
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · アニメ·コミックス
100 Chs

Chapter 91-92

Chapter 91 – They brought back so much!

As the cheers echoed around us, the giant bee, Heath, put me down on the reclaimed ground.

"Thank you, Heath…"

I said as my feet touched the ground.

Ahh, that was horrifying…uggghhhaa… I hated heights.

As I sighed, Heath appeared right in front of me and kissed me out of nowhere.

When the bee's mouth moved away, my face was covered in honey.

"Uh, thank you…"

Perhaps Heath was praising me.

However, I was not in the mood to start licking honey…


"Heey! Heeeeeeey!"

I could hear the tragic voice echoing from the sea.

When I turned around, something shot at me with all the speed of a meteor.

But right before it hit me, Shiel the slime spread out her body and caught…Kamyu.

Kamyu pulled away from Shiel and then looked up at the sky.

"Ah, my god! Why…why! Surely a hug is not too much to ask for!!"

Kamyu said with teary eyes.

I might have felt a little scared of Kamyu before, but now, she was a beautiful girl with blonde hair, and so I felt bad for her.

The long voyage had not changed Kamyu's beauty, though she had a tan now.

It wasn't as if I didn't want to hug her.

And after such a long voyage, she and her crew deserved to be rewarded.

However, given how dizzy I felt now, I wasn't sure a hug would be…

"Ka-Kamyu…welcome back…uh, but I think now is not…"

"But what about her!? Who is this woman that just kissed you!"

Woman? Oh, perhaps…

As Kamyu raised her voice in anger, Heath moved up towards her.

"Wh-what? Let me tell you this, Lord Heal…mmm!?"

Without hesitation, Heath planted a kiss on Kamyu's face.

"Uhhh…oh…how gentle and…sweet!"

Kamyu had also received a reward of honey.

Once Heath's mouth moved away, Kamyu threw her arms around the giant bee.

"You, I like you! Alright, you can sleep with me from now on!"

As if in reply, Heath sloshed Kamyu with so much honey that she fell to the ground.


I ran forward and put her head on my lap before casting some healing magic.

And then…

"My chance!"

Kamyu said as she kissed me.

It was a surprise attack…

After pulling me closer for a while, she let go and moved away with a satisfied expression.

"Yes! I finally kissed Lord Heal!"

However, we were both covered in honey, which overwrote every taste and sensation.

Regardless, Kamyu seemed very pleased and excited.

I hadn't seen her in a long time, and so I felt happy as well.

"Kamyu…welcome back."

"Thank you, Lord Heal!"

She said with a smile.

And like that, the crew returned safely to Sheorl island.

They began to unload the cargo at the docks, and other monsters began work on butchering the Kraken.

According to Ashton, this would be a very time-consuming process.

The arms were as thick and tall as the walls of a castle. And there were so many that it was overwhelming to look at.

On closer inspection, there were squid-like eyes on its body.

The body alone was like a small mountain. One eye alone was twice as big as a human.

Could this thing be eaten?

I was starting to think like Haines.

And so I tried to think of a way to use it that wasn't related to food.

…Regardless, it would likely be necessary to expand the freezer.

With the Kraken resting in the corner of my eye, Kamyu explained to me about the cargo that was being unloaded.

"I bought nearly everything you requested. These right here are related to plants."

Kamyu then showed me the potted plants and flowers.

There were also seeds and seedlings.

"There's grains such as wheat and barley, root vegetables, fruits…nearly everything you could want for farming. I don't know if you'll be able to grow them, but this is all that is available in the entire continent."

Then she pointed to what was next to all of it.

"And then we have some livestock. We couldn't carry too many, but there are pairs of cows, sheep, chickens…and mountain goats. Unfortunately, no pigs."

Pigs were considered sacred animals to orcs.

Perhaps it was due to the facial resemblance, but they almost never ate pigs.

"Well, we have plenty of meat… Oh. You even brought cats and dogs with you."

"Yes. Cats will hunt rats aboard ships and in the cellars. And dogs…well, I suppose there won't be much hunting to do, but it will make the place more lively. Now come this way."

Kamyu led me to the next bit of cargo.

There was a wooden box and a great pile of books.

Enough to fill an entire carriage.

But Kamyu sounded very disappointed as she made her report.

"As it happens, when I asked to buy their stock of books, they sold them at such a low price that they might as well have been free. But from what I saw, there were not many regarding special skills…and the ones about magic were very basic."

"I see…"

I had said it before, but orcs did not see much value in books.

Part of this was that most of them couldn't read.

"That being said, there are hundreds of books here. That's more than enough for now. I think that Baris will finally be able to open his school."

I said to Kamyu.

"I see. As long as you are satisfied. While there aren't many books, I brought monsters with skills instead… Though, to be honest, I have my doubts about just how advanced they are…"

Kamyu turned her head to a group of monsters, mainly orcs, who had come out of the ship.

There were goblins and kobolds among the newcomers as well.

