
A girl and a woman

Fay has always been a fan of sitting at the entrance of the hospital and watching the sun rise before her and today was no different. Dressed in a peach colored floral dress with her denim jacket by her side she sat on the moulded cement blocks waiting.

A little girl approached her. The girl was white and had an innocent look on her face. Her black smooth hair was tied in a cute pony tail with two cat hair pins on her hair. She held her hands below her little school uniform. She looked down, afraid to look up at the grown up.

Fay understood immediately that she was a shy type so she offered for the little girl to sit beside her. Once she sat, she began,

"Miss don't you have a home?" She asked startling fay. The question was a bit odd 'why would she think I've got no home' fay thought in wonder.

"Why would you ask that?" Fay asked in reply.

The little girl stared down at her sweaty palms and spoke in a polite tone "I see you here every morning, you sit and watch the buildings, so I thought you might be wishing you had a home too" she said frankly but a bit embarrassed.

Fay sighed with a small smile, the little girl only misunderstood her.

It was almost time for sun rise, so instead of replying fay pointed to the top of the buildings "look there"

The little girls eyes followed her finger to the top of the building and the most magical thing happened.

It happened slowly, it was like a firery air was dispersed on top the buildings, the roofing sheets shone in a red yellow sort of golden color.

The little girls eyes widened and sparkled in awe and delight. Slowly a circle figure could be seen and both their eyes started to hurt.

The little girl blinked a few times but didn't look away from the glorious scenery. After quite a while the sun fully rose and spread it's golden hew evenly around.

Fay looked at the girl lost in her own imagination. She lifted her hand and held the girls chin up.

The little girl looked at her still taken aback.

Fay relaxed her shoulders and exhaled softly "I'm not homeless little girl, I come here early in the morning to watch the sun rise. It makes my day much much better and easy going".

The little girl nodded "it's beautiful" I know.

"Mirabelle!" They both heard from a distance and turned to direction of the masculine voice. The little girl, Mira got down and ran towards the man that called. She looked back and waved at fay before she was carried away by the man. Fay waved back.


"Master, little miss you're both back" the driver said as they opened the back door to enter the car. He kicked off the engine and began to drive.

The man at the back wasn't happy at all, he frowned.

"Is something the problem daddy?" Mira asked innocently but he didn't reply.

"Was it the coffee shop?" She asked again, he couldn't help but feel his daughter was feigning ignorance.

"Who was that lady you were with?" He asked in a stern serious tone.

Mira smiled widely "I don't know her name but shes a nice lady" she replied almost immediately.

"Daddy has always told you to stay away from strangers, you don't listen" he said.

Mira frowned and pouted "but daddy you say I should be helpful the much I can and everytime you take me to the playground near the hospital I always see the lady sitting there so I thought she had no home. I was only helping out " she folded her arms and sank into the chair.

Realizing that it's his poor parenting he rubbed his temple and sighed. "Daddy meant kids your age. Don't do that again okay?" He tried to correct his mistake.

"But I want to watch the sun again tomorrow with her" she whined

"What sun?" He asked confused, what had the lady said to her?.

"The nice lady watches the sun there every morning, she told me and I saw it, it was pretty"

"No way!" He commanded but unlike his guards that always listened to his command Mira was ready to fight back.

"I'm not listening " she pouted and blocked her ears.

The driver looked through the rear view mirror and smiled but then he met the cold gaze of his master, his smile immediately faded and he quickly returned his gaze to the road.

"Daddy please I want to see the sun again, you can ask uncle dean to join me to protect me dad" she proposed, spoken like a true member of the Lee's, if she can't get what she want shell just have to bargain to make it easy going for everyone.

He saw sensed in what she said and patted himself for raising such a formidable daughter.

"Alright" he said in defeat and Mira was happy.


Fay wore her usual work outfit, a white lab coat. She made her way to see her superior and like always she was the first in the team to step feet in the hospital, even before her superior Dr Melendez.

For now she was just a surgical residence and needed to compete and pass her team mates in order to make it to year two.

Just as suspected, Dr Melendez wasn't here yet. The gates the hospital opens around 7:30 or 8:00 but fay would come earlier to see the morning sun rise. It had become a habit of hers.
