
The little bundle of joy

The next morning Anna and Regan left for New York. However, as soon as they landed, they were caught up with the loads of work owing to their joint project and other deals. Regan was more caring and cautious towards her ensuring her safety all the time. He still couldn't forget the previous accidents due to which he had to feel that he would lose her. He didn't want to go through that turmoil again. He ensured to be around her all the times so as to keep her from any possible threats. She was always accompanied by Zander in his absence with other guards around her without her knowledge.

It had almost been a couple of weeks after their arrival in New York but he didn't get to see anything suspicious around him or Anna due to which he was relieved, but at the same time anxious with an intuition of something extremely distressing going to happen with a feel of 'silence before the storm'. Nevertheless, he kept his anxiety to himself and always acted normal around Anna. Although, she showed her concern about him stressing too much about something, but he never openly talked about it not intending to get her caught up in something which she didn't deserve to stress upon. She wasn't alone anymore. He was there for her, to keep her away from every single thing that could cost her happiness and be the reason of her tears.

Their relation over the few weeks blossomed magnificently where smiles became a routine on her face. The feeling of calling his house a home literally filled Regan's heart with sheer joy and content and he always looked forward to return back home to see her waiting for him like a perfect wife that she was. He made sure that she would not exert herself at the office and would send her home earlier than him. He knew that she was always kind and considerate, but she was much more than that. He became more familiar to her culinary skills and her passion for cooking as he always found his home filled with the sweet and delicious aroma of mouth-watering food that she cooked for him. In spite of the circumstances that she was put into for the wedding, she was unexpectedly caring and considerate about his feelings. She was gradually opening up to him with every passing day. He knew that she still needed more time to overcome her past which she had suppressed in her heart but she was incredulously thoughtful about his feelings too and made sure that he won't get hurt by her reluctance. He was happy that she was gradually getting used to his closeness. Waking up beside her and having her in his arms was the best start of his mornings. She was still shy around him with the proximity and kisses, but he loved to see her subconsciously blushing on his acts. Her timidity and innocence were alluring and he just couldn't get enough of her.

She never failed to amuse him with her thoughtfulness like she did today. He had returned back from a long day and was looking forward to the dinner as he was famished. The table was laid with scrumptious green chicken and rice and he couldn't wait more to have it all, but Anna was busy on a call. To his surprise, it was Grace. He hadn't heard from her in a while and wanted to talk to her, but was amused when she continued talking with Anna instead of him.

"Mama, please talk to Regan. He really wants to talk to you."

Anna handed the cell to him gesturing him to talk to his mother while she went into the kitchen to bring out the remaining dishes.

"Hey mom! I miss you."

"How is my boy?"

Regan gently rolled his eye on her question as he couldn't understand why would she still treat him as a little boy. Regardless, he really missed Grace and Nathan this time as they had stopped nagging him with their routine calls since many days. Initially, he was too engaged to notice it, but now he found it really weird on their part.

"Hmmm….. So, you finally got the time to remember your son mom. I thought you forgot me. I don't get any calls from you or dad these days. Is everything alright over there?"

"Of course, it is. It's just that I get to know everything about you from Anna as she talks to me every day unlike you."

"Really?" He was extremely surprised on hearing it.

"Okay, now give the phone back to Anna. She was sharing her green chicken recipe with me when you interrupted us."

He was shocked to hear it from her. By then, Anna had already come to him. He quietly gave the phone to her and sat on the table patiently waiting for her to finish. She did a couple of rounds from the kitchen to the dining area with other things in hand while speaking with Grace. Eventually, she ended the call and came to sit across him. She served him the dishes and explained how Grace had insisted her to call regularly when she last came to New York. Anna followed that and within no time, they created a heart-warming relation between them and now talked to each other daily. Regan was pleasantly surprised to hear about it but was ecstatic to know about the growing bond between her and his folks.

The next morning, he was hastily getting ready to leave for an early meeting when he got a call from Nathan as he was unable to talk to him the previous night. Pressing the phone between his face and shoulder, he was struggling with his tie while looking at his reflection in the mirror when he felt a gentle pat on his shoulder. He was surprised to see Anna. Without speaking anything, she took the tie from his hand and started tying it up around his neck.

'Let me help you.' She mouthed and gestured him to talk over the phone comfortably. He was bemused over her sweet gesture. She was always shy with their proximity, but never failed to amuse him with her thoughtfulness and consideration where she would leave her inhibitions and help him out frequently at times like such. He nodded with a faint smile, struggling to breathe now and keep his hands off when she was so close to him. He couldn't understand himself for always losing his mind around her. His smile widened on seeing her futile struggle to match his height with the intention to help him. She stood on her tiptoes and he couldn't help but silently laugh in amusement earning a playful glare from her in the very next moment. He carefully encircled his arm around her waist to bring her closer and gently lifted her up to help her balance while leaning down at the same time. Her eyes widened and heart fluttered at his unexpected action, but she somehow managed to complete the work that she herself took into her hands.

