
The Boys: It's Hero Time

While fighting both Kevin and Vilgax at Niagara Falls both them and Ben get sucked into a portal created by the Null Void projector. Only it's not the Null Void they land. They land in a world where Superheroes are just a bunch of corporate puppets and think they can do whatever they want. But no more as it's a real Hero's Time. -)-)-))-)-)-)-))-)-)- I don’t own anything in the story and all credits goes to its respective owners. Author: AUfan62 link: https://www.fanfiction. net/s/14131419/

GenV · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Chapter 27: Deep & Light Vs Ripjaws!

If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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Then Starlight fires her light blasts sending Ripjaws crashing into some crates. The fish alien shakes his head and says.

"Well you seem to know what you're doing." He compliments as he gets up. "Just wish I was Fourarms."

Starlight then advances intending this to be a close range fight. With limited electricity she has to rely on her reserves to fight, especially at night.

She goes for a punch but Ripjaws leans back getting out of her range. Annie then used her other hand to fire another blast of light, this one more powerful. Which sent the fish like alien through the wall. "Ouch." Ben comments as he gets back up.

"Had enough?" Starlight asks, her eyes lighting up as she drains powers from the lights outside. So suddenly the illuminated side of the warehouse was considerably darkened.

Ripjaws then laughs. "2.5" He simply says.

"What are you talking about?" Starlight asks.

"How many of you Vought dweebs actually have any skill." Ripjaws answers. Then like with Homelander earlier the two circle each other.

"You and Black are the only ones that actually give me a challenge. Princess could, but she doesn't care enough, hence the 0.5."

"Should I take that as a compliment?" Starlight asks.

"Yeah." Ripjaws answers. "I mean out of anyone on this earth." Gestures all around him. "I'm the only one who faced anyone with powers. Name one bad guy with super powers here."

Before Starlight could reply, a hand shoots from under Ripjaws. "Wha?" He utters before Deep pulls him down.

Starlight runs to the hole and looks down into the dark waters with a squint hoping to see something. Nothing happens.

Until the two water breathers shoot up and Deep punches Ripjaws into a wooden post.

This caused the floor under Annie to be unstable and she falls, but saved herself by grabbing onto the remaining part of the wood not broken with her fingertips.

In the water Ripjaws recovered and forming his fish tail swam down and charged Deep. The supe was distracted looking up Starlight's skirt so Ben easily tackled him into another support pillar.

The shock of which caused Starlight, who was trying to climb back up, to fall back down to her original spot.

Ripjaws kept swimming and smashed Deep through multiple pillars. Eventually this caused a large section of the wooden ground above them to fall.

Ripjaws easily got out of the way but the discombobulated Deep was hit by all of that debris and sank.

Smirking Ripjaws began swimming away when he noticed Starlight was sinking with some debris that her cape got caught on. And unlike Deep she couldn't breath underwater.

The light hero pulled furiously and even though she could punch through brick walls and lift a car, under water it's a whole different law of physics.

Eventually she managed to rip off some debris and began to swim. However growing up in land locked Iowa she wasn't much of a swimmer so she couldn't swim fast and she was low on air.

Soon the newest member of the Seven began blacking out and her strokes became less and less strong. Until finally she couldn't go anymore and the last thing she saw was something swimming at her.

The next thing she felt was her being placed on the ground. Annie soon began coughing up water and tried to rise up but fell back down.

She was able to catch a glimpse of Ripjaws legs walking back into the water. However she could do little except let her eyes close.


At a Gala in Vought Madelyn Stillwell and other employees were busy trying to charm the pants off the people who could get them what they wanted.

Supes in the U.S armed forces.

Except there were some problems, referring to the Shifter situation.

"Why should we pay you a fortune when some guy is doing your job better than you for free?" One Chairman asked.

"Cheaper isn't better." Stillwell commented.

"It is to the voters." The chairman replies. "Especially cause he took down at least five of your guys."

Stillwell chuckles. "Exaggerations."

"So him blowing up Bluehawk as a plant was an exaggeration." The senator tells her.

"Still nothing like the Seven." Stillwell tries. "They're the best."

"Didn't Homelander and Maeve get their asses handed to them the other day?" He reminds her as the bartender hands a drink. "Plus according him he has a whole arsenal at his disposal."

"He's still one person." Stillwell points out, her smile on the brink of faltering. "Can't be everywhere at once."

"Well he's here now." The Chairman says, pointing up to the stage where the band has just stopped playing as XLR8 ran on stage. Stillwell see's this and mentally curses.

"Hello." XLR8 greets as he tests a microphone to make sure it's working. "Greetings political lamo's of America. If I can have your attention for a bit."

Homelander looks to Stillwell, who shakes her head. The last thing they needed was casualties amongst the group of people they needed on their side.

"Now Vought invited you here to kiss up to all of you so they can do possibly the worst thing in history. Or at least one of the worst." XLR8 begins.

"Put their sorry excuse of Heroes into the military, that's like giving Hitler the atomic bomb plans in 1942. A stupid, terrible, horrible bad idea that should not happen."

"Obviously none of you really want that, but they have resources and Hero's (does air quotes) to blackmail or threaten you." XLR8 continues.

"Including their own shapeshifter." He reminds them.

"And I know this is gonna be very hard for you but have some common sense and say no to Vought. Because last I checked privatizing an army is against what the founding fathers wanted."


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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