
The School Prince Has Been Stirred (38)

編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Su Yan licked the corner of her lips. She asked in a soft voice, "Is it fun?"

When Cheng Xingyang heard this, his eyes widened. "You've never played it before?"


Very soon, Cheng Xingyang adjusted his facial expression. It wasn't easy to catch a little lamb like her, he certainly couldn't let her go!

"It's very fun, of course, it's fun. Come on Su Yan, let's all play together."

As he said this, Cheng Xingyang waved his hand in front of Su Yan.

Su Yan didn't stand up immediately. On the contrary, she glanced at Jiang Ran, who was seated next to her.

Jiang Ran widened his narrow eyes. He tugged her arm with some strength, before standing up with her. Although he hadn't said a word, he was already pulling Su Yan towards the group of seated people.

Cheng Xingyang had originally intended to drag Su Yan over to play the game.

When it came to games like truth or dare, Jiang Ran never participated.

Unexpectedly, he had achieved a pair of lucky breaks. Not only was Su Yan going to play, but Jiang Ran was coming with her.

The moment Jiang Ran sat at the table, everyone's eyes lit up simultaneously, glancing left and right.

A tumultuous show was unfolding tonight, ah.

Zhao Yue and Su Yan were seated to the left and right of Jiang Ran.

Before the game started, Zhao Yue swapped seats with Yao Yufei while grinning ambiguously.

As such, Yao Yufei was seated on Jiang Ran's left, while Su Yan was seated on his right.

That night, the three main characters were all seated together at the table.

Cheng Xingyang shifted a turntable from the side, as well as a box full of bookmarks.

In consideration of the fact that Su Yan was a newbie, he gave a short introduction:

"To prevent people from playing dirty tricks, this will be the simplest method of conducting the game this time." He paused for a while before continuing, "Whoever this red arrow points to, that person will have to choose between a truth or a dare. In the box of bookmarks, the left side represents truths, while the right side represents dares. One will be picked randomly. This way, it'll be open, fair, and appropriate."

After he finished speaking, some people were already itching to start.

"How long-winded. Everyone already understands such simple rules."

Cheng Xingyang pushed the red pointer with his finger, setting it off.

The pointer spun rapidly. Taking advantage of this intermission, he spoke once more, "To ensure fairness, I'll be the judge. I won't participate in the game. Instead, I'll be in charge of spinning the pointer and facilitating the drawing process."

She understood the game in a jiffy.

When Su Yan saw the first boy pick a dare before chugging a glass of spirit and collapsing on the ground, she could more or less understand the rules of the game.

As they played, the game slowly became more and more exciting. Someone even performed a strip dance. A fat boy stood by the door and started dancing stark naked with a face brimming with embarrassment.

Cheng Xingyang was worried the performance would be overly nauseating for the audience. He hurriedly waved his hands.

"Alright, alright, alright. I'll consider it a pass, come back, come back!"

Following which, the pointer was spun once more. This time, the pointer stopped squarely on Jiang Ran, in a possible coincidence.

It was unknown how many people Jiang Ran had antagonized on a daily basis. The moment they noticed that it was him, Cheng Xingyang and a few other boys were so pleased that they almost leaped out of their seats.

Cheng Xingyang and a few boys next to him exchanged glances.

He cleared his throat and pretended that nothing was going on. "Will you choose a truth or dare?"

Jiang Ran lifted his eyelids and spoke in a languid voice, "Truth"

Cheng Xingyang drew a bookmark out of the truth box.

Then, he said, "The question is, does our classmate Jiang Ran have anyone he likes?"

The moment his words were spoken, the entire vicinity plunged into silence. Everyone stared straight at Jiang Ran.

This was the time to indulge in gossip openly.

Everything they previously didn't dare to ask could now be asked during the game.

Su Yan was also curious. She turned her head and stared at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran narrowed his eyes and swept his eyes past Cheng Xingyang.

A wave of powerlessness emerged from the depths of Cheng Xingyang's heart. Very unnaturally, he moved his head and shifted his line of vision.

After a second, they heard a low voice. "I do."

Cheng Xingyang's eyes lit up. He immediately questioned

"Who is it?!"

In an indolent tone of voice, accompanied by an ambiguous smile, "That's the next question."