
The Black Flames of Destruction

Izuku Midoriya. A quirkless child who wants to be a hero. Even though people had their doubts about him, he never gave up. His childhood friend turned bully would torment him every time they met, with insults to physical pain. He was treated like trash, yet his passion to be a hero never wavered. The three most important person in his life has their faith in him, and that alone made the fire in his heart to be a hero even stronger. He wants to prove to everyone that a person in the lowest hierarchy in society can be great. A quirkless person can be a hero if they try hard enough and never give up. He wants to be the first quirkless hero. Or so he thought that he was quirkless and had no 'special power' whatsoever. He is in fact, the reincarnation of a being so powerful that his power can destroy the universe itself. What is this being you say? Akuma, The God of Destruction. But with that, comes great suffering. BNHA is owned by Kohei Horikoshi Every other reference I mentioned is also owned by their respective owners. -Credits to avery_aldini on Wattpad for editing and making the cover look better!-

hoov · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Ch. 1: Love and Blunt Force Trauma

In this world full of people with extraordinary powers, I guess that you think this is easy right? Being whatever you want to be without any struggle? Well, that's the exact opposite for me. I'll tell you the reason why. Heyo! the name's Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you! Let me tell you a bit of my backstory.

This world is an unfair place. I learned that the hard way when I was just 4 years old. You see, these superpowers called 'Quirk' manifested around 120 years ago in a city called QingQing in China. A baby capable of producing bio-luminescent light was born. Then not too long after, sightings of people with extraordinary gifts became frequent.

The world was thrown into confusion and chaos. People were overwhelmed and terrified by the sudden global evolution. But what can you do about it? You can't just purge them out of society, you have to adapt to it. And people did, but it was a long and hard process. Now, those novels and comics that you read are real. The fiction became reality. Now, we live in a superhuman society.

Currently, there are 80% of the world's population who have these powers. And the other 20% are the unlucky bunch. Well, guess what? I'm one of the unlucky bunch too! Pretty shitty right? Right now.....not really. Why? Because there are people who truly believe in me.

You see, my only dream is to become a hero. My dad was one, but mom never told me who he was. She only said that he died when she was 4 months pregnant. I never really got into it because I respect my mom's privacy. Asking something sensitive like that is a big no-no for me.

When I was 4, I found out that I'm quirkless. And I was devastated. Turns out my dream of becoming a hero will never come true. I ran to my room and watched the same old video that I used to watch, The Debut of All Might in Japan. He saved 1000 people that day. He always does his job with a smile. That damn smile.....always brings hope to everyone. No matter how many obstacles there are, he always prevails, with that damn grin. That's The Symbol of Peace for ya.

And now, he's my father. Step-dad to be exact. He married my mom when I was 5 years old. He told me that he and my father were best friends at UA. But he never told me who my father was. The same as mom I guess...A sensitive topic.

Even though he's my step-dad, I always thought of him as my real one-No offence to pops up there in heaven. Dad-Might had always been there for me, through my ups and downs, supporting the best he can. He's also a very good combat and body trainer for me too.

He has faith in me that I can be a hero. He always said that no matter how powerful or weak your quirk is, what matters is the heart. The will to keep fighting and the will to protect people in any way they can. A person with a weak quirk or even without a quirk can be a hero if they work hard and never give up. So SURPASS YOUR LIMITS! GO BEYOND, PLUS ULTRA!

Now We're gonna talk about the other person...Oh boy, how can I describe her? Her name is Ochako Uraraka, but I call her 'Ocha', or 'Mochi', or even 'Cheeks'. She and I had been inseparable since we were little. She always had my back, and I had hers. Although, I can't really do much to protect her because I'm quirkless, and I hated it. Every single time she got hurt, I'll always blame myself. She's always there to protect me, then why can't I protect her?

When she found out that I was quirkless, she didn't avoid me like everyone else...Instead, she approached me and said that it's okay and that I can still be a hero. And oh boy, does she look like an angel. Her cute face, gorgeous hazel eyes, those permanent blushes on her cheeks made her look like if Kirby was a human. Her body....slender yet curvaceous, toned yet still very feminine, her ample chest-NO!, I'm not a pervert. And her 'Zero Gravity' quirk, matching her bubbliness and slightly airhead personality.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the glorious ash-blonde jerkface. This piece of shit is one of the most important people in my life, but negatively though. Basically, if a gremlin, a stick of dynamite, and satan himself had a threeway, the baby is him-No offence aunt Mitsuki! Your son's an asshole, that's all!