"They all came here in hopes of making a new life for themselves. I think there are about two hundred in all. After paying their ransom money and releasing them, I told them about this place. And they agreed to come."

"Two hundred. Well, things will certainly become more lively here."

"Yes. I did tell them about our rules too. Also, that they will have to be tamed by you."

"I see. Well, I'll have to go and greet them later."

"It will be hard when there are so many…but do your best. And lastly, there are clothes, toys and other random tools I bought. In spite of acquiring all of this, I didn't even use half of the money."

Kamyu said as she returned the bag.

It seemed to have plenty of silver and gold inside.

"Thank you, Kamyu. Now life will be so much richer on the island."

"You're very welcome… Also, about the reward…"

Now that I thought about it, I had said something about that before they left…

I couldn't help but go tense.

Just then, Rienna approached us.

"Miss Kamyu! Welcome back!"

"Oh, Rienna! Thank you! …Ah, yes! I got so many cooking books and sewing books! Also…"

Kamyu pulled out a book from her breast pocket and looked at it with Rienna.

"Mi-Miss Kamyu…what is…!?"

"It's a fashion book that is most popular with young noblewomen in the capital. This one was only published a month ago and is filled with the latest information… For instance these undergarments you can see here will be accepted very well by men in the capital."

"Bu-but that is so indecent! Why, it is hardly covering anything…"

"Well, it's true that the ways of humans are a mystery to me… Regardless, you must make it at once!"

"Oh, very well! If it will make Lord Heal happy!"

They seemed to be enjoying themselves…

I couldn't see the contents of the book, but I could see the cover.

It was called 'The Garden of the Royal Capital.' A book that was published monthly and targeted noblewomen.

If I wasn't wrong, it had been banned a number of times by previous kings, due to being an enemy of public morals… And yet it remained wildly popular among noblewomen. Even the king could not put a stop to it.


Suddenly, something on the cover caught my eye.

'The Barleon Duke, arrested!'

The Barleon Principality…owned the ship that had seen us recently.

Someone near the top had been arrested by Sanfaris…was this going to lead to war?

I felt a strong sense of unease.




Chapter 92 – We celebrated!!

Barleon Duke arrested…

While they may have been a puppet for Sanfaris, this was still someone at the top of the former empire.

The king was acting rather bold.

Well, they said that an annexation was only a matter of time. The majority of nobles had gone to the king of Sanfaris for their new years greeting, instead of the duke.

"Kamyu, Rienna… Excuse me, but can I see that?"

I asked. Rienna became quite red and Kamyu chuckled.

"Oh, Lord Heal. You must be patient. You can enjoy looking at it some other time when no one is around."

"I-I think that might be best…this is quite…"

"I don't care about that… I'm just curious about the headline."

I took the book from Kamyu and found the article about the arrest.

"Let's see… Duke Barleon, in an act of great insolence, objected to the judgment of our king, and was thereby arrested on that day. Currently, he and his family are being held in a villa in the royal capital…"

Crimes committed by nobles were often met with mercy.

Not only that, but I was quite sure there was a planned arranged marriage between the families. So it was unlikely that anyone would lose their lives, but… Huh?

"However, Duke Barleon's daughter, Leila, has gone missing…"

There was a name that I recognized.


"Leila? Who is that?"

Kamyu asked as she looked at the book.

"Uh…ah, someone I played with a very long time ago. She's gone missing apparently."

"Oh, how horrible…ah! Maybe she left to come and visit you, Lord Heal."

"That…is not likely."

We had been friendly…but had only met a few times.

"Are you sure about that? You seem awfully serious. Something tells me that you two were more than just…"

"Mi-Miss Kamyu! Lord Heal…let's hope that this person is alright!"

Rienna said consolingly.

I hadn't even realized that I was wearing a worried expression.

Well, it wasn't surprising… Officially, she had been my betrothed.

But as worried as I was, there wasn't anything that I could actually do.

The article had also said that some treasure had disappeared from the place Duke Barleon was being held.

In other words, she likely had enough money to live for a while…Besides, she was strong.

If she disappeared, it must be deliberate, as there was something that she wanted to do.

"…Thank you, Rienna. Yes, I'm sure she will be fine."

I closed the book and returned it to Kamyu.

"In any case, the island will be so much richer now… The first thing to do is make a school and teach the monsters how to read!"



Rienna and Kamyu replied cheerfully.

I was the lord of this island. I needed to do my best for everyone.

However, things had changed greatly.

That ship that had appeared…it was likely that information about Sheorl had already reached the king.

It's only a matter of time before the royal ships came…

I'll just do what I have to until then.

It was with such thought in my head that I helped the others with the cargo.

And that night, we held a feast to celebrate their return.

A great bonfire was made under the World Tree, and tables were placed around it in a circle.

And on the tables, were dishes made of Sheorl ingredients.

Most of it was the Kraken we killed today.

Kamyu had also brought back a lot of drink, which was served and helped liven up the atmosphere.

