
The Crown Cries

Alexios Norcross, a supposed god of war for his time. In a land fueled with tragedy, deceit, and treachery, no one is safe from the games the blue bloods and royalty play. He fights, he wins, but when he falls, what happens then? A man revered for his might and prowess, a man respected for his honor and loyalty. his trust is broken, and his loyalty in tatters, he fights for the only thing he knows is real. his family and himself. Now alone from his family, he will strive to make sure he never loses in the game again. Follow across lives as Alexios tries to live another life free from the same game that trapped him. see if he falls for the same traps from before or if he finds a way to free himself from the spiders web. a kiss from death was all he needed to see the truth. Got some adventure. Has gore in certain places. Warm pleasant atmospheres. Vile language from some characters(ecspecially when drinking). A touch of romance. Readers choices and opinions develops the story ever slightly creating a alternate universe that were all involved in. Enjoy! Just for anyone wondering, it will be extremely slow the first about 5 chapters as it's just our MC growing, learning, progressing, Their will be only little action and more on what's happening around to tie it all together. I apologize for anyone wanting to just jump in but I promise I'll work on it more to satisfy everyone's wants. I will be updating 2 chapters hopefully everyday, at least 1 chapter a day. I do not claim ownership of game of thrones or any related characters belonging to game of thrones. I only own my OC characters. Any material belonging to other sources belongs to their respected sources and are used purely for enjoyment. This is my first work on the platform and was just bored after reading a updated chapter. Give me ideas, and help build this story along with me. open to ideas and constructive criticism. Your choices do revolve around the story influencing my creative writing into a direction of your choosing.

BBQChickenAlertBB · テレビ
41 Chs

Let's call it Honor

Robb was speechless and frozen for a moment but then said quickly. "Don't call me that Alexios… where is the sword?" Seeing how Robb's attention was on the sword, a smirk plastered Alexios's face. "I have it in a chest. Once we get to Winterfell, I will give you your sword and your father his gold. Unless you do not carry the patience for it." Alexios wanted to see the response Robb would take.

Would he be greedy to the bone and want the sword now or at least carry some dignity and wait for the appropriate timing. "Ahh, I see, well as long as it is safe. I'm not one for surprises but this one excites me if I do say so myself." Rob said sheepishly smiling while scratching the back of his head as he chuckled. The two large men looked down at him and then to each other before laughing boisterously. Alexios could easily tell that Robb was acting to recollect himself. Robb looked at the two, then laughed with them, the music got louder and Alexios grabbed a mug of ale.

"My lord, I do believe I can out drink you even if I take two mugs to your one! Do you accept my duel? Winner gets hundred gold dragons!" Alexios's loud voice bellowed as he held the mug to Robb who stood stunned and unsure what to do. "It would seem he is a little shy my lord, but I'll gladly take up your offer to accept your charity since you're handing it out!" Toros said followed by a loud laugh as his cheeks got red from smiling too much. "Tch! Fair rules if you want a match, you have two stomachs! Everyone knows that!" Retorted Alexios who laughed afterwards. Now the two were laughing while having their shoulders around each other.

"I accept, but instead of gold dragons. If I win, you offer me your loyalty for life and you become my right hand man in the day's to come." Robb was confident, he heard many times about how a young boy from Westeros was always getting drunk when having the time for festivities. Little did he know the truth of the matter. With the serious words the hall quickly quieted down.

"Aye, that is alright by me, but I don't think a hundred gold dragons is worth my loyalty my lord." Robb thought for a few moments before saying out loud for everyone to hear. "If you win this contest, I will offer you half taxes for 5 years when I become ruler, I will offer one of my sister's hands in marriage; whoever you prefer as long as you promise to treat her well. You may also have first claim to any one holding you want that becomes free land." Alexios gulped and was shocked.

He didn't think Robb… Lord Stark the young wolf would value him so much to compare the two. Robb had already given him so much face but it was too much. "Alright lord, I accept your terms. Let the gods watch over us on this joyous evening!" They both sat across from each other facing one another.

Two mugs for Alexios and one for Robb. The challenge continued, the entire time Alexios was smirking and Robb was sweating slightly after the finished their fifth round. "Aye! Lord Alexios is scamming another boy for fun, haha." William laughed at while whispering to Toros who was still slightly upset at William though agreed with a nod followed with a gulp of ale. Alexios's mind was deep in thought but swallowed his pride and allowed the young wolf to have some face.

As Alexios downed the last couple of mugs filled with ale, he belched out loud with enough force and volume to startle Robb. Alexios tilted backwards as he hanged his head back with a slight smirk as he fell back to the ground with a loud thud. Reana saw the corned of Alexios's lip curl up as he fell back and couldn't help but shake her head but was smiling as well. William stood with his mouth open and shook his head wildly before thinking. 'What just happened!?'

