know. Fierce women tend to like them strong… if you want her, you're going to have to subdue the woman first."

Artos Pendragon rolled his eyes. "I don't like her."

"Be honest with me, you don't want an easy lady from Eternia who stays silent, bows her head and obeys your every command. You'd find a woman like that boring. You've become too much of a nord for that."

"..." Artos Pendragon didn't give much of a reply nor give it much thought, letting out a yawn. "I need to get some rest."

"Of course… I will leave you to it."


The Gods had smiled upon Artos Pendragon as his incident with Kari Agnarsdottir wasn't of great consequence. Kari avoided him like the plague, avoiding his gaze and attempts at fixing their broken bond. In the end, Egil told him to give up and he did so. As for Jarl Agnar, he was smiling more often as the doors opened for other suitors.

Weeks later, Artos Pendragon would be training with his friends, mainly the first Viking he had ever fought named Harald. They had become friends and rivals in a way, always contending for who was the better fighter. Artos' natural talent started catching up to Harald as his body matured, however…and so, he started winning more and more.

"WRAH!" Harald roared in an attempt to startle Artos but he remained still and calm. "That used to work so well…"

"When I was a boy with no experience." Artos Pendragon replied, keeping a ready stance. He grinned slightly. "Now all I see is a dumb idiot trying to be intimidating."

"Shut up!" Harald chuckled, lunging forward with his sword while his shield kept him protected.

Artos tried to deflect the blow but Harald crashed his shield into his hand. Artos Pendragon list grip off his sword and Harald slowly stepped forward with a wide grin.

"Well? Who's the dumb idiot with no sword."

Artos observed his bruised hand, frowning slightly as he recalled Egil's lessons. "A true warrior needs no weapon. He is the weapon."

"You're one stubborn bastard!"

Harald charged in one more and Artos Pendragon started to dance - keeping his feet steady. He dodged Harald's blows one after the other with focus and dexterity that surprised every observer.

"You're not going to win by running."

Artos Pendragon kept up his display of excellent footwork, making Harald look like a fool as he continued to exhaust himself with every missed strike. Then, once he slowed down, Artos started hitting. First, some light kicks to the legs… then he managed a swift one to the kidney which had slipped past Harald's shield. For a moment Harald had let go off his shield in pain, which led to Artos kicking it to the side.

"Damn you… I preferred it when you fought with a sword!"

Artos Pendragon grinned. "There's no coming back for you."

Once the shield was out of the way, Artos Pendragon patiently beat Harald… one punch and kick at a time.

Harald had no counter to Artos' speed and was finished with a punch to the solar plexus.

Harald kneeled down, completely defeated. It took him quite a while to properly recover and get back on his feet, helped by Artos.

"I swear, I won't ever disarm you again." Harald shook his head. "I didn't know you were so good unarmed."

"I've been training under Egil." Artos replied, shrugging his shoulders. "It seems to work."

"Yeah, work… it definitely works."

"Maybe too well." Artos chuckled. "I had you crying on your knees."

"Shut up, goldy. I'll get my revenge in the next spar."

"Those are… Erik the Red's sails!" One of the Vikings remarked, drawing everyone's attention.

'Erik the Red's…?'

Everyone excitedly gathered to greet the Viking hero and living legend, Erik the Red. He had arrived with only a single longship, stepping onto the port with a majestic stance.

"Ahh… is this new Hafr?" He took a deep breath, smelling the fresh air as he observed the rebuilt village. "Beautiful! Whatever those Eternians burn down, we rebuild everything twice as great!"

Artos Pendragon, again, found himself completely enamoured by Freydis Erikdottir… but then he recalled how she had embarrassed him and looked away. She had seemed to mature even more, boasting full breasts that no amount of armour could hide.

"Eh… our Eternian friend is still here!" Leif Eríksson grinned, leaping onto the port and running straight to Artos who was surprised by his enthusiasm.

The man wrapped his arm around his neck like Erik the Red had done years ago and smiled.

"You remember me, eh?"

"You're Leif Eríksson." Artos Pendragon replied, his eyes widening as he realised that Leif was far stronger than him. He couldn't break free. "Son… of Erik the Red."

"You are more of a nord now, hm. You can speak our tongue better than some of the people back home and you're starting to look the part." Leif smiled, letting go as he grabbed both of his shoulders and had a feel. "You look strong now, too. Look at those muscles… I can tell you've been working hard. I appreciate all you did here, truly."

Erik the Red chuckled, shaking his head. "Artos Egilsson is a friend of yours now?"

"Brother, keep him still." Freydis Erikdottir commanded and Leif did so, raising an eyebrow.


She walked closer, facing him directly… and Artos looked away.

"He learned from last time, it seems." Leif chuckled. "What, are you gonna kill him for having eyes now?"

"No…" Freydis Erikdottir frowned slightly, raising his chin with her hand. She grasped it too, taking a good look at the prince. "Don't you think he looks very familiar to the crown prince we captured and ransomed back? He may have been older but the resemblance…"

"Eternians can have blonde hair and green eyes…" Leif raised an eyebrow, brushing the comment aside. "That wouldn't make him a prince."

She observed his radiant golden hair, her eyes widening slightly. "It's gold, not blonde. Royal golden hair and his eyes are a radiant emerald. And his name… what was it?"

"Artos Egillson." Leif replied. "Artos… huh… you think he's that prince?"

"The Eternians lost their precious thirteenth prince whose name just so happened to be Artos in a Viking raid at Chester, didn't they? That's why they invaded nordic lands again… " Freydis Erikdottir's eyes glowed a dark blue tone as she stared into Artos' eyes. She turned to address the crowd. "Or is he right here, hiding among the nords?"

"Who had raided the village of Chester over four years ago? It was a small Eternian village to the west of Eternia."

"I believe we did raid that village…" One Viking raised his hand, his eyes widening as they turned to Artos' back. "Could it really be…"

Many stepped forward, raising their hands.

"I do see a resemblance…" Erik the Red acknowledged, stroking his long red beard. 'Was Egil raising an Eternian prince as a nord? That old wolf…'

"Well, well, well…" Leif turned slightly, glancing at Artos. "This is quite the turn, eh? Prince Artos sounds about right."

"Now… what do we do with the thirteen prince of Eternia?"

Freydis Erikdottir's questioning left Artos Pendragon without any valid counter.

He was caught red-handed… there was no way out of this one, was there?

He had been cornered like a rat with every last person staring at him.