
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · アニメ·コミックス
100 Chs

Chapter 183-184

Chapter 183 – We Provided Military Assistance!

"Hmm…this is delicious."

Baris had the appearance of a devil, but he said this with a gentle smile.

After taking Rulat as a captive, we decided to return to Sheorl for now.

I had left Ashtron and some of Sheorl's guards in the Arancia capital of Alanberc. As they had some time before the next attack from the undead, they would mainly stand guard and watch the holy place for any signs of movement.

As for us, we were inspecting the magical mushrooms that had been sent from Arancia.

And by inspecting, I meant cooking them with everyone and eating them.

Including Baris, Sheorl already had a lot of monsters who had grown up in the forest, and so it seemed that they felt a sense of nostalgia towards the mushrooms.

The Cave Spiders had been growing their own mushrooms, but the Arancia mushrooms had their own distinct flavor, which they seemed to enjoy as well.

Upon seeing this, I turned to Guardian Vanessa, who had overseen the transportation of the mushrooms, and said,

"It looks like everyone likes them."

"That's good. We also…well, I would be lying if I said we never grew tired of them. But it's a taste that we are fond of."

Vanessa muttered with deep emotion.

This was their main source of food, and they had done their best to improve them. And so she was very happy to hear that we liked them.

We had received the mushrooms from Arancia in return for our fish. They were also going to teach us how to grow them, and so under Baris's supervision, a farm was being built in Sheorl's underground.

Vanessa had an expression of relief as she bowed her head to me.

"Well, I shall return to Princess Alyssa and make my report."

"About that… There is one other thing that I want you to tell her."

"One more thing?"

Alyssa looked puzzled, and so I pointed her in a certain direction.

It was the large plaza in front of the palace, which was the widest space on the whole island.

Vanessa turned to look at it.

There stood a giant suit of armor.

"Is that…"

"Yes. A Golem that works much like the Dwarf Golem you just saw. We wasted no time in having Mappa and the others make it."

Only three hours had passed, but they had already made something of that size… There was no doubt that Mappa had superhuman ability, but his apprentices were also becoming incredibly skilled.

"I see. So that's why it has a different shape. It looks just like a human knight."

As Vanessa said, the Golem that was kneeling in the plaza did not look like the Dwarf Golem.

It had two arms and two legs, but it was much more slender.

In other words, it was closer to a human than a dwarf.

The outside was completely covered in plate mail, just like the kind that royal knights wore. And on its head was a bucket-like helmet. As this was a prototype, it was made of iron.

I nodded at Vanessa's words.

"I had them make it so that it would be easy for a human to control it."

"Do you mean to ride it, Lord Heal?"

I shook my head.

"No, I want you to ride it."


"I heard that you are a prominent sorceress in Arancia. That's why I brought you here. Mappa said he would make others that are controlled by people who don't use magic, but this weapon is still suited for sorcerers."

"Are you sure that you want me to do it?"

"Yes. It's part of our military assistance towards Arancia. However, these things cannot pass through the tunnels and gates so they will have to be produced over there."

The people of Sheorl could just continue to defend Arancia.

However, there was no guarantee that the underground gate connecting the two places would exist forever. And so it was important to make sure that the Arancia people were able to defend themselves.

Vanessa bowed her head once again.

"Thank you. I would be happy to ride on it. If I'm being honest, I was actually very curious. Just, that naked one…"

"Don't worry. These ones will be made so that the armor does not come off…"

There had been some complaints regarding this, but replicating the feature of being able to easily take off the clothes would mean using more metal. And when I explained this to Mappa, he nodded in agreement.

In any case, I decided to head over to the plaza with Vanessa.

"Now, time to ride the Golem… Hmm. Golems and Golems, eh?"

I wondered what we could call this boardable Golem.

Normal Golems had Heart Stones, and would listen to and follow your orders. And so it would be confusing to use the same name for both of them.

"Since it's armor that moves with magic… What about Mado Armor? Vanessa. Try riding this Mado Armor."

"Yes! …Huh?"

Vanessa noticed that a man was walking towards us. It was Mappa.

"What is it, Mappa? …What's that?"

Mappa was holding some shiny clothing.

He offered it to Vanessa.

"He wants me to wear this…huh?"

Vanessa spread out the clothing and her cheeks reddened.

It was made of material similar to tights, only it covered your entire body.

So if you put it on, it would fit perfectly to your body…which would perhaps not be ideal for a young woman like Vanessa.

I looked coldly at Mappa, as he started to put on his own suit made of the same material.

