
The Cosmic Symphony

Sleepy_cat123 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Memories from the past.

Adrian could not get rid of the uneasy feeling in his heart. This feeling was slowly consuming him from within. He couldn't fall asleep no matter how much he tried.

A myriad of voices, voices he couldn't comprehend, voices of people he had never heard echoed in his head.

" You do not belong here!"

" You do not belong here!"

This was the only thing that the voices said that Adrian could understand.

What is this feeling?...Whose voices am i hearing?

That was the only thing Adrian could think of the voices continued to perceive he saw countless shadowey figures arise from nothingness and they all repeated the same thing.

" You do not belong here. You are not supposed to be here go away!"

The shadowey figures started to slowly approach him every second the came closer and closer . They wrapped around him with their etherial bodies. As the figures wrapped him he felt his breath getting heavier and his consciousness slowly fading away.

Just as his consciousness was about to fade away completely he heard something.

He heard a sound he knew he never heard but it still felt familiar to him.

The sound became clearer and clearer and in the nothingness that he was trapped in something appeared from the direction of the source of the sound . It was not the shadows that were wrapping around him it was light.

As the light slowly dimmed he finally saw the source of this unknown yet familiar sound.

In front of him was a blurry figure of a man sitting on a chair and playing a piano.

"Moonlit sonata!"

Those were the only two words that came out of Adrian's mouth. Those were words he had never heard but for some reason he felt like those words were something he was well aware of .

Just as he said those two words the music stopped. The man playing the piano looked at Adrian who was still being wrapped by those strange shadowey figures.

The man smiled at Adrian. Although his face couldn't be seen properly Adrian could atleast tell that he was smiling at him.

The man then said something that shocked Adrian to the the core. His eyes widened as he was still wondering what he just heard.

Just as he was wondering what the man told him he was awaken by a knock on the door.

"Adrian, dear are you still sleeping? Wake up dinner is ready."

"Alright , mom i will be come down immediately!"

" Ok don't be take too long."

Adrian got out of his bed covered in sweat. His face cold and steren.

" Evander ", he wispered that was the name that felt too familiar to him. That was the cause of the uneasy feeling in his heart. He finally undertood why the shadowey figures told him that he didn't belong here.

" So that's who i am.", Adrian wispered. Everything came down to just one truth. The uneasy feeling in his heart, the shadowey figures and what the man playing the piano said it all came down to one conclusion.

He was not Adrian. He was not the person who he was he was someone else. He was someone who got reincarnated as Adrian. The memories of him as a childhood was not actually his.

"No!, it's doesn't matter who i was all that matters is who i am right now. I am Adrian Evercrest not Evander Dawnweaver." he wispered his eyes filled with conviction.

" Did you finally come back to the land of the Living?" his sister Lumine Evercrest grinned.

Adrian Looked his sister's wide grin and tears nearly dropped from his bright blue eyes.

" Yes i decided to come back for my cute little sister.", Adrian gave a big smile.

(I am Adrian and this is my family that i love and cherish no one can change this fact.)