
3. I Have a System?

When Gold woke up in the morning, he was in for a surprise. For the first time in his new life, he saw something. It was the system layout. The system was organized in a way that showed the profile of Gold in the center. Along the sides were tabs that were mostly labeled with question marks. However, a few of them were labeled. One was quests, another was inventory, and the final labeled tab was relationships. In the right-hand corner, there was a little gift box with a small red 1 on it.

Gold looked around the system layout and was amazed. "I really do have a system. This isn't a dream right? Ouch!"

He tried pinching himself to see whether or not this was reality. Realizing that this was reality, he began to explore the system. The first thing he looked at was his profile in the center of the screen.

Gold Tokisaki

Combat Grade: F+ (above average civilian)


Chakra Nature: Locked

Status: Healthy

Physique: None

Physical Strength: E+

Chakra: C-

•Control: E

•Reserves: B

Techniques: None

Gold read the profile slowly to comprehend what was written. However, he still didn't get it. "Hey system, how does this ranking system work?"


After asking his question, a small screen popped up with the details of how the profile worked. First was how the system ranked with lettered grades, going from F to S.

The weakest is E while respectively S is the strongest. An E grade represented the abilities of a normal human. A person who has not yet reached the level of becoming a ninja. D-rank represented the level of beginner ninja better known as genin.

As expected, the grades continued to correlate with the levels of the ninja hierarchy. C being chunin, B being Jonin, A being elite jonin, and finally S equating to Kage-level strength.

'Sounds pretty straight fowards to me' Gold thought. Then he continued to read the rest of the short guide.

Combat ability represented his entire strength as a whole. It included everything from Justus to physical strength. If you had a B rank it meant you had the combat prowess of an average Jonin. While an E- would express strength as weak as a below-average citizen.

The next topic, Physique, and physical strength were pretty self-explanatory and he decides to skip over it.

Chakra not only represented the amount which someone had in their body but also their degree of control over it. If it had been purely chakra reserves, Gold would have been given a B-ranked chakra grade.

Gold inherited his mother's strong chakra reserves making him have the same amount of chakra as an average jonin. However, he was never taught how to use chakras. His parents assumed that because was blind he would never become a ninja and had no practical use for chakra.

'How silly, of course I'm going to become a ninja. Not to mention that I was reborn into this world like some sort of dream, I couldn't possibly survive the upcoming events of the ninja world as a blind civilian.'

Gold looked at the other tabs by the profile and already had a basic idea of what they were and decided he didn't need any sort of guide on them. He understood that the tabs with question marks would probably unlock later as he grew stronger and was not curious about them.

Although he didn't need a guide for them, he was still curious about the tabs he did have open. He quickly clicked the relationship tab and looked at it.


Haruto Nara: 100 (max)

Note: Caring father

Ayaka Tokisaki: 100 (max)

Note: Strict yet doting mother

Naruto Uzumaki: 85 (high)

Note: Currently your only friend in your new life

"What!?! My only friend? That can't be right? What about the kids in my neighborhood."


Gold received a message from the system and read it aloud, "Due to the host changing the relationship with Naruto to a friend, all other friends have chosen to dissolve their friendship."

Gold's jaw dropped as he finally understood what Naruto said happened.

'My so called "friends" already found out that I'm friends with Naruto and decided to exclude me already. Rumors about hated people sure spreads fast.'

With nothing else in the tab, he moved on. He opened the inventory tab but quickly moved on after only seeing his walking stick. Finally, he opened the quest tab.

In the quest tab, he saw 3 types of missions. Main quests, priority quests, and sub-quests. Main quests were long-term quests, important quests that couldn't be completed within a small time frame. Priority quests were important quests that could be completed within a short amount of time. Subquests were quests that could take short or long amounts of time but were not that important.

All quests could be turned in early or outright ignored if Gold desired to do so. If he turned it in early he would get a reward based on what he completed. The more difficult the quest the harder it becomes to 100% complete it. Some quests may even only require Gold to complete a certain percentage of it to get the full reward.

Gold had 1 priority quest and 1 main quest. 'Hm, I wonder what they could be?' Gold opened the tabs and looked at the quests.

Priority Quest: Befriend Naruto

Difficulty: E

Description: It is quite easy to befriend the master of talk-no-justu however it is a little bit harder to become someone who he completely relies on.

