
The Boys: It's Hero Time

While fighting both Kevin and Vilgax at Niagara Falls both them and Ben get sucked into a portal created by the Null Void projector. Only it's not the Null Void they land. They land in a world where Superheroes are just a bunch of corporate puppets and think they can do whatever they want. But no more as it's a real Hero's Time. -)-)-))-)-)-)-))-)-)- I don’t own anything in the story and all credits goes to its respective owners. Author: AUfan62 link: https://www.fanfiction. net/s/14131419/

GenV · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Chapter 28: Say No To Vought!

If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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"And I know this is gonna be very hard for you but have some common sense and say no to Vought. Because last I checked privatizing an army is against what the founding fathers wanted."

"With that I'm gonna go." He adds before looking into the audience. "Homeloser looking forward to our next round. Same for Maeve and Noir on Round 3, maybe you'll actually win." With that XLR8 leaves leaving the mic to drop.

"How are you gonna top that?" The Senator asks, before walking away.

"Fuck." Madelyn say's under her breath.


With The Boys

"We can't kill him." Hughie urges after they inform Translucent of the bomb up his ass.

"Sure we can." Butcher says joyfully. "Just push the button and bang." Holds up the device. "Weren't you listening?"

"We have like a treasure trove of information from him, on Vought, Seven and A-Train." Hughie reminds him.

"The longer he's around gives Homelander and the Seven more time to find us." Butcher counters. "And all that information we'll be useless if we're dead."

"What are we going to tell Petit Benny?" Frenchie asks.

"Well we tell Benji-" Butcher begins.

"Tell me what?" Ben interrupts entering the old kitchen.

"Tell you...that our favorite invisible cunt sung like a canary." Butcher lies.

"Sweet." Ben smiles. "Now let's call your fed friends." He suggests.

"Let's do that." Butcher agree's. "In fact one lives not to far, but we ended things sour."

"Plus we need to make sure the asshole stays." Frenchie reminds them.

"Oh don't worry about that." Ben shrugs. "Grey Matter made it so even if he goes to the bathroom on that a backup will turn on. And if he touches the bars after that he'll be knocked out." Looks to a screen monitoring the cage.

"Like right now, so glad he's staying invisible."

They all turned to the screen and saw sparks on the battery then heard a loud. "FUCK!" As Translucent tried to exit the cage.

"See." Ben say's.

"Right." Butcher nods then grabs his jacket. "Listen Boys, Benji and I will meet up our Fed friend and you take care of the cunt." He directs. "All works well we won't have to be back."

"Why do I need to come?" Ben asks.

"Cause they're gonna want to know who our biggest gun is now." Butcher informs. "And I need a kid to meet the contact, it'll look weird without it."

As they leave Frenchie and Hughie look to each other. "You have the night." Frenchie says putting out the remainder of his cigarette. "Then we blow his asshole."

Hughie just stares at the trigger then at the sign that says to 'keep your hands clean.'"



Susan Raynor hoped today would be a good day. Thanks to her new position she had greater control of her schedule, she has weekends off to spend with her two kids.

Which she was doing in a park with her husband at work. However it was about to turn sour, because of a frisbee.

As the three were walking a frisbee hit her son's head. "Ow." He exclaimed, hand going to the spot it hit.

"You okay?" The concerned mother asked.

"Fine." Her son replied, rubbing the spot where it stung.

"Sorry!" A new voice called and they turned to see a boy around her son's age coming over. "Sorry about that. My uncle is a terrible catcher, no wonder he never played baseball."

Just as Susan was about to play it off knowing it was an accident she saw the 'uncle' and knew it was on purpose. "Fuck." She whispered in a low tone.

"That's cause I play Cricket, none of which is same." The British uncle said. "Now say you're sorry." He orders.

"He already did." The daughter said.

"Well I again do apologize." He says politely to the kid, then notices Susan. "Sussie is that you?" He asks with a smile, using a nickname she knows he never uses.

"You know him mom?" The son asks.

"Of course we do." The 'Uncle' replies with the biggest smile. "Names William Butcher, we go way back. It's been years."

"Too long." Susan replies with a fake smile. "You have a nephew."

"Yeah, sort of." Butcher answered. "Dad is an old friend of mine and the parents wanted some adult time you know. His name is Benjamin, I call him Benji." Places his hand on Ben's shoulder.

A few moments of silence follows until Butcher says. "Hey why don't we catch up for a bit and let the kiddies play." Butcher suggests then covers Ben's ears. "Plus I'm really tired of hearing his video game idea over and over." Uncovers the ears.

"Heard that." Ben tells him.

"Can we mom?" The daughter asks, wanting to play.

"Yeah can we?" The son also asks.

"Ok." The mother reluctantly agree's and the three children go off to play. When they do Susan's face turns cold. "You got some fucking balls on you." She tells Butcher.

"Thank you." Butcher accepts. "But they're really average, but it's the other part that's impressive and you know it."

"What do you want?" Susan asks getting to the point. "If it's the Mallory files I told you to fuck off." She adds.

"Thanks for the reminder." Butcher replies. "I will be needing those, but first ask me what's news." He tells her.

"I don't have time for games Butcher." Susan tells him, crossing her arms and regretting she didn't bring her gun.

"Too bad I do." Butcher says to cheerfully.

"What's new?" The deputy director asks with venom.

"Oh not much." Butcher replies with a shrug. "Just have Translucent by the balls."

"Bullshit." Susan replied.

"And." Butcher continues. "My newest recruits is the only Supe who can and has taken on the Seven and won."


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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