"So this is whiskey! Ah, what amazing stuff you brought back!"

"Uh, Erevan. Haven't you drunk enough already…"

Ashton said as he saw Erevan drink the whiskey at an alarming rate.

"Bah. This is so weak, I don't even think that I'm drunk yet! Don't you like to drink too? Here, have some!"

"I…I do like it, but…"

"Why so modest! I know that you take wine out of the cellar every day!"

"E-Erevan! Well, that is true! However, this is much stronger. When I drink the stronger…"

Fule interrupted them as if to help Ashton.

"Father! Stop it! You're being an annoying old man!"

"Fule, you drink your juice! Now come on, Ashton. Have some! This is a day of celebration! Or are you too good to drink with me…"

Fule's words were ignored, and he continued to push the cup towards Ashton.

Ashton looked a little worried, but finally accepted it.

"…We-well, maybe just a sip."

"Aye, drink all you want."

And so Ashton took a sip from the cup.

However, his face immediately turned bright red, and he fell on the table.

"A-Ashton!? Hey! Hey!"

Erevan shook his shoulders to try and make him get up.

However, Ashton just licked Erevan's face.

"Hey, what are you doing! Ashton!"

"…Roof! Woof! Ruff-ruff!"

Ashton began barking as he continued to lick Erevan's face.

And then Erevan was pushed to the floor.

"Ashton! Hey! Ge-get off me!"

"Ahh, you made him drink… My brother becomes dog-like when he drinks."

Haines said while he passed them on his way to get more Kraken.

Well, looking at Ril, she was hardly distinguishable from a puppy…

And so it seemed that Ashton also became like a puppy when he drank something strong.

"Y-you should have told me that first! He-hey! Ashton! Wake up! Don't just stand there, Fule! Help your old man!"

"You reap what you sow, father…"

And so Fule continued to eat her barbecued Kraken next to them.

Well, it was certainly a lively night.

Musical instruments had been brought back from the continent as well, and nostalgic songs rang in the air.

Kamyu sat next to me and sipped on some Sheorl wine as she muttered.

"…It really does feel like coming home."

I picked up a small barrel of wine and refilled her cup as if to show my gratitude.

"You did really good work. Not just with supplies, but with personnel as well. This island will continue to improve."

"Yes… But problems will come with all that… Considering what happened while we were gone, for instance."

I had told her about everything that had happened earlier.

The Barleon ship, and the ruins of an ancient civilization underneath Sheorl.

That Shiel was a survivor of that civilization, and about the control device.

I also told her about the earth dragon, Roydon, and about the dragonfolk who had tried to conquer us.

"Regarding the cave, it seems like you're close to this device, so there isn't much to worry about. I know about the dragons in the Vadar Kingdom, but their navy is small, and their ships unimpressive. I do not think they would be able to attack up with a great fleet."

Kamyu took a sip of wine and continued with a 'but…'

"But the royal navy…they are dangerous. There are no pirates on the sea that do not know them. Well, perhaps you know them more than anyone."

"Yeah. If he wanted to, he could send a fleet of over a thousand ships…"

"With so many ships, they would be able to attack this island from every side. Well, even then, I have a feeling that we could win. Considering how strong you and everyone else is now…"

I understood what she meant.

If it came to a fight, we should still be able to win.

That being said, when fighting against a fleet of a thousand ships, we would not be able to take prisoners like we had up until now.

We would have to fight to kill. There would be no time to do anything else.

"…Will you fight?"

"I think there is no other way if I want to protect everyone… Of course, I do think about negotiating. We have more money than we could ever use, so paying taxes wouldn't be a problem. However, I have no intention of compromising if we aren't promised autonomy."

"I see… I'm relieved to hear it. In any case, we should strengthen our own navy so we can stop them from landing. I've brought back some sailors that are very skilled, so training should be easier from now on."

"Aye, I'm counting on you. If they see that we have our own navy, they might think twice before using force."

"So that's why you made that giant golem. Though, I am still puzzled as to why it's modeled after Little Mappa…"

"Uh…it's an odd story."

"…Really. It's not as if there wasn't a much more beautiful model right here… I will expect you to do that next time."

Kamyu said as she tore into the skewered Kraken meat.

Kamyu's previous form would have been every bit as intimidating as Erevan…

But now, she looked too much like a goddess… Well, I suppose it wouldn't be the worst landmark.

As I thought of such things, Kamyu's face turned red.

"Oh, Lord Heal… I'm not sure how to react to such smoldering eyes."

"Uh, that's not what I was…"

"Have you forgotten my wish? I won't let you sleep tonight."

"…Yes, exactly! Let's enjoy this feast! Here, have more wine."

I filled her cup to the brim.

"Oh, you're so kind, Lord Heal! Yes, I shall drink a lot tonight!"

Kamyu stood up and the others started drinking more as well.

And like this, they all got very drunk, and I was able to get away.

But the next morning, I hinted that we had indeed slept in the same bed…