Completion Rate: 85%

Reward: Clone Technique

Failure: Miss out on many future interactions with Naruto

Turn in requirement: 50% Completion Rate

Turn in now?

'Oh? Guess I haven't done enough yet. I'll see what I can do. But, Clone technique as a reward. Not too shabby considering it's not hard to become his friend. Lets check the other two.'

Main Quest: Survive the Naruto world

Difficulty: S

Description: Find a way to live through the disastrous events of the Naruto world.

Completion Rate: 10%

Reward: Based on the completion rate

Failure: Death

Turn in Requirement: Survive the events of the 4th great ninja war

'10% already? How? Was befriending Naruto that important to survive in this world? I guess the main character effect is really strong. But, I don't want to rely on him.' Gold spoke with confidence displaying his determination to only rely on himself.

After looking at the available tabs, Gold finally happened to the little gift box tab that assumed was some sort of system mailbox.


"You've been gifted a System Welcome Gift. The gift contains anything with a rarity of B or higher. Would you like to open it?"

Yes or No

Gold clicked on the yes button but something weird happened after he clicked it.

"Error, anomaly detected in host's body. Detecting location.... location discovered. Anomaly was discovered in host's eyes. Tracking the reason behind the anomaly....discovered. Host's blindness was caused a system malfunction. Compensating host."

Gold was confused and asked what the system was talking about. "What do you mean system malfunction? And, what sort of compensation are we talking about here?"

The system ignored what Gold asked and continued with its rambling. "Reworking welcome gift....Gift selected. Host be ready for what will come next."

Gold started panicking and was rapidly asking the system questions in his head.

'Prepare for what? What are you going to do to me? Hello? System, answer me!'


'Congratulations, you have been gifted SSS ranked physique, Sage body. Physique changing in 3, 2, 1. Beginning physique transfer.'

"What the heck is a sage bo- ARRGGGHH"

Gold felt a torturous pain that he had never felt before. It was almost like his entire body was being melted. His body was being molded and folded into a new Form.

Only after an hour or so did the pain stop. Gold had never wanted to die more than he did during this pain. Orientating himself, he quickly asked the system what had happened. The system then sent Gold a summary of what happened.


The host's physique has been reconstructed to the sage body. The host has been given a new main quest.

Gold Tokisaki

Combat Grade: F+ (above average civilian)


Chakra Nature: Locked

Status: Healthy --> Blind

Physique: None --> Sage Body

Physical Strength: E+

Chakra: C- -->C

•Control: E

•Reserves: B -->B+

Techniques and Justus: None

Sage body: The sage body is a one-of-a-kind physique that boosts the benefits of sage arts while nullifying all the consequences of using senjustu. Almost like a body made from nature chakra. However, due to the host's body not being strong enough to activate it, the physique is locked. (TLDR: Heightened power, duration, etc + he won't turn into an animal with overuse)

"Holy Shit! How could I forget about Sage mode? It completely gets rid of my inability to see and doesn't actually heal my eyes making it less suspicious. Also this Sage body is just perfect for me! I'll have to heavily rely on sage mode if want to become strong enough to survive in this world. However, I'll have to find a way to improve the strength of sage mode if I want to be able to contest with the likes of Madara or Kaguya."

Gold was very happy to find such an easy alternative for his vision. He didn't need to go to Orochimaru to heal it or do some extraordinary quest from the system to heal his eyes.

He also saw that he received another quest from the system and decided to look at it. "System show me the new quest."


Priority Quest: Activate Sage Body Physique

Difficulty: S

Description: Train your body to become strong enough to activate the sage body.

Completion Rate: 0%

Reward: Summoning System + 1 free summon

Failure: Permanent blindness

Turn in requirement: 100% completion rate

'Summoning system? Does that mean there are very easy ways for me to solve my blindness? Thats good to know. I also assume that free summon rates will depend on my completion rate.'

Gold looked at the quest and was determined to complete it before Naruto and Sasuke graduated from the ninja academy. He knew he wouldn't be able to attend the ninja school with his current status but he still hoped to become a ninja at least at the same time as the others.

'So for now the game plan is to 100% befriend while training. And if I can find a way, befriend Sasuke before the Uchia massacre and earn more affection points while he grieves.'

Please tell me if there's any grammatical or spelling errors.

JoshScreators' thoughts