Robb was dizzy and swaying slightly as everything was spinning around him. Toros slapped his hand onto Robb's shoulder before his booming voice resounded out. "The young lord won! All hail Lord Robb Stark!" With chuckles and belching, everyone clumsily fell to their knees to kneel for Robb. Alexios's arm raise up high as he laid onto his back and with a smile said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"You all saw, comrades! My fealty now lies with Robb Stark and no one else. Let everyone know I am his sworn brother for life! Haha!" Alexios's voice stop the clamor brought upon a festive atmosphere.

Only for a short moment before everyone's face returned to smiles. Though his mind was in a different space. All he was thinking was if the rumors were true from his reports from the south and from the north. He needed more allies and strong ones at that.

He was unique and strong alone but one man can not be at two different places at the same time. Nor could he fight wars all alone. Robb's mind was very different, while his senses were clouded, his mind was still trying to work its gears. 'I won? I really won? How could he drink so much? I think he finished a barrel's worth. By the old gods, I will never drink against Alexios Dragen again.'

Like that everyone there celebrated and stayed up till early morning drinking till the tavern owner said he was out of ale and wine. With that news, Alexios arose from under some rubble he was thrown into by Toros after he kicked Toros in the ass to push him closer to the woman he was blushing in front of. Alexios was all smiles and had rosy cheeks, stepping up to the counter and fumbling with his coin purse. He was about to pull out some gold dragons but then thought it over. He had roughly about a thousand gold dragons in his purse that he brought with him on his person.

Though he could always get more so he just placed the whole coin purse on the counter and smiled at the owner. "Thanks for the service, this is for repairs, to stock up and to help build this place up so you can prosper more. Call it an investment, possibly one of many. Me and my comrades will need more space if I decide to bring more friends so if you have any ideas, let me know." With that the owner's mouth opened slightly not knowing what to say from the generous attitude from this noble.

He looked at the purse and looked inside before saying. "Of course my lord, you are welcome anytime to my humble Tavern, bring as many friends as you'd like and I'll stick up on more ale and wine for you haha!" The exchange was a welcome change compared to the business deals he did over in Essos as it was a lot less formal and sweet talking. Just straight to the matter with a little bit of friendly banter. Alexios headed over to a table close to the wall at the end of the tavern just to see two boots sticking up.

He grabbed on of the boots and pushed the boot away, as a result the persons body turned and fell onto its side waking the person up. "Wh! What! What happened, ugh my head is throbbing. Where am I?" "Get up my lord, it's time to head to Winterfell. We may like to have a good time, but no one can say we've ever been late to a meeting." Alexios said grinning at Robb who was starting to get up, although very slowly.

Robb looked around to see everyone up and packing up then leaving through the front door. He was the last to get up. 'How is anyone even up right now?' Robb quickly gathered his bearing and got up for the day. Like that, Robb with his guards were accompanied with Alexios, his companions and a few of his more trusted soldiers resulting in about 50 men making their way to Winterfell. Alexios was informed by his scouts that some bandits that were ahead but upon seeing the numbers of the group fled.

Alexios chuckled at the thought. "Aye, Garold! William! Take 10 men with you and go clear the surround areas around the road of unsavory vermin." The two men rose forward and upon hearing their lord's orders set off each picking out five men each. When the two had their men, they set off in two separate directions on either side of the rode. The group's size lowered to 38 after the smaller detachment left.

Robb rode up next to Alexios just to see the large man smirking atop his large warhorse he proudly boasted about often. "Why did you send them so few men? the bandits could number anywhere between five to twenty man on average. Maybe even a large bandit party." Alexios didn't even look at Robb's direction before replying.

"William, silent, quick, and deadly if you don't spot him first. I've seen him cut off a man's nut sack and throw the same knife at his follower in his throat. The poor man didn't even react till his man behind him dropped dead. Garold, best damn archer I have ever seen. He can shoot with precision at at least 500 feet away, 600 easily if he's using his bow. His eyesight never fails him. One will kill you before you know he's there and the other will kill you with either a clean shot if you don't see him or a barrage of arrows."

Alexios looked at Robb and Robb was shocked at the praise Alexios was giving to the two men. "Not to mention every man under me is trained to be the best in their field with basic knowledge in others. I am being too generous with sending 5 men to each."

Robb's mouth felt dry and his words lost. He wasn't sure how to react to such news. Then he questioned something he would regret. "who would win in a fight between you or any of your men?" Alexios's eyes went dull before his voice came out low.

"Not even in question, any man or woman that stands before me should be prepared for death with open arms. That is all they will get from me if they oppose me." Cold sweat ran down Robb's brow as he swallowed the lump in his throat before turning forward.

"Would you spar with me? No holding back? I should know how skilled my sworn brother is if someday my life is in your hands." Even saying those words made Robb summon every ounce of strength he had. Only to see Alexios smirk wickedly and look directly into his eyes..."Sure my lord. I hope you won't be scared of me afterwards."