
the boy with no skill in sport

the story if me untalented at sport

imtired_stupid · スポーツ
11 Chs

chapter 3

During class, Hiroshi was known for his active participation and willingness to answer questions. He sat attentively, ready to contribute to classroom discussions and help his classmates understand the material better. Hiroshi's enthusiasm for learning and his eagerness to assist his peers made him a valuable presence in the classroom.

Whenever a teacher posed a question, Hiroshi would raise his hand promptly. He wasn't concerned about being right all the time; instead, he genuinely enjoyed engaging with the subject matter and sharing his insights. His answers often demonstrated a deep understanding of the topics discussed, and he was always patient in explaining concepts to classmates who needed assistance.

Hiroshi's approach to answering questions in class was reflective of his overall character: humble, supportive, and dedicated to helping others succeed. His classmates appreciated his willingness to help and his ability to create a positive and collaborative learning environment.

Hiroshi was sitting in the park, lost in thought, with a book in his lap. The sun was casting a warm glow on the world, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the nearby trees. It was a peaceful afternoon, and Hiroshi cherished these moments of solitude.

Just as he turned a page, he heard a familiar voice calling his name, "Hiroshi!" He looked up to see his friend, Ayumi, approaching with a bright smile. Ayumi was one of the few people who had always believed in Hiroshi's potential, even when he struggled with sports.

"Hey, Ayumi!" Hiroshi greeted her with a warm smile, setting his book aside.

Ayumi sat down next to Hiroshi on the park bench. "What are you up to today?" she asked, curiosity in her eyes.

Hiroshi shrugged. "Oh, you know, the usual. Training, reading, and trying to improve."

Ayumi nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "You're amazing, Hiroshi. I've seen how hard you've been working, and I have no doubt you'll achieve your goals."

Hiroshi felt a surge of gratitude for Ayumi's unwavering support. "Thanks, Ayumi. It means a lot to me."

As they continued their conversation, Hiroshi and Ayumi reminisced about their shared memories, the good times, and the challenges they had faced together. It was a friendship built on mutual respect, trust, and encouragement.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Hiroshi and Ayumi decided to take a stroll through the park. Their laughter filled the air as they talked about their dreams and aspirations. In that moment, Hiroshi realized that true friends were the ones who saw past his limitations and embraced him for who he was, and Ayumi was one of those friends.

Their friendship was a source of strength for Hiroshi, a reminder that he was never alone in his journey. With Ayumi by his side, he knew he could continue to overcome obstacles and strive for greatness.

Hiroshi and Ayumi found a quiet corner in the park where they could sit and talk. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden hue over everything. They exchanged smiles and settled in for a heartfelt conversation about their passions.

Hiroshi began, "You know, Ayumi, ever since I started my sports journey, I've discovered a deep passion for coaching. Helping those kids in the community center and seeing their faces light up when they improve—it's incredibly rewarding."

Ayumi nodded in agreement. "That's wonderful, Hiroshi. You make a fantastic coach. I've seen the positive impact you've had on those kids."

Hiroshi's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "It's like, even though I may not be the best player on the field, I can still make a difference by nurturing their talent and passion for sports. It's become a big part of my life."

Ayumi smiled warmly. "And you've certainly made a difference, Hiroshi. Your dedication and kindness shine through in everything you do."

Encouraged by Ayumi's support, Hiroshi turned the conversation to her. "What about you, Ayumi? What's your passion?"

Ayumi's eyes lit up as she began to share her own dreams. "I've always been fascinated by art and design. Lately, I've been exploring graphic design and digital art. It's like a whole new world of creativity has opened up to me. I love how I can express my thoughts and emotions through visuals."

Hiroshi listened intently, genuinely interested in Ayumi's passion. "That's amazing, Ayumi. I've seen some of your artwork; it's truly beautiful. Have you thought about pursuing it as a career?"

Ayumi nodded, her expression filled with determination. "I have. I'm considering studying graphic design in college. It's something that brings me joy, and I want to turn my passion into a profession."

As the conversation continued, Hiroshi and Ayumi shared their dreams, hopes, and aspirations for the future. They encouraged each other to pursue their passions wholeheartedly, knowing that with dedication and support, they could achieve their goals.

The sun had fully set by the time they wrapped up their conversation, but their spirits were brighter than ever. Hiroshi and Ayumi's friendship had deepened, cemented by their shared dreams and unwavering support for each other's passions.As the conversation between Hiroshi and Ayumi continued, they delved into more personal topics. After a moment of contemplation, Ayumi opened up about her family problems.

"Hiroshi," Ayumi began, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness, "I've been dealing with some family issues lately. My parents have been going through a rough patch, and it's been affecting all of us."

Hiroshi listened attentively, his concern evident in his eyes. "I'm really sorry to hear that, Ayumi. That must be really tough for you."

Ayumi nodded, appreciating Hiroshi's empathy. "It's been challenging. There have been arguments, tension at home, and it's been hard to focus on my passion for art with all of this going on."

Hiroshi reached out and gently placed a reassuring hand on Ayumi's shoulder. "I'm here for you, Ayumi. If you ever need someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on, I'll always be here. And remember, your art can also be an escape, a way to express your feelings during difficult times."

Ayumi smiled gratefully at Hiroshi's support. "Thank you, Hiroshi. You're a true friend. Your kindness means the world to me."

Their conversation continued, with Hiroshi offering words of encouragement and Ayumi finding solace in sharing her burdens. Through their friendship, they found strength in supporting each other, whether it was in pursuing their passions or navigating the challenges life presented.