
The rescue

I got teleported to the middle of a forest, but when I looked around me I couldn't see Rue anywhere.

"Pod, are we in the right place?"

[You teleported to the exact location the stone was broken.]

"Yeah, you're right, here are the remnants," I said while looking beneath my feet.

I took the pieces of the stone that were on the ground and I rubbed them with my hand.

Suddenly, more than twenty people surrounded me. They were all there, wearing black uniforms and masks.

"Fuck off, I don't have time to play with you," I said and got ready to teleport away from there.

But I remembered that I can't use teleportation in front of other people, that will reveal my identity, sort of.

"Oh, come on!" I exclaimed.

One of those people took a step forward and said, "If you value your life, turn back and never come back."

I wanted to finish them off as quickly as I could, but for some reason, this person angered me as his voice seemed too prideful for shit they be pulling in my world.

"Tell me right now where Rue is," I yelled.

"The girl is in our base with the other slaves. And if you also don't want to end up like them, I advise you to turn back and forget everything you saw here."

"What will happen to her?"

"Who knows? Maybe she will be sold as a sex slave, as a maid, or something else. Honestly, I don't even care, but don't worry. Before doing, that we will give her a great time, both her and the other female slaves."

It seems that this guy here doesn't know who he is messing with.

"If that's how you want it, so be it."

"Pod, activate the timer. I want to see how much time it will take me to kill all of them. For fun, I'll only be using limbs"

[As you wish, master.]

"Kill him now." The man roared and everyone charged toward me.

I released my killing intent, which flooded the valley and charged toward them.

I punched one guy's head with so much power that it cut off from the rest of his body. I kicked someone in his stomach, breaking all of his ribs.

They were trying to land a hit on me, but they couldn't even compare to my speed.

From my perspective, it was one way of slaughter, with me being the butcher.

I hit someone's head with my palm, flattening his face, which resulted in his eyeballs coming out and flying into the air.

I punched another one in the stomach, but this time my arm went all the way through to his spine. I caught his spine and pulled it off his body.

With his spine in my hands, I threw it towards another guy and made a hole in his belly.

I pushed someone to the ground, caught his head, and pulled it with strength so that both his head and spine came out of his body. I swang his spine and hit another one in the head with the head which was still attached to the spine, making both of the skulls shatter.

I had already killed a dozen of those guys when the rest of them took a step back to get some distance from me.

"Come on, he's one man and you are more than twenty. How is it possible to kill you like that?." the man sshouted, irritated, and everyone once again charged toward me.

"You fucking human dare to go against your creator? I guess I'll have to show you what kind of divine punishment I will give you."

And without further ado, I once again started slaying those people.

I threw someone in the air with my hands and threw him on my knee, breaking his spine.

I twisted another one's head, cut off one's arm, and forcefully penetrated his throat with it.

And because I had run out of ideas for gruesome killing for the others, so I just smashed their heads.

I went close to the leader of those people and smashed him to the ground. I broke his legs and arms so that he wouldn't be able to move.

"Now, will you please tell me where your base is?"

"You fucking bastard, you will kill me either way."

"Indeed, but I give you two options. Either you will tell me where she is and you will have a quick death or I'll torture you till you tell me, and don't worry, even if you die I can resurrect you and start from the beginning."

"You bastard, do your worse."

"Well, I guess it's time for me to start my job."

I penetrated his stomach with my hand, caught his intestine, and slowly started to pull it off his body.

But I couldn't even finish pulling the whole thing out because he died.

"Oh, that won't work. We are not done yet."

I raised my hand in the air and then placed it on his chest.

His whole body healed and his eyeballs started moving again.

"W-what happened? Why I'm here?"

"Didn't I tell you that I'm not letting you die till you tell me where Rue is? Well, enough with the talking. Let me continue with my job."

I placed my fingers in his eyes and pulled out his eyeballs.

"I guess you won't need them for now, or generally ever again."

After that, I cut off his right arm and removed the flesh, leaving only the bone.

I broke the bone in two and inserted one part into his throat and I slowly penetrated his stomach with the other.

"Hey, who told you that you could die? I said and resurrected him again.

"No, please, no more. I will tell you, I will tell you, stop bringing me back to life."

"Please, what are you doing stop!!!?" he begged,

"Now I liked your tone. Isn't it better this way? I'm listening. Where is your base?"

"It's southwest from here. It's inside a mountain." He stuttered,

I got up and looked him in the eyes.

"Thank you for your services," I said and smashed his head with my foot.

Now then, time to save Rue. Before that, well, they are already dead, so no way turning them into dust will be a problem. Maybe this will be better,

"Decompose," I said, and the bodies melted down on earth,

[Master, hurry up. It seems someone is having a bad intent on her]

"Oii, didn't we discuss that using omniscience is cheating,"


Yea, I know I was being unreasonable, but it was me trying to keep my head calm. I remember clearly that I instructed a hero to end slaves and dealings of people's freedom, yet my world still has this stupid business going on.

Now let's teleport to their hideout.

I appeared inside the Kidnapper's hideout,

"Hahaha, the count will sure be pleased," the bulky kidnapper said.

"That Demi-Dwarf girl sure is eye candy…. Wonder if we can have a taste," another one chimed, and the leader looked at him with cold eyes,

"No one will touch valuable merchandise," I began reading the leader's mind,

It had been a few years since they all began kidnapping dwarfs, each of them is born with the fine talent of craftsmanship and the worst of the dwarven blacksmith is still better than the average human craftsman.

I see so this is their purpose. I frowned as I saw the scene of an old huge smith with a single big heart where many dwarfs were locked making weapons,

I jumped right towards them.

"Party is over, you bastards!!" they didn't understand what was happening as I burnt 12 of them to ashes from my spell.

And then I teleported again, now I appeared in front of Rue I opened the locks that tied her feet and she looked at me in shock as I had just appeared in front of her out of shadow, it was something like an assassin's highest-ranking skill,

"Don't worry much. Open all of their locks I'll be dealing with those, bastards" I said as I snapped healing her wounds and mending her clothes,

"Just who in the hell are you?" she asked, and I too believed I overdid it.

"I am God" I smiled, and she looked at me as if I was a lunatic and spoke

"Was I supposed to laugh? Either way, I will kill those bastard's leader," she said, and we began bickering without caring for the situation we were in and suddenly the door was thrown open,

"You bastard here you are!!" the kidnapper's leader with another kidnaper roared,

"Well then do it," I said calmly to Rue and she looked at me with a questioning gaze and I said again,

"Do it if something were to come in the way. I'll see it"

A sudden look of delight appeared on her face and as she turned towards the bandits it turned into coldness, she rushed carrying the dagger I made for her and made a short work of the bandits hacking and slashing their necks nerves rushing fast and sliding beneath their legs but I still for security, released a bit mana from the fake core,

'And it worked' I smirked as the leader became cold on the floor till Rue killed him, I honestly wonder If she could do this why was she caught in the first place but right now our focus was freeing the dwarfs and returning them to village.
