
Chapter 15

Cersei's P.O.V.

I look at my oaf and drunkard husband like if he has grown a second head, my mind paralyzed at the words he uttered. How else could I react to something this outlandish, this absurd?

This bitch bastard, the result of her husband's infidelity and incapacity to keep his two inches cock inside his pants, be above her sweet Myrcela? The mere idea felt like a bad joke and she would not let something like that pass. No matter what Robbert might wish I would never allow for it to happen. I will not accept such a shame and the mere possibility of someone with more rights for the throne than my precious children to exist.

As I think that I remember my father's lessons, that a Lion should never accept any insult. The Castamere song is an example of how I should act. Ruthless, that is what I must be.

The Arryn boy is smiling as he talks to Robbert after this announcement, another of his insults to me and my family. First, he makes people think him any better than my golden lion, which alone is deserving of death for the gall, but I am also sure he must have planned for this as a scheme to take my children's birthright! I will not allow it, I just will not!

But, what to do? They have quite a few men with them here, more than us, but this is still the keep of the Starks. They might be as good as wildlings that deserve ten thousand deaths for the sin of breathing the same air as me but they have their uses.

Mainly, if something were to happen and the Valemen started creating a fuss, Lord Stark would have to sacrifice his own men to protect the family of his friend's wife. It is the honorable thing to do in the end and the Starks are so into that silly thing.

Truly, this would also make sure to stop the Vale from rising any further, they have started to get enough money to begin to match the Westerlands with some even claiming the absurd they are stronger than us. The sheer gal to propose any other house reaches even close to half of the grandeur of House Lannister and the Westerlands is enough to warrant the person who spoke this absurd to have her tongue removed.

Now, how to kill them?

... Oh, it shouldn't be that complicated at all. As I think about it an idea came to mind, one that is so simple that it makes sense instantly.

Why not make Jaime challenge young Tigre to a spar and kill him during it? Jaime is the best swordsman in the entire world, the golden lion, he should be able to beat the welp easily enough. And as for the girl, it would be oh so tragic for her little heart that she might end up jumping from her window out of grief.

Yes, that should work perfectly.


"Cersei, you jest." Jaime said after I explained my plan to him. Oh, my other half, why must you not have any of the smarts from us and only the strength which I lack.

That is exactly why I taught him for so long that he should just listen to me, I am the brain and he is the muscle.

We are on my chambers, there was a second feast and I could not handle any more to stay close to the filth that is my husband and the rest around me, none showing nearly enough subservience to me as they should.

"Jaime, this would work for certain, don't worry." I told him and he shook his head.

"Dearest sister, you cannot really have thought things through. First, assuming I accept this you would have to suppose the Arryn boy would accept fighting with live steel and that he was incompetent. He is not. From the times I saw the boy he was always a monster in sparing and he won all tourneys melles he entered in the last three years, from the time he could enter in a melles he would always win it. I am confident in winning against him 3 every five battles, killing him would be very hard. Second, if I manage to kill him his guards, his five HUNDRED and very well trained and armed guards would want my head in a spike, and I am of good confidence that with how close the young Arryn and the quiet wolf and his family are, the Starks would also want my head and possibly your pretty head in a spike."

"Hah, Jaime, don't be stupid. They would not dare try, father would kill them all and raze their lands." I said with the dismissal his stupid words garner. Father and the Westerlands can take the Vale or the North easily.

Jaime, however, just keep looking at me as if I wasn't the smartest person in the world. If not for how his eyes are so similar to my own I might have ordered them removed for looking at me this way. That and because I like the look of utter love and adoration he has to me when I ride him (in bed the one to lead and command everything is me, it is my pleasure that matters first and foremost).

"Cersei, if we do that the Vale would rise in revolt instantly. Not only that, the Riverlands are the house of his mother and they would rise just as much and I am confident the North would also rise. For a chance like that I am sure that Renly would take the chance to attack as well and if not him then the son of Stannis and his knightly order, you know, the one who is unbeatable and all that. And the Dornish would take such a chance to kill father and us in a heartbeat, especially considering how friendly Prince Oberryn is towards the young Arryn. Heck, the KING would want my head for this." He keeps speaking but honestly, it bores me to hear him talking so much nonsense.

"Jaime, father can simply buy mercenary companies from Essos if needed." I countered. "We are the richest house of all the seven kingdoms, we can do whatever we wish."

He was about to say some more but I put a hand on his crotch and he stopped talking.

"Please, for me." I said sultrily in the tone he could never deny and he nodded easily enough after a few pumps to his perfect cock.



Valentina's P.O.V.

"And you are sure she said as such?" I asked for confirmation as one of Winterfell's maids nodded her head. Well, not quite a maid as she is something else entirely.

A faceless man.

It is incredible really, that no one realized this yet.

When Tir Na Fal sent us to this world she called for her believers as the many-faced God to help us in our endeavors, but instead of sending them to Tigre or anyone else she sent them to me. They have express orders to help me in whatever may be needed but if I try and attack or let an attack against any of the others when I could have avoided them, if this happens they are to slay me.

I like my pretty little neck unscathed, so I was fine with the arrangement.

I think Tir Na Fal left me to be the one to lead this organization because of how I would be the first one to truly use such valuable pieces to their fullest potential. Of course I also have normal spies, fake spies, false leads, pay spies of others, and the world of me not having spies in Kings Landing is a lie. To make an enemy not know something even my allies must now know something.

