
I am 'The' Boss

WARNING: Both leads are strong and ruthless. They will change later on. So fasten your seatbelt and let's enjoy the ride! :)


"Go on and fire me! I'm not afraid of you!" Evina barked as she marched out of the Sapphire Co. building to the parking lot.

At that moment, her contempt for Director Zhou's vile actions overpowered her desire to stay at the company.

The sun outside was so scorching hot that one could fry an egg just by cracking it in the ground. But Evina didn't mind as she tramped on it while carrying a heavy box.

The box contained her belongings, which she had packed as soon as she left the Director's room. They had a heated discussion which resulted in her early termination.

Her hands were trembling in rage so much that she intentionally threw down the carton on the ground with a loud thud.

"I hope all you greedy executives go bankrupt. Or better yet, you should rot in jail for the rest of your life!" she screamed at the top of her lungs before opening the door of her car with full force.


Evina's previously flushed face turned pallid white when she realized what just happened. The edge of her door just damaged the car that was parked beside hers.

To her horror, it was not just an ordinary automobile. It was a luxury car!

"What the heck is this car doing on this side of the parking lot anyway?" she said, feeling baffled while scratching her head, "Did I just become Incredible Hulk?"

Trying to make sure to herself that she was not in a dream, she drew near the car until her face was just a few inches away from it. Then she touched the scratch that her car had drafted.

Still thinking that it was just an illusion, she even scraped it even further, which almost tore her fingernails.

"Ouch!" she winced in pain.

Her grimace quickly transformed into a horrified look as the realization hit her. She froze on her feet while staring at the extravagant car in front of her with its obviously high-end features and lavish dimensions parked in front of her.

She looked around, wondering if she had parked on the wrong side of the area. And sure enough, the pavement here was cracked. The white paint which marked the spaces had already faded.

The area for the higher ups is still there on the north side of the lot, near their building.

"Nice one, Evina. You have just been terminated and now this happens," she gave out a long sigh of distress. She then contemplated on what to do next.

"I'm sure this car is owned by one of those money grubbing bosses," she pondered, with her face exhibiting her hatred for those higher authorities.

"This scratch isn't even enough for all the damages they caused their employees' lives. Oh well, he must have deserved this. This is my last day anyway, so I will just leave it as it is," she dusted her palms together with a smug smile on her face as she made her decision.

She grabbed the door handle of her car and was about to leave when she saw a flash coming from inside the abraded vehicle.

Her eyes blinked repeatedly. The windows were tinted black, and it was impossible to see what is within the interiors.

With her curiosity, she decided to peek at the inner part of the car. Her palms cupped the sides of her eyes, so she could get a better view.

To her shock, she saw a man holding his phone in front of him. It was as if he was taking a video of her using the camera on his cellphone.

Her knees wobbled, making her almost fall on the floor in bewilderment.

"Was he filming me the whole time?" she stuttered in disbelief as she tried to compose herself and sneaked a look again. Now, he was even waving his hand at her.

After that, he stopped recording and put his mobile in his pocket. He was not simpering anymore. But his eyes never left her. They were deep-set with the shade of emerald, piercing through the window and into her soul.

Evina's heart thumped louder than usual as she stared at them. They were both cold and hot like there were icy beams emanating from them, scorching her. Her feet unconsciously stepped back.

"What will I do now?" she bit her lips as she thought about her next step. Even though she was not used to being belittled, it was clearly her mistake. She wanted to run away, but her feet seemed to be glued on the ground.

As if the man heard her silent question, he opened the door to his side and went out. In slow strides, he walked towards where Evina was, making her feel dizzy as if he was a police officer, and she was a culprit caught in the act.

To save herself, she decided to play it nice.

"I apologize for the damage, sir. Here's my card. Please let me know how much it will cost, so I can pay you," beads of sweat formed on Evina's forehead, but she lifted her chin and apologized in a confident manner.

However, her feet were scuffling backward until she was in open space. If he got violent with her, she could easily make a run for it.

After what seemed to be an eternity, the man finally stopped in front of her.

"I thought you wanted executives to go bankrupt. But it looks like it is you who will experience it," he drawled in a raspy voice.

Evina glanced up, so she could take a good look at him as he spoke.

He has a good height as he stands way taller than the average men in their country. He was also wearing a midnight black coat with a striped blue tie. They seemed to be made from expensive material.

His tar-colored hair was polished back from his handsome square face. But it's not his physical features that made him look like one of the top predators in the chain. It is how he carried himself.

He doesn't have to introduce himself. His confidence and aura was screaming, 'I am not like a boss. I am THE boss.' His eyes were even gleaming as he gazed at her like he just found his new prey.


One day you will meet someone who will make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else.

Hello! Thank you for reading our first chapter. Feel free to comment your ideas about it or vote if you like it. :)

Let's move on to the next chapter! :)

AraBellacreators' thoughts