
The Children of Lazarus

In the world of the Magi; The ruling factions who govern the realm are at odds. the northern kingdoms of man have exhausted themselves with the iron fist of the ruling powers that be. the elves hide in their hidden cities.. and a blooded mage defects.. volume 1 of the Lazarus saga.

Ozmund_Wolfe · ファンタジー
11 Chs

A Nook Behind The Cupboard

Alverna ran until her lungs felt like mountain fire, with the boy bouncing unconscious in her arms. She was good at running. Better at sweating. When they had found her father's scorched corpse in the town square, that's when she started really running. Away from family and friends. Away from anyone and everyone she cared for. She could not handle the grief, and then as if running from them wasn't enough. The Shadow Council had decided to come for her as well. So she ran.

          In the beginning it was hard. She was alone and tired but a fire burned in her. She spent weeks and then months drifting from village to village. Surviving off of stolen bread and grissle from vendors on the outskirts of holds. From Cycsteria to Valumdran, Highroth and then The Bleak Falls mountains. It wasn't until Cistern Heights Healers found her in the forests, where they guided her back to their temple and protected her with their aura blocking charms. Giving her a home she required and a chance to be a child. Then she stopped running.... Until her 21st moon, where she ventured back to the city she had called home. Thanious, home of the Shadow council and her childhood and excommunicated friend Renzel Mock. A Battle Mage. She was done running.. But here she was again.

The boys features seemed more refined out of the corner of her eye. Occasionally shed catch a glimpse of a short fiery beard with a streak of silver. She listened to the far off explosions and wisps of spells and Abyssal fire as Renzel and Calprey battled in the alleyway. They had planned for this. But it wouldn't matter if Renzel died or ended up captured.

'Stay alive Ren.. I'm going to be there when you arrive.. Stay alive.'

It was well passed sunset when Alverna and the unconscious boy arrived at the old twisted manner that overlooked the city from the mountain side. The fires blazed and danced around the city far below. New explosions. Blackish purple in nature. An occasional wisp of white flame.

'That means either he's fighting, or they can't find him.'

"They cant find him. His Abyssal form faded moments after we left. His presence is no longer in the city."

Alverna whipped around to see the boy she had sat by the door was awake and looking at the battle as well.

"How do you know that? Who are you? You were unconscious the whole time."

The boy winced as he cradled his ribs with his right arm and sat up.

"Forgive me, my name is Teller, Teller the great in my youth, Teller the wise in my prime. I'm a spirit walker. I've been sent to collect you and Master Mock. I wasn't unconscious, but merely in a state where I could attach to Master Mock's Aura and track it. There's many dangers here young Alverna. My order wishes to help."

Alverna laughed, "you call me young but you are just a boy. How do you know my name?"

Teller grinned, "I am four hundred years old and I know many things more than your name. But before we discuss more matters. I would like to eat. Master Mock will arrive here by noon tomorrow, I have seen this. We should sleep here and eat your hidden oats."

"My hidden oats? How did y-"

Teller chuckled, "I have seen them as well. In a nook, behind the cupboard. Next to..oh my."

      Alverna's face glowed red and she stomped into the old house to fetch the oats from her secret nook, as well as her diary.

"If you read it with or without magic. I'll strangle you."

Teller mused, "I would never. I would just like some oats please Miss Alverna."

"I'll start a fire.." Verna kept her diary close at hand while she dug in her side satchel for her matches.

     "You know, I shouldn't trust you. These are dark times. All Magi are dangerous."

"I know but you do, because the Cystern taught you to read aura colors..correct?"

Alverna's back chilled and she stood and spun to meet Teller's gaze.

"What do you know of my past? You are but a stranger."

   Teller leaned back and breathed a heavy sigh, releasing a soft white light over his ribs from his palm.

"I have told you Miss Alver-"

"I know what you told me! Just keep your magic out of my past and present."

Alverna turned back toward the fire and began rummaging for the oats and some water.

"And stay out of my diary."

Teller chuckled and sat up with his ribs softly mended.



       She awoke before the sun. They slept by the fire that night on Teller's suggestion. Sleeping inside the manor would have kept them cornered should they have needed to flee. The air was crisp and fresh, the sky still in it's early morning gray. She looked out passed the bluff and foothills toward Thanious. The fires from the night before were now plumes of smoke. But even so, the muddy streets and horrid smells of the markets seemed non existent. High up on the manors perch, Thanious glowed a soft dull gold and quarts, the hold looked as clean and pristine as the Cistern Temple itself.

   "It's truly a sight to behold isnt it? The city takes on an Illusion itself. Merchants see the shining stones far off in the harbor. Or while they ride their old mules stacked with Ale and barleys, and they flock to it, just to find a poor district and loss of fortune."

Teller was leaning against his napsack and prodding the fires embers.

"Did you not sleep?"

"I only sleep when I have depleted my Mana."

Alverna cocked an eyebrow, Teller had grown overnight. His hair was sleeked back behind his ears and golden red, streaked with silver and an eleven inch beard to match. His garments had changed as well. Shifting to a dirty white cloak with teal trim and a staff that lay across his lap, a green gem set in the twisted top.

"An Illusion, I saw it as I carried you."

"Did you now? I was trying not to be noticed but my brand of the order doesnt remain hidden. It always shows true."

"Why did you let those people beat you in the street yesterday? You're a mage, you could have bested them easy."

Teller groaned at the firepit and snapped his fingers, roaring it back to life with green flames.

"In my particular order of white Magi, we are bound to a set of rules. One of which states we are forbidden from reacting against any mortal human attack unless we are going to die. And you see, I knew I wasn't going to die. Therefore I could not react."

Alverna pulled her long golden hair back into pony tail and dug in her sack for the last bit of oats.

"You say your particular order. Does that mean other white Magi can harm humans?"

Teller nodded, "Yes, I belong to the Primoric order. The original descendants of Ferin Lazarus as well as the protectors of the city of Ferinous.The first white Mage. We are bound by rules that he himself practiced. Forced to live as he did. There are five Orders of White Magi as well as five Orders of Black Magi. As I'm sure Master Mock has told you."

"Yes Renzel has explained that all to me. Except the black Magi all report to one Order, that rules them all."

Teller nodded, "Yes, the council of shadows. Descendants of the first black Magi and Ferin's Brother, Thanious Lazarus."

Alverna shook her head and dumped the softened oats into a bowl she scavanged from the house.  "It's to early for all of these lessons, lets just eat and get ready for Renzel's arrival."

"Very well." Teller stood and stretched, after a moment he raised his branded palm and whispered "Clemora Sempera."  suddenly the oats began to congeal and gurgle, spitting and spattering, shifting until a roasted orange duck, neatly placed on a platter in front of them.

"You can do that?!"

Teller chuckled. "So can Master Mock, It's an Illusion, it looks and tastes like duck but the nutritional value only consists of what it's made of."

"That's fine by me." Alverna ripped a leg off and dug her teeth into it. Gnawing the meat.

"I'm going to kill Renzel for not doing this to the squirrels. To think these were my oats."

Teller mused.

"From a nook behind the cupboard."