7 phoenix: 06

*y/n's pov*

*In her diary*

i loved writing ever since I learned alphabets. I really felt it's the only way I can express myself and talk it out. A Piece of paper has all the patience that one person couldn't ever have just to listen something I always talked. As an ambivert, my extrovert self felt lonely. but my introvert self was creative enough to imagine a paper as a person.

Writing always helped me get through the hardest time of my life.

so lemme just express again.

Hmm... title..?

Maybe Phoenix? sounds good.

Title: Phoenix


Just Like a Phoenix

I Breakthrough Ash

Am Bitterish 

But I Can accomplish 

Just Like a Phoenix 

Reballish But Not Relinquish 

Not Devilish But Can Flourish 

Am Like a Goldfish 

and I can Vanquish 

Just Like a Phoenix 

Am a strong Box 

Who is like a Pandora box

I can Superfix 

which is Influx 

Who is like a Match Box

Can Be Convex 

who is also Infix 

Just Like a Phoenix 

Am a Unique Bird

That Can't End 

Only can be Developed 

Differentiated and Reconsolidated 

Life can be Complicated 

but am Malfunctioned 

I can be acknowledged

I can also be Disheartened 

I can also unskilled 

But Just like Phoenix 

I Rebirth as if i can't give Up 

I will Be advanced 

I will Succeed

being Adjusted, Inspired 

I can Be asserted 

But will be Concerted 

I can Brake  

But I will Become a Rock 

That will tear to glow 

i will be a Diamond 

i will be principalized 

which can be Publicized 

I will be qualified 

even if you say am Unorganised 

i am me, that i will always will be

You can isolate 

But i will Incarnate 

I will go forward 

because i don't want to be a loser

You can Underestimate

but i will Inhabitate.

Why did I write something like this so suddenly...? I don't know maybe cuz I wanted the support and encouragement from someone who can't never love me back.

it is...


Hey can you at least hold me for real..? just once...?

I'm I expecting too much from you...?