The explodo-doggo's name is Katsuki Bakugou. I used to call him 'Kacchan' because I couldn't spell his name at that time. Me, Mochi, and he used to play together. But when he found out that I was quirkless, he made fun of me, bullied me, basically made my life a living hell with that 'Explosion' quirk of his. I'm not what you call a 'Cinnamon Roll' anymore because of him. But thank GOD, Dad-Might, and Ochako had my back. I was on the fuckin' rock bottom for quite some time, but those two plus my mom were always there to support me. Seriously, what is my life going to be like without those three?


Izuku POV


It was Sunday, 1:30 PM. I finished my one-handed push-up. I lay down on the workout mat. I stayed there for a good minute catching my breath, and all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. I groaned because it was annoying as hell, but the obnoxious knocking won't stop so I half-heartedly walked to the door and opened it to see Mochi. My sour mood immediately went out the window.

She was wearing a black turtleneck, tucked inside her washed jeans. She wore a wool-collared denim jacket since it's spring in Japan. I'd be lying if she doesn't look good right now.

"Hey Deku!" She beamed at me with a closed-eye smile. It's like there's a ray of sunshine shining behind her. I was always a sucker for her cute smile. Her smile always makes my heart clench and I feel as if my stomach has butterflies in them. I struggled to keep my face from clenching at the cute sight and greeted her with my own closed-eye grin.

"Yo, Ocha! Whatcha doin' visiting my house right now?" I asked her.

She looked at me and realised that my clothes are sweaty from my training. The outline of my muscles available for her eyes to see because of the wet cloth that is my shirt. Her already rosy cheeks became crimson and a....drop of blood trickling from her nose...? 'She went red after seeing my muscles? We've been training together for years, she has seen me shirtless countless times, and now's the time for her to get flustered? ...okay then.' I raised an eyebrow, confused on why now of all times she went red at seeing me. She quickly wiped the blood off of her nose and regained a bit of composure.

"I-I w-was um...I came h-here to ask..." She took a deep breath, seemed to be encouraging herself, and continued.

"U-um...I know that since you love sneakers, and um...especially those vintage Air Jordans..."

Whoa whoa whoa, is she saying what I think she's saying?! Air Jordans that came out in the early 2000s is a VERY rare sight nowadays since it's now 2148. Around 128 years since the quirk-plosion in 2020. I learned from history lessons that the year 2020 was an...eventful year for us.

"What are ya tryna say, Ocha?" I asked, looking at Ochako a little too excitedly.

She regained her composure and looked at me while twiddling her finger. She looked like that anime character who was always nervous around this dude with yellow hair with whiskers on his cheeks. I forgot her name...Was it Hinata?

"There's this vintage sale at the sneakers store at the mall, and I was wondering if you want to go with me..." She mumbled at the end, but I heard it nonetheless.

I felt EXCITED! I wasn't informed about a vintage sale happening at the sneaker store today! I rushed at her, hugging her as tight but gently as I can with my arms, careful enough not to stain her with my sweaty shirt, and spun her around while jumping giddily around the room.

"YES! YES! YES! I'D LOVE TO! I'll take a shower first okay? You don't wanna go out with a sweaty guy don't you?" I said still jumping excitedly around the room.

She giggled at my antics, and sat down at the edge of my bed, looking around my room. I began frantically searching for my towel, throwing things all over the room. I rushed to the bathroom passing through the confused mom, almost bumping into her.

"Hey, Izuku-Whoa! Careful Honey!" She said a bit worried.

"Sorry, Mom!" I replied while still running to the bathroom. Mom sighed and smiled at me.

"He's always like this if it comes to heroes and sneakers. Toshi, Toshi...You're a bad influence on him with your sneaker obsession..." She muttered to herself.

I arrived at the bathroom, threw away my clothes, and immediately turned on the shower. I shivered at the cold temperature and immediately turned the hot valve to warm up the water. I let the water wash away the sweat that was covering my skin. All the sore muscles relaxed in contact with the warm liquid. I used my jasmine-scented shampoo and washed my bushy hair. I liked the smell and I surely know Ochako does too. Then I cleaned my body with soap. Don't want her to be near me while I'm still stinky, cause when you're walking with a girl especially the one you like, everything matters! Then after a shower, I washed my face, brushed my teeth, dried my hair, and bolted back to my room.

I knocked on the door, still oblivious of the attire that I'm wearing. I heard a muffled 'Coming' from behind the door. The door opened and I saw a cheerful Ochako, but then that expression turned into a shocked and flustered one. Her whole face was vermillion red. I tilted my head to the side in confusion, until Ochako knocked some sense into me.

"D-Deku...W-why are y-you only w-wearing a t-t-towel...?"


I looked down and saw that I was only wearing a towel on my waist. My eyes went wide and my face went neon red. I bowed repeatedly faster than Saitama's serious sidestep.


