
Author-Belki Saris

Winner of the royal book club and the author of 'Between Love and Hate'.

Hi, Hello and Welcome to our magazine. You are reading an interview of the royal community which is interviewed by Z Cader.

On this bright day, I have with me none other than our stunning, bold and lovely Belki Saris, author of the books 'Destine' and 'Between Love and Hate.'

Me: "Welcome aboard with us Madam! Pleasant greetings to you. I am really happy and I am feeling proud to interview you."

Madam Belki: "Hello, Thank you for the warm welcome and I am really happy to be a part of the royal community interview.

Me: "How are you?

Madam Belki: "I am good, thank you. How are you?"

Me: "I am doing great. First and foremost, congratulations on winning the royal book club contest. I am really proud of you."

Winning the royal book club feels amazing. I am in a lot of book clubs and not many of them recognized the members like how royal club does so I am ecstatic, quotes Belki.

What are the reactions of the people around you when you won the contest?

They were not surprised since they knew I love to read. They were happy for me!

When did you first realize that you wanted to write a book? When and what was the first thing you wrote?

I am the oldest in my family and I used to spun stories for my sisters and they used to like it that's when I realized that writing is my cup of tea, basically when I was a kid. (Chuckles) The first thing I wrote was a werewolf story.

"I am a rain, coffee and books" type of a person. I would write in the morning with a warm cup of coffee.

When do you feel satisfied with your chapter?

I am never fully satisfied with my chapters. Every time I re-read my chapter I find something wrong hence it is always an editing process.

Who or what inspired you to write the book and the lead character?

I was inspired by a role play I was doing and the moment I fell in love with the script, I wanted to make it a story.

Burst one myth for us.

"Real writers find writing easy", it is not. It takes a lot of thinking, writing, re-writing, hating it and starting it all over again.

"First drafts don't have to be perfect. They just have to be written" (Belki)

The naughtiest thing you have ever done?

I did a prank call.

What do you want to achieve in life?

I would like to become a published author and my books to be in hard copies.

What is the one thing you learned while creating your book?

Not everyone will like what you write!

What is an interesting writing quirk of yours?

Writing stubborn characters. (Laughs)

Who is your favorite character to write?

Isabella. She was pulled down to darker place in a slow process.

Where do you pull your ideas from?

Vampire movies or books.

Despite Belki feeling tired in life. She feels unreal because she gained loyal readers when she first published the book.

Belki wishes to convey her readers that living in a toxic relationship are not romantic or healthy. She wishes to spread the word!

Me: "Wow! I am mesmerized by your talent. God bless you."

Belki: "Thank you. I love the royal community and I am so glad I found them. This interview has been done amazingly. Good job!"

Me: I am glad too. Our pleasure! Thank you for spending time with me despite your busy schedule and making our day colorful."

Belki: "my pleasure! Nice to meet you."

Me: Nice to meet you too. Have a nice day! Bye"

Belki: "Bye."

Dear readers, thank you for reading my interview with Belki. Lots of wishes and have a pleasant day.