There were some decorations, like an emblem on the shoulder, but it also accentuated Mappa's round body, which was hard to ignore.

…It was somehow worse than it was when he was barely wearing anything.

"Mappa… Just because you're a child, it doesn't mean you can get away with everything."

But Mappa shook his head as if I was being absurd.

And then he pointed at the suit he was wearing.

"Huh? The magic energy…"

Apparently, Magic Absorbing Crystals were used in the suit, and you could see magic energy gathering towards it. So it was just like the Mado Armor—in other words, even those who had trouble gathering energy would still be able to use it.

"So, that means anyone will be able to control the Mado Armor."

Mappa nodded his head.

"But Vanessa can already use magic. But perhaps it will be even easier if she wears it and gathers more energy."

Upon hearing this, Vanessa blushed but opened her mouth.

"We-well, if that's the case… I don't know why I shouldn't wear it."

"You'll be inside the armor at least. So no one will see you."

Mappa nodded at this, and then we headed to the chest of the Mado Armor in order for him to demonstrate to us how it is controlled.

Apparently, the inside—where the control chair was, was also different from the Dwarf Golem.

It was still a spherical chamber, but this one did not have all of the complicated contraptions of the dwarf type.

"Wait, there isn't even a chair? How will you… What?"

Mappa closed the door of the Mado Armor chest, and then moved as if standing up.

And the image that was projected onto the wall of the cockpit began to rise.

"It's standing up!?"

Mappa then thrust out his fists and entered a strange pose.

And then the Mado Armor moved. My guess was that it was now doing the same pose.

"Th-the armor can copy your own movements?"

Mappa nodded as if to say 'yes.'

"…It's not just the name. Even the way you use it is more like armor than a Golem now. But with this…"

I turned to Vanessa and she nodded.

"It should be easy to control!"

"Aye. This will be a great addition to Sheorl and Arancia's fighting force… Mappa. Can I ask you to make more of them?"

Mappa beat his chest as if he welcomed the challenge.

And like that, production of the Mado Armors began in Sheorl and Arancia.




Chapter 184 – Deployed!

Three days passed after Sheorl and Arancia began their partnership.

In the meantime, Sheorl continued to expand their mushroom farms and the manufacturing of the Mado Armors.

We had also caught enough fish to send to Arancia, and their transportation was going smoothly.

Alyssa had come to see us, and I was currently talking to her about the future.

As we looked up at the giant Mado Armor in front of the palace, I said to her,

"About the Mado Armor that is to be sent to Arancia. We are currently sending over the parts that were manufactured in Sheorl. They will then construct it over there. According to Mappa, it would be difficult to manufacture them without the equipment we have in Sheorl…"

"We are already more than grateful. And you even took some of my people as apprentices."

As Alyssa said, a dozen or so of the Arancia people had become apprentices at Mappa's workshop.

At first, they had been afraid that the fearsome-looking Mappa would be a harsh instructor, but Mappa never raised his voice.

With gestures and poses, he would instruct the Arancia people and teach them in the ways of smithing.

"If they learn the necessary skills, it will be easier to build the Mado Armors in Arancia…the only problem is the materials."

The manufacturing of Mado Armor required Magic Absorption Crystals. The outer shell could be iron, but if you cared about durability, then Hihiirokane—or at the very least, Orichalcum or Mithril would be preferable.

Up until now, we had been able to acquire such metals by breaking apart various man-made objects.

In other words, we had not found any natural mining spots.

And while we had a decent amount in storage, it might be a good idea to start searching for ore deposits.

It was possible that we might find some between Sheorl and the Elto continent. Or I could ask Shiel and search for one close by. We could even have them search around Arancia.

The dwarves had built a city close to Arancia, so there must be a place where you could mine rare metals.

Alyssa turned to me.

"If we can secure the materials as well, then you must let us repay you."

"Thank you. It would definitely help if you can search the area once things have settled down. Also, while this might be in the far future…we might be able to get back the nature that Arancia lost."

"Na-nature? Hahaha. Oh, Lord Heal. you must be joking.

Alyssa smiled. But then she asked me with sweat dripping from her forehead,

"…can you really do it?"

"Aye. There is a continent known as the Elto continent, and apparently, there are mountains of Evergreen Stones buried there. With those, we should be able to revive all the green plants… Of course, bringing plant life back on the Elto continent will be the first priority, but I'll ask if they can share some with us."

"Th-thank you. Of course, we intend to give you something of equal worth."

I nodded to Alyssa and then the Mado Armors that had been at sea all returned and arrived at the plaza.

There were ten in all. And then someone descended from one of them. It was Guardian Vanessa.

