
Full moon light

Dried leaves and foliage made a sound of crunch as she walked through the dense and dangerous forest all by herself in the middle of the night, noise of night wild life and insects mixed with rustling of tall trees against the air gave off an eerie and spooky feel , cool breeze hit her fair skin that made her shiver , with shaky finger she adjusted her big spectacle frame that slipped to her nose due to cold sweat...

she was around 20 years old girl who seemed to have lost her way in this god forsaken forest...

She didn't know which direction to go anymore but she still kept moving forward aiming her cellphone's torchlight in the distant hoping to find a way back to the camp.

She checked her cellphone once again for network so that she could call her friends for direction or call for help but to her disappointment she couldn't get coverage in the deep forest, and just to add to her troubles her cellphone's battery died and the last source of light and hope to find a way also died with that ...

She looked up at the sky feeling exhausted , it was full of millions of stars , it was a full-moon night which gave the milky glow to the forest ... somehow it was such an adventures and beautiful scene she has ever seen... if not for the fact that she has lost her way and was unable to find her friends , it would have been the memorable and most beautiful time for her... she has never left her home alone even once till this day , this was her first time going somewhere far from her home , how much she had to plead her mother to let her go on this MT camp...

'I am sorry mom, I am always so dumb and so foolish , I shouldn't have come here when you told me not to go...' she felt like crying

"Awooo.....!" She heard a dangerous howl in the near distance.... and a crunching sound of forest foliage as if someone or something was there ...

'This is the forest , filled with all sorts of wild beasts and predators , and I definitely don't want to be a feast for them ' she thought to herself ...

she gathered the last bit of courage and started to take fast steps in a hurry to find a way out at any cost or at least find a safe spot, but in a hurry she stumbled at something and tripped...

When she opened her eyes to look up, contrary to the dark night a few seconds ago , it was a clear and bright sunny day..

'I must be dreaming or I have hit my head and was blacked out for like 8 to 9 hours ?' She talked to herself rubbing her head and adjusting her spectacles, a bit confused, trying to make a sense of all this.... she still couldn't believe it as she don't feel like she slept for that long in that spooky forest ...

'It's weird ' she thought to herself

'But at least it's not that frightening anymore as it's a broad day light and everything is as clear as day itself , I will go find the others at the camp site ' with that she got up from the ground and dusted her clothes to get rid of dirt and leaves that were sticking to her jeans .

But when she heard loud neighs and sound of hooves in the distant that was getting closer by every passing second , she instinctively hid herself in the bushes...

The ground thundered as the group of men riding horses galloped towards her direction .

'Great ! They must be from one of the camp nearby, I wonder they also provide horse riding game at a small camp like this , whatever it's a relief, Now I can just ask them for a ride to the camp' she cheered inside ...

But her happiness was short lived ...

"She must be somewhere nearby , find her ! " one of the men riding a horse ordered others ..

"Princess , I command you to come out !" A male voice said , in a most demanding and authoritative tone .

She hesitated to go out and ask for help directly as they looked a bit weird judging from their strange costumes and behaviour, the first thought that came to her mind was 'may be they are shooting some historical drama or movie and I must not ruin their shoot , let's wait till they finish before going out and talking to them ...!'

"We know you are here , just come out and we won't hurt you !" Said the same man

"There is no good in hiding in a place like this , either you come with us or get eaten by those hungry wolves , you know very well they have a power to kill our kinds.."

She didn't have much patience to handle their low budget shooting and B grade acting which she felt was not going to end anytime soon ... and most importantly she needed to hurry go back to the camp...

"Um.. hi.. sorry to disturb your shoot but I have a favour to ask ....." hesitantly she rose from her hiding place to face them
