
The Coldest Heart in Etheria (BL)

In a world filled with simplicity and joy, where peace is a shared privilege, not everyone embraces the mundane. Welcome to Etheria, a realm where magic is real—mythical creatures, sorcery, dark magic, and potions coexist with everyday life. For some, Etheria is not just a place; it's home. Enter Etheria, School of Magic and Enchantment, where every impossibility is a potential reality. Here, the extraordinary is an everyday occurrence, and the unexpected is the norm. Our narrative unfolds through the eyes of Nolan Alexander Starr, a seemingly tough soul with a heart softer than the most delicate enchantment. As Nolan commences his journey as a student at Etheria, his story delves into resilience, magical revelations, and the forging of unforeseen connections. "The Coldest Heart in Etheria" invites you to immerse yourself in a world where chilling exterior may conceal the most enchanting depths. Accompany Nolan as he unravels the mysteries within Etheria, discovering warmth in unexpected places and unveiling the extraordinary hidden in the ordinary.

miku_miyuzumi · ファンタジー
10 Chs

02: Dark Magic


"God, what a disaster," Luke sighed, his frustration audible. The Welcoming Party, one of the most anticipated events in Etheria, was now tainted by a wave of black magic poisoning. The atmosphere in the magical school was tense, to say the least.

As we walked to the dining hall, known as the gathering hall, I walked beside Luke, leading the House of Vollmer students. Luke, or Alukasar Erik Adler, was the head boy of our house. He had this air of respect around him, always proper and clean, belonging to one of the esteemed families of Etheria. Yet, even his composed demeanor couldn't hide the stress etched on his face, especially with four students from our house, including myself, falling victim to the black magic poisoning the night before.

"It really is a disaster, considering the fact that you want to make a mess in the Welcoming Party out of all times," remarked Allison Hunter, a tall and athletic friend from Year 6. His tan skin and hazel eyes made him quite attractive, and Etherians would call him a model if he were a charmless – their term for non-magical folks.

"How many victims were there again?" Allison asked, directing the question at Ana.

"Well, according to my sources, House Vergotti got 5, House Vasilikos got 7, House Vigiuer has 3, and our dearest house, House Vollmer got 4," answered Anastasia Rosella Van der Berg, or Ana, the secretary of our house. Ana and Luke were the pillars holding our house together, without them, we'd probably be in shambles. She hailed from a long line of European Etherians, one of the oldest wizarding families in the world.

Then, there's me, Nolan. Unlike everyone else, I come from a charmless family. My single mother took care of me, and my father – whom I never got to meet – apparently died when I was very young. Mom doesn't talk about him much, except that I inherited his green eyes.

"By the way, Nolan, are you sure you are fine? You still need to rest, after all, you got poisoned too," Ana said, genuine concern etched on her face.

"Don't worry, Ana, I'm fine. I can handle myself and stronger than ever," I reassured her, offering a small, reassuring smile.

"You're lucky, Nolan. Out of all the students that got poisoned, you seem to be the one that got less," Allison added, his voice reflecting a mix of relief and concern.

I nodded in agreement, but internally, a wave of unease washed over me. A flashback from last night played in my mind, and I couldn't bring myself to share the details with Ana and Allison. The truth about what happened with Leon was something I couldn't reveal. The thought of us being linked together in any way felt like a secret that must remain buried.

A warm flush crept up my face, fueled by both embarrassment and the vivid memories of that night. I desperately hoped my poker face held up, shielding the tumultuous emotions brewing beneath the surface. The last thing I wanted was for Ana and Allison to share in the despair and confusion that plagued me.

"By the way, house Vasilikos got 7?!?!" I exclaimed, genuinely shocked. Changing the subject, so I can remove this uneasy feeling.

"That's what they deserve for cheating at last year's Ethereal Carnival Cup," Allison said, holding onto a grudge from the previous year.

"That's not very nice of you, Allison," Ana replied, sparking a typical argument between the two. They continued bickering as we neared the entrance of the gathering hall.

"The old married couples are fighting again," I whispered to Luke, who turned around abruptly.

"Halt!" Luke's command brought an immediate silence. "Ordentlich! Sauber!" he added, making everyone stand correctly and straight.

Luke swung open the massive wooden door, revealing the grand hall that eagerly welcomed us. The Welcoming Party, initially intended to be a joyous celebration, now hung in the balance of chaos.

As House of Vollmer students entered, each of us was directed to a long table reserved for our house. Luke, maintaining his composure despite the unsettling events, signaled for us to take our seats.

"Sitzen!" he declared, and with his command, the students promptly took their seats.

The wooden benches creaked softly as we settled down. The atmosphere was tense, a stark contrast to the anticipated festive mood of the Welcoming Party. I could sense the shared apprehension among my fellow housemates.

Just in time, the headmaster of Etheria, Mr. Cornelius Forgestorm, made his grand entrance into the hall, accompanied by all the professors. Their robes billowed as they walked, creating an aura of authority and wisdom. The professors took their positions, and the headmaster assumed his place at the front.

As I scanned the room, my attention was abruptly diverted. A distinct feeling lingered in the air, and when I followed the sensation, I found myself locking eyes with Leon. His gaze bore into mine, and an inscrutable smirk played on his lips. I shot him a glare, my eyes narrowing, but he seemed to revel in the unexpected connection. With a hint of amusement, he maintained eye contact until I looked away.

I redirected my focus to the front, where the headmaster and professors stood, ready to address the uneasy assembly. The Welcoming Party, once a symbol of unity and excitement, now unfolded in the shadow of uncertainty, leaving a palpable tension in the air.

