
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · アニメ·コミックス
100 Chs

Chapter 105-106

Chapter 105 – We went to the underground city!

Now that the ships had left, there was one thing I needed to do on the surface before returning to the cave.

"Alright, Number 15. Let's go."

Number 15, the Mithril Golem, nodded obediently.

In my hand, I was holding a small vial with golden liquid.

This liquid was called Ryukin…it was a metal that could be changed into any shape.

If I used this, I could make Number 15 have the appearance of a human.

And so I willed it to be stored, and the Ryukin went into my Inventory.

So, it would be possible after all.

Without hesitation, I used it to modify Number 15.

And then, Number 15's platinum body was enveloped in a golden liquid.

"Is it finished…?"

It wasn't a very big change at all.

Would it really be able to transform into a human like this?

"Alright, Number 15. Can you turn into me?"

I tried asking. And then the liquid around Number 15 began to quiver.

After a moment, it began to change both shape and color.


Number 15 now looked just like me as it stood there.

"That's amazing! There are two Chiefs!"

Erevan said as he immediately started touching Number 15.

The hair and clothes were all realistically recreated as they moved in the wind.

Apparently, the texture of cloth and skin was accurate as well.

"Turn into me next!"

Erevan said. And Number 15 did as he said.

The thing that was now before us, definitely was the spitting image of Erevan.


"Really… But I think it's a little more handsome than you, father."

Fule said. Erevan shouted angrily in reply.

In the meantime, Mappa started to move towards Number 15.

However, Number 15 must have sensed something, as it immediately returned to its original form.

Mappa then jumped onto Number 15 and seemed to be telling it something.

Did he want Number 15 to turn into him as well…?

"Still, this is some very impressive metal."

Baris muttered as Number 15 was forced to turn into Mappa.

It really was impressive.

To be able to mimic the feel and color, and not just the shape.

Well, its skin did look a little more smooth than the real Mappa…especially around the butt.

"Ahh… If we had more of these, we could make it seem like there were a lot of people here. Well, I better go and get more of it then."

I said, and then the others told me to take care.

As I prepared to go underground, Rienna visited me.

"Lord Heal, I'm terribly sorry."

She said with a bow. Her face looked very serious.

Was she apologizing about the whole emperor thing?

"It is my role to aid you…and yet I was not thinking hard enough."

"No, Rienna. Besides, it's in the past. I don't really care about what title I have."

I actually did care.

And Sanfaris's reaction would differ greatly between 'Lord' and 'Emperor.'

However, it wouldn't change my relationship with the people here. And regardless, I had decided to protect them, and that's all that mattered.

"More importantly… While Leila and her crew are friendly towards monsters, they still have very different customs. So it might be difficult for you all to adapt…"

"I don't think it will be so hard. I've spoken with Miss Leila. They abandoned their old life in order to come here. She said they would do things our way."

Rienna paused before continuing.

"But… I do think we should also try to accommodate them as well. That's what makes this island so wonderful!"

"That's true…"

…Of course, if it was really that easy, then it would have happened a long time ago on the continent.

Still, surely it was possible for them to coexist on this island… There would be no reason to fight if this land was rich.

And that's why I had to go to the caves.

"Alright, I have to go now, Rienna."

"Yes, please be safe! Today, I'm going to make some gratin with milk!"

"Oh, I'll be looking forward to it! Yes, I feel more motivated now."

And so with my pickaxe in hand, I entered the cave while whistling.

Aside from me, Taran, Fule, and Shiel would also go to the underground city. Also Number 15, and the strategist on its head, Aries.

Mappa and the others were busy making a new railroad, so they weren't with us today.

We were going as a sort of advanced scouting team.

But then again, Mappa always seemed to show up out of nowhere…

"Alright, let's go."

I said, and everyone raised their hand.

Aries and Number 15 took the lead as we walked.

"This path just goes straight down. And then we'll come out into an open area!"

Just as Aries said, we reached it in just a few minutes.

We raised our heads as soon as we stepped out.

"So this…is the underground city."

There was a huge city that was filled with great stone buildings.




Chapter 106 – There were skyscrapers!?

"There's a…"

What appeared before our eyes, was a hollowed out chamber that was so huge it was hard to believe that we were underground.

When I looked up, there was an endless darkness, as if I was gazing at the night sky.

Though, there must have been a ceiling, as we were underground. But it was a convincing illusion.

But what surprised me even further, was the number of gigantic buildings.

The royal capital that I was raised in was considered to be the biggest city on the continent.

There were many bell towers that seemed to be competing over which was the tallest. The main street was lined with incredible mansions. Those who visited the capital were constantly moving their eyes from one thing to another.

However, even the royal capital was nothing compared to this place.

We were standing on a hill, and right below us, a huge city spread out into the distance.

There were tall spires that were as high as the World Tree, and structures that appeared to be temples. These had great mountain-like domes in them. And there were many such buildings.

Fule usually had a cool reaction to everything, but even she was stunned.

Aries watched us and then said,

"Is this really so shocking…?"

"Perhaps it's not shocking to you, but we've never seen anything like this before."

Fule said, and I nodded.

"Yes. I think just about anyone from the surface would be shocked by this."

Well, at least anyone who knew what a city was would find it hard to believe their own eyes.

But as we were enraptured by this sight we had never seen before, what sounded like the howling of beasts suddenly entered our ears.

The howling gradually turned more vicious, and some were like screams.

"…What is that?"

"The cries of the Chimera. Perhaps they are fighting over territory."

"I see… Still, there must be a lot of them."

At first it had sounded like two, but now I couldn't even count them.

"They have their own factions as well. If you are discovered by one of them, there is a possibility that they will call others, so you must be careful! There was one time where I was chased by a dozen of them, and I had to hide inside of a pot of salt for a whole year!"

Aries said without a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

"So you were pickled…"

Fule and Taran seemed to drool for a second.

"Well, I suppose we should try and avoid being seen then."

"Yes. They are lured by the smell of blood, so it will be best to move secretively."

"I see. I guess we better follow Aries, and hide as much as possible."

That being said, I didn't know any magic that would help conceal us.

If only I knew a spell that would make us invisible.

"We'll take it slowly then. I want to get a good look at this city."

Shiel nodded, and then she extended a part of her body out like an arrow.

She was pointing at a dense cluster of buildings that was right ahead of where we stood.

"The center of the city? We'll have to be very careful. As for behind us…all good."

The golems had caught up with us, and they were equipped with shields.

And not only could they use magic, but they were covered in heavy armor made of Mithril.

I would have them guard this area, so the Chimera did not get out.

"Contact the surface if anything happens. I'm counting on you."

And with that, we turned towards the underground city, and made our way down the hill.