She could see how he never left any chance to get closer to her. The thing that bemused her was her ownself who became accustomed to his every little touch and gesture that she didn't mind any of it.

"I…..I have some work downstairs...."

She said and scurried away as fast as she could, making Regan chuckle on her behavior. She rushed to the kitchen and started helping Briella. Within no time, Regan came downstairs dressed up in a crisp grey suit. He came to the kitchen to find her back facing him as she was cooking something. Briella had already left noticing Regan's presence making Anna more nervous than she already was as she sensed him behind her. She had definitely let her guards down and was quiet comfortable with the cozy him, but she couldn't help but feel nervous and shy due to his proximity. Regan came behind her and kissed her head from the back. He encircled his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Regan…." She gasped breathlessly, extremely surprised with his unexpected move.

She held his hand and bit her lip to stop the blood rushing to her face that grew warm due to their closeness. She had really lost the count of his extreme affection through his gentle yet intimate touches that always took her breath away. She could understand that it was his way of showing her his love which she didn't mind as he never crossed his lines where she would feel uneasy.

"Thank you." He whispered in his deep voice. His breath caressed her ear and he smirked when he felt the little goose bumps that formed on her skin.

"For what?"

"For making mom and dad so happy. Dad told me how you talk to them everyday, especially with mom. He told me how you arranged a surprise dinner for them when they fought and resolved everything."

She turned around while he still held her firmly in his arms with a pleasing smile on his face.

"It's nothing. I just helped a bit.....and I really love to talk to them. They are extremely nice and loving."

He nodded in understanding and kissed her forehead.

"It means a lot to them... and me as well. Mom has always kept complaining about how I don't give them enough time. Seems as if you have solved my greatest problem." He chuckled on his own statement, then frowned. "Though it's a different thing that they have forgotten me, especially her." He grumbled like a kid bringing a smile on her face.

"They love you too much to forget. They always ask about you. It's you who should give them some more time. I know you are staying here.....because of me, but I would never stop you to go there Regan. I am willing to go to Seattle with you as I know that's the place where your home is and trust me.....I would never want you to keep you away from your home or people. Just give me some time."

Her smile faltered and she looked down to hide her vulnerability.

Bringing her hands closer to his chest, he urged her to look at him. "You can never keep me away from home or people Anna. Do you know why?" He smiled and kissed her temple while she closed her eyes. "Because you are my home. I don't need a place or anyone else because you are the person I always want to return to at the end of my day. You are my shelter and I am happy to finally meet the other half of my soul."

She looked into his eyes that reflected nothing but love and gave him her best smile that reflected on his face too. He leaned forward not intending to leave her yet but was interrupted with his phone call. He groaned but picked it up as it was from Nolan reminding him of his early meeting. He quickly finished his breakfast and left.

Anna still had an hour to leave, so she decided to call Emily to ask about her wellbeing. She was due in the next ten days and was eagerly waiting for the arrival of her little bundle of joy. Soon after returning from Florida, she and Regan had went to their place to meet Richard. His health was getting better and everyone was relieved to know about it. Meanwhile, Anna sorted her differences with Emily as she was unable to stay upset with her for a long time. They catched on a couple of meals as a happy family which brought them closer like before. She had just taken her phone to call her when Jack's name displayed on her screen making her smile at the coincidence.

"Hey Jack! I was about to....."


Before she could complete, she heard his panicked voice through the phone who informed her that Emily's water broke and he was taking her to the hospital. She quickly texted Regan about the same and went to the hospital where Jack and Emily were already in the labour room as she was having severe contractions.

Anna was pacing in the corridor when Regan reached there after completing his meeting. Before he could ask her anything, Emily's painful shrieks took them off guard. It went on for a couple of hours and eventually stopped. They were extremely anxious but soon the doctor gave them the happy news that Emily delivered a healthy baby girl. Both were pink in health and they could meet them in an hour.

When Anna and Regan went to meet Emily, she was already holding her close to her chest with Jack beside her. They both exchanged happy glances and went inside to congratulate the new family.

"Anna, why are you still standing there? Come and hold your niece."


"Of course baby girl? Did you forget? You are the Godmother of my angel?"

She nodded her head and carefully took the baby in her arms.

"Oh My God!" She exclaimed with a bright smile on holding the little bundle of joy. Regan too came beside her to look at her.

"She just looks like you Em..... She is so precious. A true God gift. I already love her so much."

Emily chuckled on her elation. She saw her and Regan with the baby in delight. While Regan was quietly awestruck with her, Anna cooed in a baby voice as if she could understand her already.

"Don't worry baby girl. You too will get such precious God gift soon." She winked making Regan frown on her statement.

"We are never going to have any baby."

Anna was startled with Regan's cold declaration which took everyone off guard too.

No apology is enough for the delays in update but I am sorry from the depth of my heart.

Here is the new chapter. I hope you all enjoy.

ash022creators' thoughts