Chapter 1Chapter 1 - Echoes of Still Waters
As the sun was setting, a lone man was sitting by the edge of a lake. Going by Eli, he was somebody that the townsfolk took notice of as somebody who fishes for an extraordinary amount of time.However, nobody ever took the time to go and interact with this man, simply due to the fact that a man sitting and fishing for a long time wasn't something worth inquiring about.He was somebody shrouded in mystery, and there was always this feeling that he wasn't quite ordinary. He looked like a normal man. Dawning a fishing hat that obscured his luscious black hair, he also wore a brown, short sleeved shirt and short, brown jeans. However, the feeling that there was something to his man simply couldn't be shook off by those observing him in passing.Hours went by and finally, Eli felt something that he hasn't felt before in his life. A sense of emptiness, something that irritated him to no end. Why was he feeling like this, and how can this feeling be quelled? And so, finally, the man spoke, saying,"I'm feeling bored."