"Your Highness. So you were visiting."

"Uh, yes. Still, what unusual clothes you are wearing."

Alyssa looked a little taken aback after seeing how Vanessa was dressed.

It was no surprise. She was wearing a bodysuit. However, unlike the original one, this one had pieces of armor that covered your joints and more delicate parts, which made it less immodest.

As these clothes made movement very easy, I decided to call them 'suits,' just like the clothes that Sanfaris farmers wore.

Vanessa replied without a shred of embarrassment.

"These suits are very comfortable! I think I prefer them to my regular clothes now!"

As they were made from the webs of Taran and the Cave Spiders, they were also very comfortable to wear.

Not that I wanted to wear them…

However, the resident monsters of the island were not particularly selective about clothes to begin with, and so they did not appear to be self-conscious about the suits.

Not only Haines and Erevan, but the other monsters practically fought to be the next one to ride the Mado Armors.

It wasn't just that they looked amazing. They were amused by the fact that they would be able to use magic if they put on the armor.

Even Taran, who offered her webs, had a suit made just for her. As great as Mappa was, it took longer for him to make armor that was in the shape of a spider. On the other hand, it barely took him thirty minutes to produce one for a slime.

Vanessa looked at Alyssa, who had turned a little red.

"It was indeed a little embarrassing at first, but you get used to it. Why don't you try it on, Your Highness?"

"I-I would rather not. The armor does interest me…but not that much."

It was the fact that your physique was somewhat accentuated… I felt the same.

And so I said to Alyssa,

"Well, I think there's room for adjustments when it comes to the clothing. It's not as if the armor is strictly the same shape as the rider, so I think there should be some freedom with the clothes as well."

There were Goblins who rode human-shaped Mado Armors, after all.

Suddenly, a high-pitched voice echoed from behind me.

"Hmmm. And yet Lord Heal never rides the Mado Armors. He doesn't wear the suit either."

When I turned around, I saw Fule—who was wearing the suit.

"Hey! I wasn't sure at first, but then I really wanted to ride it."

"I-I see. Yes, it is quite fun to ride such a giant machine."

I answered while looking away.

Fule was her usual cheerful self… Only instead of the working clothes, apron or dress that she wore every day, she was wearing a tight suit.

Perhaps it was because I was more familiar with her than Vanessa, but it felt awkward.

As if to tease me, Fule looked into my face with a smirk.

"Ohh? Why are you turning red, Lord Heal?"

"N-nothing… It's rather hot today."

I muttered. Then Alyssa opened her mouth with a serious expression.

"Now that you say so, it is rather hot, isn't it?"

"Lady Alyssa, you are very kind to go along with Lord Heal… But then again, he isn't the only one who has turned red."

Fule said as she turned around to face a beautiful girl with long black hair—it was Rienna.

She was looking at me with a bashful expression.

"You too, Rienna?"

"I suggested it to her. After all, you and Rienna are the island's best magic users, right?"

"I-I suppose… But…Rienna and I don't need the suits."

"Too good for them, are you? But isn't it even easier to control the armor if you wear them?"

Fule seemed to be suggesting that we would be weaker if we fought without them.

And I couldn't argue against it… Indeed, we were not too good for them.

"…I'll have one made for me then."

"Well, I'm sure Mappa will do it. But you must take me with you, Lord Heal! I want you to teach me how to ride them."

"It's not so complicated that you need a teacher. Besides, I think that Erevan could…"

"I don't want to be in such a small space with my father. It will be so stuffy and uncomfortable! Besides, father's armor is…"

Fule's eyes turned to a Mado Armor that glistened with bulging muscles. It looked like Erevan, if he was wearing a heavy breastplate and helmet. There was no doubt about it. It was Erevan's Mado Armor.

"Ugh… I feel suffocated just looking at it."

Fule said as she wiped sweat from her forehead.

There was also a Kobold Mado Armor next to Erevan's, which probably belonged to Ashton and Haines. This one had an angular design, and was much more stylish. And just like the brothers it was modeled after, it looked fast.

"Why don't you ask the brothers?"

"They are in Arancia now. I think they are training the soldiers over there. So, you really must help me, Lord Heal."

Fule reached out her arms towards me with a pleading expression.

"Fi-fine… But can it be another day? I don't know…it's just so hot and… Huh?"

Aside from the abnormal heat, I noticed a wave of magic energy coming from the north.

"This…is bad! Something is coming! Ring the bell!"

As I shouted, a Goblin watcher who was standing by struck the alarm bell. After that, other bells began to ring all over the town.