A towering hat adorned Grandmaster Forgestorm's head, a clear symbol of his authority in the wizarding world. His long robe, a flowing testament to his grandmaster status, billowed as he moved. Completing the ensemble was his lengthy white beard and weathered face, markers of the many years he had lived. The aura of power and wisdom surrounded him as he made his way to the central podium.

Clearing his throat, the grandmaster prepared for his speech. "Good morning, students of Etheria," he greeted us with a tone that demanded attention.

"As you may know, such a tragedy occurred last night. Nineteen of our dearest Etheria students have been poisoned at the Welcoming Party. Don't worry now; our greatest witches are tending to them, ensuring their health will be restored. We are saddened by this event, and we are doing our best to repay everyone," Forgestorm said, casting a somber mood across the room.

I glanced around, observing the downcast expressions on my fellow students' faces. A girl from House Vasilikos was in tears, likely worrying about a friend who might be a victim.

"As for the chaos itself, the professors are still investigating the crimes that happened in our school. We have found that the dark magic poison used at the party can only be made by a great sorcerer with a profound control over dark magic. The potion brewed can only be created by the finest witch," Forgestorm explained, sparking a chorus of murmurs and exchanged theories.

"This madness is clearly not the work of one person. It's clearly a team. We are not sure who would do this at our school, but rest assured we are going to capture them," he declared, further intensifying the speculation among the students.

"Could it be them?" Allison asked, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"It's a possibility. They are notoriously known for their use of dark magic," Luke suggested, responding to Allison's question.

The idea resonated, and a shared assumption seemed to spread through the room. Before discussions could escalate, Grandmaster Forgestorm intervened with a commanding scream, silencing everyone.

"Now, my dear students, I know you are all scared by all that has happened. I know it can be something we are not sure of. I know there's a famous phrase going around in our school, 'expect the unexpected.' Nevertheless, students, even if times are difficult and hard, we must be composed and show a headstrong heart. If we let fear and darkness cover us, we will definitely lose. Let us first save ourselves from all the darkness in the world. A great wizard once said, 'Let yourself be the light if darkness takes over.' " I looked at Forgestorm with admiration. His words resonated deeply, and I could feel the relief among the students.

"That's all for now; let Etheria be at peace," Grandmaster Forgestorm concluded, prompting applause from the assembled students. The applause, while appreciative, couldn't fully mask the unease that lingered in the air.

As the flow of students dispersed, Luke, Allison, Ana, and I lingered for a few moments to avoid being caught in the rush. We exchanged concerned glances, the lingering aftermath of the recent chaos hanging heavy in the air.

"I'm so confused about why they would target our school? Like, does that make any sense?" I voiced my bewilderment, seeking answers from my friends.

"Clearly, there's a motive here. They just can't be doing that for fun," Allison added, his tone reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"That's true. They did it on the night of the Welcoming Party when everyone is all in one place," Luke pointed out, solidifying our shared theory.

"What could it be? All we know of this year is the annual Moonlit Festival," Ana pondered aloud.

"You mean, the one that comes every four years?" Allison sought confirmation.

"The Moonlit Festival, also known as the Night of Lost Souls," I chimed in, recalling the details I had read during my first year in Etheria.

"Let's go, guys. There are fewer students now," Luke suggested, and we all stood up, making our way out while continuing our conversation on the way to our Elemental Spell class.

"Night of the Lost Souls? You mean, are they trying to revive someone?" Ana asked, a chill running down my spine at the possibility.

"You mean they're trying to get Vlad—" I was abruptly cut off when a group of individuals blocked our path.

"Well, well, looks like the Vollmer students have their theories too," Tom sneered, a member of the House Viguier, known for being a total troublemaker.

"Would you like to share it with us?" Raven, a girl with black silky hair, inquired with a mocking tone.

"Now, Raven, we don't want to put our nose in someone's business," Philip, the secretary of their house, interjected.

"What do you guys want?" Luke demanded, his voice firm and assertive.

"Oh dear, Head Boy, it's just that the four of you were babbling so loudly that everyone could hear you," Philip said.

"How about you fix that ugly attitude of yours, first?" Ana retorted, shooting a defiant look at Philip.

Raven suddenly shifted her attention to me, grabbing my face and scrutinizing my eyes. "Aren't you too fine to be going to class? Everyone is almost dying from the poison, yet you seem fine. What incantation did you use, Starr?" I gulped nervously, unable to answer without revealing the truth of what happened to me.

"That's enough, Raven," a husky voice intervened, causing Raven to release her grip on my face.

Leon. The Head Boy of House Viguier. His tall, imposing figure commanded attention, and his striking appearance with jet black hair and bright blue eyes made him stand out. His cold gaze shifted between me and his group. I couldn't meet his eyes, especially after what happened last night.

"Let's go; we don't want to waste our time on these weaklings," Leon said, leading his companions away. Their laughter echoed, punctuating Leon's dismissive statement.

While the others expressed annoyance, we continued walking to our class.

"What a jerk," Ana stated with clear irritation.

"Don't mind them, Ana. They're nothing but a bunch of entitled jerks with nothing better to do than bother others," Luke reassured us, his voice firm and determined.

We all agreed, choosing to focus on our day. The encounter with Leon and his group left me feeling unsettled. His abrupt shift from warmth to coldness raised questions I couldn't answer. As we walked, I made a silent promise to myself: avoid Leon at all costs in the future. The anxiety he brought was something I wanted to steer clear of.

Hi guys this is chapter 2 of my new novel. At the next part I will be sharing the history of the Moonlit Festival, so checked out that one as well. Thank you guys for reading my story!!

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