
The Boys: It's Hero Time

While fighting both Kevin and Vilgax at Niagara Falls both them and Ben get sucked into a portal created by the Null Void projector. Only it's not the Null Void they land. They land in a world where Superheroes are just a bunch of corporate puppets and think they can do whatever they want. But no more as it's a real Hero's Time. -)-)-))-)-)-)-))-)-)- I don’t own anything in the story and all credits goes to its respective owners. Author: AUfan62 link: https://www.fanfiction. net/s/14131419/

GenV · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Chapter 29: List!

If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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"And." Butcher continues. "My newest recruits is the only Supe who can and has taken on the Seven and won."

"Bull-Shit." Raynor repeated slowly. "You're telling me you have the Shifter in one pocket and Translucent in the other. If you had either Translucent would either be dead and there'd be a Godzilla fight."

"You can ask him yourself if you don't believe me." Gestures to Ben, who was talking with her kids.

"No way that fucking kid is Shifter." Susan replies.

"The reason he's a kid is the only reason I'm here." Butcher tells her. "I can't kill Translucent in front of him and I can't just fire him like a howitzer at Homelander. And because he's a kid that gives us an edge."

"You're fucking messed up." Susan tells him. "You wanna turn an impressionable kid into your hitman."

"No." Butcher denies. "The kid was already going after Vought like it was his fucking dream. Only difference is we're aiming him and he actually follows all that crap TV spews on Justice and all that nobody follows."

"You made it suicide to go after the Supes." Susan reminds him. "The Director will not go for this."

"If you don't bring it to him, we will." Butcher threatens. "And imagine what he'll say if you didn't bring this to him?"

Susan chuckles, while glancing to her kids. "Now you're just desperate."

"First day Shifty took on Train, Maeve and Noir as a fucking dog and won." Butcher informs her. "If he wanted to he'd barge straight through the doors and ask his secretary for a meeting."

"If he does that and you actually give us something I'll agree to all your little fucking demands you were gonna make." Susan tells him, calling his bluff.

"Here are the demands then." Butcher replies then takes out a folded piece of paper.

The deputy director grabs it and unfolds it. "Funding, security of loved ones, Mallory files, Homelander on a silver platter." She reads like it's a grocery list then raises an eyebrow.

"Sit at the big desk, a badge and a helicopter?" Looks at Butcher with a baffled expression.

"Kid added those last ones." Butcher answers.

The CIA worker then crumbles it up before tossing it in a nearby recycling. "Fuck you and stay away from my family." She orders the walks away to get her kids.

When the three leave Ben turns to his 'Uncle' and asks. "So was that good or do we go with the fun way now?"

Butcher looks down at him and replies. "Fun way it is."

"Saweet." Ben cheers. "Let's bust into the CIA." Starts running to the car, which causes Butcher to chuckle. "Fucking kid."



Susan Raynor sighed as she walked to her bosses office. She this, no doubt just being seen in public with Butcher made her superior's angry.

Still she hoped she would have at least until tomorrow morning, but no it was just 2 hours later.

Thankfully her husband was home and her kids were understanding, at least for now.

"You wanted to see me sir." Susan said as she walked in and saw the chair was turned out to face the city.

"Hello there Susie." The voice of XLR8 said, turning around in the chair, surprising the deputy. "So nice to see you again."

"Believe me now?" Butcher asked, from an obscure corner of the room, nearly giving Susan a heart attack.

"You fucking prick." She called him.

"Careful now." Butcher replied with an disappointed look, before pointing to the alien. "We have a child present."

At the Ben tapped the insignia and in a blinding red flash he became human. "Boom!" He cheered as only CIA employee went slack jawed.

"FYI I'm adding to my demands." He informs before leaning back on the chair and putting his feet up like he owned it.


Jersey, Translucent Holding Cell

"Look just tell us!" Hughie urged the invisible Supe.

"I told you, when I'm not in a fricking bitch cage." The Seven member said.

Hughie has been at it for hours trying to get more information from Translucent. He even has the detonator in his hands, but Translucent saw that as an empty threat. Hughie didn't have the nerve, at least not yet.

"Start talking or I'll do it." Hughie demands, holding up the trigger.

"Enough of that fucking shit." Translucent said with annoyance. "You're too much of a pussy to do it."

"Come on, you can still walk out of this as the guy who saved Translucent." The Supe suggested.

"No looking over your shoulder if we're coming after you. Cause we will. But free me you'll be on the fucking news, you'll getting a fuck ton of money and bitches will be all over you."

"Any of them gonna be Robin?" Hughie asks.

"Fucking Christ." Translucent groans. "She ain't coming back, that's reality. Move on.

Honestly if she was doing you then that bitch got-" He was cut off with splat as Hughie pressed the button.

Exploding Translucent from the inside out and getting covered in his blood and guts.

Hughie just stared with a blank expression.



Butcher, Raynor and the CIA Director were discussing the finer details of the arrangement in the directors office. "Slight complication. Cunt's actually dead now." He informs casually.

"Fucking shit Butcher." Susan tells the Brit.

"Now Susan." The Director tries to calm her.

"This is even fucking worse than before." Susan reminds him. "We could've managed a witness statement, but now we got shit. We should be arresting his ass."

"You think Vought is gonna be okay with that?" Butcher asks. "They'll track me and if they find me they'll make me spill the fucking beans. If they don't kill me first."

"I'll send an edible arrangement to your funeral." The deputy director replied.

"She has a point Butcher." The Director adds. "When you and velocity-raptor-. ... "

"XLR8." Butcher corrected.


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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