
The chains from which we are bound

Izuku's going to free them, but first he must free himself

corazon_joven · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

The chains from which we are bound

"This is your fault Izuku!" Inko sobbed, kneeling in front of the front door where her husband had walked out moments ago. "You're the reason he left!" She hissed, getting up. She stood there, frozen like a statue.

Suddenly she surged forward and grabbed her son's ear, yanking him toward her. He yelped in pain, stumbling into his mother. "What was that for mama?!" He howled, putting his hands over his ear protectively, looking up at the taller with blurred eyes.

"You are the reason he left. You're the reason Hisashi left me." She hissed, shoving him to the floor. "I had always wanted a child," she chuckled, tears flowing down her cheeks once again. "But I loathe you, Izuku. You made the love of my life leave! My only hope in this world."

"I-I'm s-sorry m-mama!! I d-didn't m-mean to m-make h-him le-leave! P-perhaps the d-doctor is w-wrong and I-I'm a l-late b-bloomer!" Izuku tried reasoning, backing up as his mother crept forward, looming over him. "W-we can g-go get tested a-again t-tomorrow m-mama, a-and t-then papa will c-come b-back!"

Inko slammed a hand on the kitchen counter. "He's not coming back, don't you get it?! He's gone forever!!" She screeched, kicking him in the stomach. "You. Did. This." She punctuated, kicking him in the stomach with every word.

He curled in on himself, putting up his arms to protect himself from the attacks futilely. Inko knelt on the floor, prying his arms away from himself with one hand, the other beating him to a pulp.

"P-please m-mama, s-stop!!" He cried, snot and blood dripping down his face. He desperately squirmed around, trying to get her grip to loosen on his arms.

Suddenly the hand holding back his arms were gone, and the hits were no longer coming. "Mama?"

"Mama?" Izuku whispered, peeking open his eyes.

He gasped, tears starting to build again. Inko lay sprawled on the floor, as if she was hit by a car.

"Mama!" He scrambled to check her pulse.

It wasn't there.