I dismiss the faceless man in front of me and I take my wine with a slight smile to my lips. Not telling Tigre earlier about his father's death had been a gamble, if he was on the known and went to Kings Landing it would be entirely possible for him to die by either the Lannisters or Littlefinger, the former to hide their little secret as they would be paranoid of what Tigre might know and the later because he would be able to take the Vale to himself as regent beside Tigre's mother as the woman was clearly unstable.

No, it would not do at all. So instead I kept the information locked within me as well as any other that would warn Tigre too soon. Only after I was sure the king and his entourage was in their way and out of the capital did I let the information get to him. And as we now stand in Winterfell and with our army as well as the power of the Starks we would have no need to fear the Lannisters.

But I must admit, the Queen is even more foolish than I thought she was. Thinking that she could get away with such an obvious act, it wouldn't even be funny how easy it would be for the civil war to start and the Lannisters would be crushed if they do such a thing. It is even funny how we could just marshal our sea forces, burn Lanisport to a crisp as well as most of the Westerland castles, most castles there are close to the sea after all and we might not show it as much but we have the strongest naval force in the seven kingdoms and Essos bar none, it is just that many of our ships are in the Summer Isles, all kept by prince Jalabhar Xho who we helped reinstate on his throne and expand his power in exchange for this favor.

We have in store about 380 warships, 300 more than anyone knows and 100 more than any other power in the world.

Not that this matters that much right now, now I just need to think on how to improve the situation further. A taunt over the Queen perhaps? Yes, that would make her even more likely to be heretic and do something stupid, and if this taunt also makes me more liked by the king all the better.

The idea in my head is too good to let it go, I will go with it. Now if only I didn't need to hide so far away from everyone else things would be all the better, after all, I might be just as strong as the other Vanadis but I feel no desire to face them all together, or alone for that matter.

I like the games of politics, not the games of squabbles in the training yard.

Ignoring all this I think back to the day ahead and I can only imagine how I can make sure to humiliate the Lannister and showcase to the North the ugly truth they like to pretend isn't real. I can also use this as a chance to try and make Ludmila's sister less enamored with the sadistic little creature, he is truly the epitome of all the worst habits my former associates used to have.

She might be an unimportant part of the game right now, but a part she is nonetheless and her happiness and well being would ensure the North would march with us instead of being potentially cowed. Now if only I can ensure it is not Lord Eddard to go to Kings Landing, let the Lions have their feast in there and the third stag to try and face them with the roses, as long as they do so things would be much easier for us.

"My Lady, an urgent message has just arrived." One of our servants approached, I put two of them to stay in the Master's Turret to stay watch in case any message for them arrives, if it does one of them sends it my way and the other continues his vigil. It is not perfect but any more and it would be far too noticeable.

I receive the message and open and as I read a wide smile appears in my face.

They finally found it. And not just one, but three dragon eggs.

They are in the hands of one Illyrio Mopatis, a wealthy magister from the Free City of Pentos. He is hosting the remaining two Targaryens and while the girl might have some hope the boy is completely hopeless. He was rapidly developing all the signs of madness one could expect from one of his family and he is trying to buy a Dothraki Khal with his sister's hand in marriage and is clearly going insane with desperation.

Well, I talked to Ellen and she doesn't really much care for them, which meant if they perished she wouldn't be bothered by it all that much, and with there only being three eggs and with me, Ellen, and Rolland having Valyrian blood we don't really much need those two Targaryen who are likely to become insane with time.

Well, perhaps the girl might have some hope and I don't think that killing her would make Ellen all that happy, I am already on thin ice with her and the others so it is best not to provoke any more right now. But the dragon eggs are needed here where we could get them to hatch, not as worthless decorative pieces for a family that has been thrown out of power thanks to the actions of a Wildfire obsessed lunatic and a prophecy driven fool. Of course this meant we had to confirm that they were real dragon eggs and not just stones carved into the the shape of eggs.

As I finish my thoughts and a plan formed in my head I can only shake my head, really, fate is a fickle thing. Our best chance to hatch the dragons and come back is to do so in Essos, no one here would believe if word of dragons returning came from Essos and we could travel from there to the Eryie without much issue considering our fleet. And the houses of the Vale are absolutely loyal to us, and those not quite as loyal for honor find themselves loyal for fear of me.

A smile of amusement found itself on my face. It is incredible, how poison can be useful. Some of the houses were served poison a while ago and unless their loyalty to me and Tigre remains unquestionable they will not get their monthly antidote to keep alive and with their heirs working so happily in the army or in the navy, they really can't do much. Not that I only did bad things for them, they, of course, gained a lot these last few years and no house in the Vale that didn't grow much more prosper and influential in Westeros and Essos in this time period.

And even the heirs working on the army are given positions of respect and learn much there, it quickly became a costume for noble sons to be sent to the army or the Navy depending on where you live. They learn about responsibility and gain a greater sense of unity than ever before.

Really, the Vale is doing rather well, but going to Essos is imperative right now.

I will talk to Tigre after tomorrow and see what he thinks.

But I must admit being a bit giddy at the thought of getting to fly on the back of a dragon, that would certainly be quite the experience.

With these thoughts in my I walked to where I last saw Tigre, a noticeable pep in my step.
