
The Boys: It's Hero Time

While fighting both Kevin and Vilgax at Niagara Falls both them and Ben get sucked into a portal created by the Null Void projector. Only it's not the Null Void they land. They land in a world where Superheroes are just a bunch of corporate puppets and think they can do whatever they want. But no more as it's a real Hero's Time. -)-)-))-)-)-)-))-)-)- I don’t own anything in the story and all credits goes to its respective owners. Author: AUfan62 link: https://www.fanfiction. net/s/14131419/

GenV · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Chapter 23: Stan Edgar!

If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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"You bring this to my doorstep? This is not my problem, huh?" Frenchie tells the Brit, gun still aimed.

"Look French fry." Ben say's, getting a smirk out of Butcher. "What's it gonna take?"

"100 times what you gave me." Frenchie answers. "Plus double all in advance and a bonus." He adds, knowing that they don't have that kind of money.

"Done." Butcher answers.

"Bullshit." Frenchie calls out, turning back to Butcher.

"Oh yeah, bullshit?" Butcher replies, then pulls out the bag full of small Diamondhead shards and dirt. "How's this? Gotta be worth at least what you asking? How rare is the stuff Oi Benji?"

"None on earth." Ben answers. "Make a knife of that stuff, cuts through steel like it's butter." He adds.

Frenchie puts the gun down to grab the bag and pull out a small shard. "Where'd you get this?" He asks, while examining the shard and even holding it to the sun.

"Benny boy is the Shifter that kicked the Seven right in their fucking little balls." Butcher informs him.

Frenchie glances to Ben who rolls up his Adidas sweater sleeve, revealing the Omnitrix. "Next time lead with that." He simply says before they pack it to another location. "I know a place, follow me."


Seven Tower:

"Black Noir. We haven't properly met yet. I'm Starlight." The wide eye blonde from Des Moines introduced to the silent hero who just walks away. "I look forward to working with you." She calls out as he keeps walking.

As Annie turns forward she spots a small figure that ducks back into the doorway. The newbie goes over and looks inside but see's nobody inside a standard looking office.

"Something I can help you with?" A man's voice asks behind Starlight, startling her. "Apologies, I didn't mean to scare you Starlight." He tells her, holds out his hand. "Stan Edgar, nice to finally meet you."

"Oh the Stan Edgar wow nice to meet you." Annie replies shaking his hand. "Sorry is this your office?" She asks.

"No, but I'm meeting a colleague here. But they seem to be hiding." He informs her.

"Oh you gonna fire them?" Starlight asks with worry, even for just a stranger.

"Nonsense." The CEO shakes his head. "Just some personal matters, nothing serious."

"Well I have to go meet Ashley, but it was nice to meet you." Starlight say's noticing she was running late.

"Of course." Edgar replies, stepping out of the way. "Have a nice day."

After Starlight walks away Edgar looks inside the office and then walks away himself.


New Jersey

In the old remnants of an empty and dirty restaurant Hughie was putting up foil to block Translucent's signal.

Meanwhile Butcher and Frenchie put Translucent in a cage meant for a large dog. However a bunch of cables and wires were connected onto the bars.

"Do hurry up." The form of Grey Matter requested as he did some tinkering with some spare parts. "I calculate he'll wake up soon."

"Fuck off." Butcher replied, before locking the cage with a padlock.

"That stuff really blocks the chip's signal?" Frenchie ask, gesturing to Hughie.

"Yeah. It's just R.F. Shielding Foil." Hughie answers plainly, installing the last of said foil. "You can get it at Fry's."

"You in Tech intelligence?" Frenchie wonders, before Grey Matter directs him to place a small panel.

"Uh, sales and installation." Hughie corrects a little awkwardly.

"Ah..." Frenchie responds, not unimpressed with that information.

"That should do it." Grey Matter say's getting out of the inside of the car battery he had them bring inside. "I suggest we back away from the containment unit as it will activate in 3.7 seconds."

Just then Translucent starts to slowly get up. "Oh, what the fuck? Where am I?" He asks, as his vision clears.

"Oi. Morning, sunshine." Butcher greets with a smile.

"You know who I am?" The Supe tells them.

"Not sure." Frenchie begins to reply, as Grey Matter crawls onto his shoulder. "I know so many invisible assholes." He adds, picking up his tools.

"You fucking amateurs!" The invisible man tells them before trying to rip open the cage.

"Fuck!" He yelps as he shocked with hundreds of volts of electricity, courtesy of Grey Matter boosting the charge.

Downside is eventually the battery will wear out in a few days max.

"Ooh, mind them bars, son. You'll only bollocks yourself again." Butcher comments before he begins closing the door.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Uh, okay, what do you guys want? Money?" Translucent offers.

"We don't want your fuckin' money." Butcher replies with venom in his voice. All the money in the world and then some multiplied by a hundred won't buy him what he really wants. He then closes the door.

"What do you think, Frenchie?" The Brit asks.

"You just dropped the Moby fucking Dick of problems on my plate." The Frenchman replies smoking a cigarette. Inhales then blows. "That's what I think. Okay?"

"He can re-order his carbon on his skin into metamaterial. It's hard as diamonds." Frenchie informs.

"Only on his external skin ." Grey Matter corrects as he jumps on the table. "It is likely that he'll still suffer effects from things such as toxic gas or starvation."

"In case you haven't noticed there's no supply of Mustard gas and we don't got time to fuckin' starve the bastard." Butcher replies.

"You're planning to kill him?" Hughie asks.

"What no no no." The former SAS replied with a horrified look. "We just need something to kill him so we can leverage information out of him. Otherwise the bloke will tell us to fuck off cause we can't kill him."

"I can." Grey Matter reminds them. "Just not in this form. Diamondhead would be much better suited." Thinks.

"I shall need some time before I can become him though." Grey Matter then hops off the table and becomes human in a red flash.

"Oi Benji." Butcher begins. "You can't stay here." He say's.


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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