
The Broken Land

The End. Merry Christmas.

SnowyyOwl · ファンタジー
14 Chs

The Bloodmoon Appears

When class was too boring, Ryung would make an excuse to use the restroom. He liked to go to the old section of the Seungli High Campus. There was an abandoned machine shop on top of one of the buildings. It had an excellent view of the swimming pool, so he could watch the girls in their swimsuits. The distance was a bit far, but he was able to solve that problem by purchasing a pair of high grade binoculars.

When there weren't any girls in the pool, or they were ugly, he painted. He kept a set of acrylic oils, a watercolor palette, some paintbrushes, and a jug of water in the machine shop. While he often had the urge to use the acrylic oils as a masturbatory aide because of their rich colors, he had to restrain himself. It wouldn't be a good idea to poison his member. Fortunately, the water colors were non-toxic.

He gazed down at his current painting. He was rather proud of it. Ordinarily, he only painted landscapes, and not people. It was difficult to get bodily proportions and facial features correct. But he had made an exception this time, when a bout of inspiration struck him.

Ho Sook was wearing her school uniform, astride the jaguar, riding it into battle against a horde of slimy green goblins. There was a bronze sword in her left hand, and her hair was much longer than in real life. She always wore that silly braid, which Ryung thought was a shame. But he fixed it. The shiny black mane floated freely, the tresses obscuring her back. So sexy.

The serene purity of his work moved him. He considered gifting her the painting. While their last encounter hadn't gone perfectly, perhaps this painting was just the thing he needed to grease the wheels, and initiate a happy romantic future.

He raised a hand to his mouth, a yawn escaping. Perhaps it was time for a nap. He headed toward the sliding door. The whole machine shop was made of some sort of welding iron, including the door. So, he had to make a serious effort to roll it open it.

There was a stone bench on the rooftop that got just the right amount of sunlight. Not too much, not too little. It was the perfect place to finish out the school day.

When he looked up, he noticed an oddity. Although the sky was clear, there was a full moon, despite it only being a little after one. Although the moon's white form contrasted nicely with the blue of the sky.

Ryung lay down on the bench, his thoughts drifting. The gentle breeze caressed the tender skin on the nape of his neck, and he began to grow sleepier.

When Ryung awoke, he rubbed his eyes blearily. The wholesome natural light had been replaced by a red tinge. He rubbed his eyes again, and rolled his shoulders. This wasn't good. Maybe he had somehow gotten Pink Eye.

At that moment, he looked up, and realized that something was very, very wrong. The sun was nowhere to be seen. However, the full moon was still there. But the pristine white light color it had previously had was gone. Now the moon was a crimson eerily reminiscent of the color of blood.

He walked to the edge of the building's roof, and looked out over the Seungli High campus. Besides the moon's red glow, everything seemed the same. But then he raised his gaze to the eastern horizon. Beyond the campus walls, where there should have been a metropolitan hub of skyscrapers, Ryung saw nothing but an endless forest, stretching away into the distance.

And something was off with those trees. It took Ryung a minute to figure it out, but then it hit him. The trees were too large. At that distance, they should have been much, much smaller. Instead, the trunks towered up over the campus walls. The crowns of the trees had to be at least a thousand feet or more.

And these trees were unnaturally colored. Instead of a regal healthy green, the leaves were vivid purple. He had never even heard of trees that color.

Ryung felt a twinge of fear. He looked down at his member. "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

At that moment, a deep and guttural howling sound echoed among the nearby buildings. And then there were more howls in response, from further away.