
The Broken Mage

作者: Ironmongoose
連載中 · 8.6K ビュー
  • 4 章
  • レビュー結果
  • N/A

Mankind had risen to an age of glory magic had become the way of the noble and then the dark age came creatures out of the darkness between came upon the land. Goblins in the millions poured out onto the world through portals cast by dark mages bent on destruction. Undead, Goblins, Orcs all came and the races of men retreated the dwarves hidden deep in the ground waiting for a chance to strike back the elves fled before the hordes deep into their ancient forests and mankind retreated to their last bastion a impenetrable fortress city locked away in the mountains. Desperation gave rise to the hero’s guild scavengers and hunters they sought to supply their city leaving its safety to gather much needed supplies bringing their loot back some was shared out to the masses while the king kept the lions share steel was forged from the crude iron weapons used by the dark races. Hundreds of years this was the way of life the common man lucky to get a slice of bread with his meal while the king ate to excess the people suffering from malnutrition. A great spell caster became enraged at the treatment of the people and in his rage he cast a spell that should not have been cast it was beyond time and space beyond mortal comprehension it was a summons and thousands came unlike any summons before these were no beasts no devils nor demons but men and in droves they perished yet the lucky the brave the strong and the fast lived and had success. End of the intro Normal guy gets summoned to another world unlike his own only in his deepest fantasies would he have believed that this world could be real and yet there he stood now was the time for his patience to be rewarded. And so begins our journey

1 タグ
Chapter 1The beginning a rocky start

I'd gone to sleep in my bed a nice comfy bed with great pillows I loved that bed so when I awoke to hard lumpy stone and immediately rolled off and landed on my head I was disturbing to say the least. I was in some kind of crypt I could see the stone sarcophagus that I'd landed on in the dim purple light that seemed to come from every where. And then I realized that the light had no source or I should be precise it came from everything except for a trio of crates in a corner which I quickly searched after tearing the rotten wood lids off that was a chore though I ended up just bashing them open. In the first I found a couple wrapped parcels that were in good shape given the crate it was in was nearly completely rotten it was then I noticed that the lid had been nailed down and simply a tug had ripped it off. The parcels were made or some kind of treated cloth and after a bit of work I opened one finding a dagger with a long tapering point which I used to open the next parcel and found a gray cloak that I put on hoping that it would help keep me warm. The last parcel in the crate had matching gray pants then I moved to the next crate and opened the parcels finding a nice leather belt and a leather vest and in the last I found a bone but when I studied it I realized that it was a scabbard and it ended up being a rather odd short sword and the last item was a blank book bound in thick leather with not a single word on the pages.

After looting the crates I studied the room I was in and found a passage out so I hurried on out of the crypt the odd purple glow fading with each step down the hallway until only the light from the exit remained. I stopped in the doorway and stared I was standing on a path carved into a mountain on my left side stood tall windows overlooking a valley on my right a shear rock wall and ahead a stone door with a rusty iron latch. The walls were marble pure white I stepped forward to the door and struggled with the latch until at last it gave and opened into what appeared to be a bedroom that had long lost its luster moth eaten tapestries covered the walls and a disintegrating canopy bed lay off to the right. Across from me a perfectly preserved bookcase stood with an odd assortment of things a couple books and perfectly life like hand that seemed to glow a sickly green color and a necklace that seemed to glow and on the bottom shelf sat a golden apple like gold gold and next to the book case a disintegrating body minus a hand.

I stashed the necklace and books in my bag and accidentally brushed the hand off of the shelf but that moment of contact was enough to completely remove the glow from the hand it was just a hand now. The room bore signs of a battle furniture was knocked over and what wasn't had blade marks in it. I picked up the apple expecting it to weight a ton but I realized it was no heavier than any normal apple and I was kind of hungry so I took a bite and then couldn't stop it was delicious and sweet and then I had the most blinding headache in the history of headaches so I went back to the walkway stumbling around to the stone door and through I latched it before I flopped down back to the door and passed out. I awoke during the night to a scratching noise and groaning and immediately realized that there was a zombie in that bedroom and then I slowly backed away from the door praying that the zombie wouldn't find it and fished out that odd bone short sword the full moon bathing the walls with a soft blue light and I eventually passed out again.

I awoke with the dawns light and sword in hand opened the stone door and peered into the room nothing happened and no zombies were in it so I went to the hallway and looked around again no zombies and there were two doors one in front of me knocked off of its hinges and another down to my left that looked like reinforced wood and iron so I crept up to the knocked down door. The room was a hell scape bodies laying everywhere nearly skeletons and signs of battle chunks of wood lay scattered around and a few items that looked perfectly preserved a backpack a staff with a crystal six foot tall and not the least bit rotten a coin pouch that glowed slightly and when I picked it up I knew the exact contents 47gold 2platinum 119silver 62copper 28wooden coins. I searched every body finding a few rings one silver with a blue glow and two gold with a white glow and realized that the backpack was a dimensional storage and realized that it held edible food and water pouches and a flint fire starting kit. Out of respect for the dead I piled the remains on top of the table and collected wood from both the bedroom and the door even the tapestries even bringing the corpse from the bedroom to the pile a proper funeral pyre was built and lit then I fled to my hiding spot and latched the door maybe I'd get some of the zombies to. I awoke the next morning and soon found the results of my pure nothing but ashes and a few odd pieces of zombie I said a couple words over the ashes and then headed to the latched door father down the hallway and it was locked but given the state of the rest of the place I gave it a few hard kicks and it swung open revealing the rusted remains of an armory two chests in the back looked promising but after some digging I ended up with 3 gold coins the barrels along the wall yielded a single chain mail shirt covered in oil but I didn't put it on figuring that wearing it would be like taking steel wool to my torso. After looting the armory I headed to the other end of the hallway and was nearly at the corner when I heard the moans so I snuck a peek around the corner and spotted a horde of zombies witch also spotted me so I ran to the stone door and slammed it shut latching it closed and then I could hear them pounding on the door so I ran back into the crypt and looked for some hidden lever. I found a small catch and pulled it and out swung another stone door which I rushed through looking for a catch to close it from the inside and found one which I quickly pulled and watched the door swing closed and sat down in the dark with a deep breath.



  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定
