

What the hell! Senior Vera was the one calling me, " What the hell does she want this time again oh and why the hell is she always around me? Is she stalking me or something, now I understand why Googles called her glue the other time, now I guess I'll have to change it from glue to sticker. " And as if reading my thoughts Googles turned to me and said, " Why is this glue of a senior always around you? " , " I wonder o." I replied her , " Hope she's not stalking you or planning to harm you in any way, cause if that's the case she'll have to pass through me first oh and if she succeeds then she has the full power to harm you but then she can't manage to pass through me without getting herself injured, then even before she can think of doing anything to you, she would have been rushed to the school clinic, no, the clinic wouldn't be able to handle her situation so literally they would have her transferred to the general hospital. " She said and smiled.

I looked at her, shook my head and said, " I pity you. "

" Why? " she asked.

" Oh, so you want to know why I pity you? "

" Yes I want to know. Why do you pity me? "

I scanned her from head to toe, restrained myself from laughing and said to her, " No offense Googles but what you just said now was it a joke ?"

" No, why? "

" Because the way you said sticker would pass through you before getting to me was funny."

" What is sticker again? Cause I don't remember mentioning sticker when i was talking." She looked at me confused.

" Senior Vera now, your glue, my sticker. " When both laughed out loud.

" Oh l see you now have a befitting name for her as well. " She said.

" So as I was saying, when you said senior Vera would have to pass through you before she can hurt me, l felt more sorry for you than for myself, why? Because you are like David compared to Senior Vera the glue and sticker who is more like Goliath. And I'm very sure that only one of her fingers would succeed in bringing you down, so what do you think would happen to me if my supposed defender which is you gets subdued by the enemy, then l would be gone. "

Googles stared at me and said, " You have just broken my heart with your words Angel, l might be small but l'm mighty, l might be small Angel, but I'm mighty okay? "

" Sorry babe, I'm only joking after all David killed Goliath. " I said to reassure her and make her feel better.

" Yeah, David killed Goliath and l can also finish Senior Vera for you, just a stone Will do. " She said wittingly and we both laughed out loud again. We got so deep into the conversation that we didn't even remember how we started in the first place, we were like children who were happy playing on the playground and had forgotten about their sorrows.

We walked towards the hostel again and we're chatting happily until we heard my name again, " What the hell ! " Googles exclaimed. " We've been chatting happily all along and we don't even remember how it started but then this glue will just not let us be. "

" Let me be. " I pointed out because its my name she has been calling and not hers ( Googles ' )

Anyways l stopped, looked behind and answered, " Yes senior Vera, you are calling me. " Well that was so unusual, as in did l just answer senior Vera and even said her name? Even she was so shocked to do anything at that moment, when she finally recovered from her shock, she moved faster towards our direction and said, " Is the confidence for me, wow l just heard you mention my name, wow, you must really be feeling the power of a senior student in Rosebud." She clapped her hands and screamed, " Bravo! "

" Is everything alright senior Vera? " I asked even to my own surprise. I didn't know where the words and confidence was coming from but it was actually a nice feeling, it wasn't even feeling scared at that moment, " Oh how l wish this feeling remains forever. " I thought to myself.

Even though I was enjoying the feeling that even Googles couldn't stop staring at me, senior Vera was obviously boiling with anger, what made her angry the most was where I said " Is everything alright senior Vera. " Guys, that made her so angry so much that she stretched her hand to slap me but to my greatest surprise, Googles held her hand and prevented her from slapping me. She got even angrier and pushed googles, though she didn't fall. Now she aimed at us both to deal with us, she picked a stick, she was probably going to flog us with that, googles glared at her and said, " Senior Vera who doesn't know anything than bulling junior students because they are more beautiful and she isn't even brilliant. " Senior Vera got really angry at that statement and slapped Googles, she was going to do something else but I stopped her ( again to my surprise ), we heard someone call, "Vera ! "

We looked behind and it turned out to be Miss Lucille. "Come over here three of you. "

We all went to her and she led us to the principal's office, she accounted everything that happened to the principal: everything she saw. So it turned out that Miss Lucille saw everything that happened from the first scene, well that's to our advantage so it's very nice at least there's a super witness today though I wasn't the victim. After she narrated everything to the principal, the principal turned to us to hear our side of the story, Googles narrated her side of the story first and trust Googles, she gave a detailed account of everything that happened even what was probably going to happen before I prevented it and before Miss Lucille interfered. When the principal turned to me to hear my own story, I simply said, " Googles, I mean Gracia has said it all, there's nothing more to say sir. " Then he turned to senior Vera and said, " I don't think I need to hear your side of the story, this is not the first time you're in my office for similar case, but then you've always gone Scot free because there was always no witness to attest to the victim's claim, but very good, today there is not just the victim and the witness but there is also a teacher who witnessed the drama. " Senior Vera was pretending to be cool but her hands and legs were shaking, she really tried her best to hide that, well she could have succeeded in hiding it from others, but not from me, I saw clearly her hands and legs shaking. It was actually fun for me to see how weak she was in reality, at this rate I knew I would not have to fear her anymore so thank God, fear of senior Vera has been overcome. We were still in the principal's office waiting for what he would say next and behold, he continued: " Since it's certain that you are likely to be guilty of bullying junior students especially female ones, you will have to stand before the disciplinary committee tomorrow during break time, " He paused and turned to us three ( Me, Googles and Miss Lucille.) and said, " You will also be there same time to stand as victim and witnesses, you know better Miss Lucille. " "Yes, I do sir. " Miss Lucille answered. " Very good, now you can take your leave, but wait Miss Lucille. "

So we all went out of the principal's office except Miss Lucille, what they were discussing, God only knows. But what you needed to see was senior Vera's face when we got out of the office, guys it was swollen, as in, you would think she had been punished already, then I wondered, if she's not been punished and she's this down, God knows what she would be like when she got punished, I even wondered what her punishment would be, whatever it was none of it my business, but then, it would be fun watching the downfall of satan, oh sorry, downfall of the enemy. I turned to Googles and apologized to her that she went through all that because of me, she looked at me, smiled and said, " Defenders go through a lot friend. " We both laughed, she now really saw herself as my defender.

" Good job Miss Defender. "

" Even though you're not paying, I'll still remain diligent."

"Awnnn, that's so sweet. "

" I know right, friends are to be like that, to always support and defend each other. "

" We've spent more time outside the hostel than we should thanks to some sticky senior, I guess we have missed evening break, now we have to get to the dining hall for dinner before we miss that one too, I don't wanna starve to death. "

" Yeah, okay babe. But I don't care if I miss dinner, all I'm waiting for now is the judgement day." She grinned as she said that.

" Which one is that again, " I said and suddenly shouted, " Oh, oh, oh, I get it , tomorrow, our standing before the disciplinary committee, I'm also waiting for that, I wish she gets suspended for at least a week or two. " She hugged me and prattled, " We have the same thoughts. "

So we went to the dining hall, had a dinner of beans and bread and went to our various hostels to rest. It was the first week of school and so there was no night reading, so all students went to rest but for me and Googles, we could only anticipate the coming of the great day: the judgement day!

Hello dear readers! Thank you for reading so far. Please comment to let me know your thoughts, like, rate, very important gift me ooo, your gifts are my motivation and invite your friends to read. More interesting chapters coming up soon . I love you all.

But I have a question, what do you think would happen on the supposed judgement day ? You can share your opinions in the comment section.

Thank you.

Your author.

Faith_Ayo01creators' thoughts