I bolted past Ochako towards my wardrobe, avoiding the awkwardness. I slammed the door as quickly as I could. Then I slid down the wardrobe door and sighed.

'Ugh, that was so embarrassing...crap...Now she's gonna see me as a disgusting man who knows no shame. I should just dig up a hole, jump inside of it, and bury myself alive. I basically stood there in front of her nude! NUDE! ...maybe she'll forget about it eventually...Yeah, she'll forget about it.' I thought to myself.

I got up, put on black skinny jeans, a plain black T-shirt covered by a grey hoodie. Then I overcoat it with a black denim jacket. I wanted to wear my 'Breds' AJ4s but I don't want to crease it, so I grabbed my trusty ol' high-top red shoe. My outfit's simple but comfy at the same time so I like it.

I got out of my wardrobe and saw Mochi sitting on my bed scrolling through her phone. She's currently watching a live stream of Thirteen saving citizens in downtown Osaka. Apparently, there was a villain attack but Edgeshot and Miruko handled it. So it was up to Thirteen to handle the rescuing. Ochako was so into it, she ignored me until I nudged her shoulders gently. I looked at her a bit annoyed, but her confused reaction made me chuckle.

"Come on let's go before it's too late." I said, waiting for her to finish.

"Okay." Replied Ochako. I heard a joint pop and looked back at her stretching her arms. She must be still strained by that muscle training yesterday. But joints popping is a very satisfying feeling if I do say so myself.

I grabbed my wallet, attached it with a small chain so it will be secure, and then we went out, but not without me kissing my mom goodbye on the cheek. It's like a bad omen for me to not kiss my mom before I go out somewhere. A habit I got from Dad-Might.

We went out the door to the pathway leading towards the front gate. Our house is quite big, Dad being The Number 1 Hero and all, but our house is not as big as the other 'rich' people, especially The Yaoyorozus. Their house is basically 3 times bigger than The Wayne Manor in Batman. I rarely talk about my family's financial thingies because I really don't like to brag. We got out of the front gate and began small talking while walking towards the mall.

"Cheeks, how's the family doing?" I started the conversation.

"They're doin' fine! they got a new project recently in Shibuya." Ochako grinned while looking down at the road, kicking away some pebbles.

"Hey, that's great! What's the project about?" I asked again.

Ochako's family had gone out of their financial 'slump' ever since Dad-Might helped them. Dad wanted to build a new agency building in Yokohama at that time. And since our family was close to Ochako's who owns a construction company that was currently low on finance, Dad decided to hire them and also added extra payment to help them out. They have been on a roll since then.

"Oh, it's um...I think they're going to build another office again. I heard them talking about a hero agency but I don't know for sure.....How about you?" She asked me while walking with both of her hands behind her back.

"Dad-Might's doing fine. Even though that Injury 5 years ago made a BIG impact on his hero work. But that's in the past...As for now, He's still alive and smashing, a very good one at that. But you already knew that." I replied.

"Yeah...But still, I'm very sorry about what happened. I remembered when you told me that Sir Nighteye wanted him to retire after the battle. You were so mad, you searched those weird sites that give people curses, and you typed Sir Nighteye and wanted him to have gonorrhea...But for realsies, can you imagine if your dad really retired that day? Society wouldn't be the same anymore..." Ochako said to me. I chuckled at the memory of me wanting to hex Sir Nighteye. I had to be restrained by 2 doctors from typing away on the receptionist's keyboard. I really hope Sir Nighteye can forgive me.

"I can't even imagine a society without him. He's been The Symbol of Peace for so long, the society is basically rotating around him." I said while looking at the sky. Then I snapped my fingers, realised that I have something to talk to her that I haven't been able to.

"Ok changing the topic; I had been having these REALLY weird dreams these past few years. I think there's meaning to why I'm having these dreams, but I don't know for sure...Sorry for not telling you sooner Ocha." I continued, scratching the back of my head while chuckling nervously.

"Eh? Why didn't you tell me about it for these past few years? I'm your best friend, you should've told me about it..." Ochako pouted, crossing her arms while looking away from me.

'So cute...' I thought to myself. She then looked at me with wide eyes and went red. Then I realised that I was mumbling. I blushed, but then suddenly I felt a burst of confidence inside of me. A mischievous smirk adorned my face, so I decided to tease her. I draped my right arm across her shoulders and leaned to her left ear and whispered.

"What?~ Don't you like it when I say that to you?~"

HER REACTION WAS PRICELESS!! Her already vermillion red blush became darker, her shoulders tensed, lips quivering, her palms are sweaty, mom's spaghet-....Never mind, that's a really bad pun. After a few moments, she regained a bit of her composure and decided to join my game of teasing. She smirked and bit her lips seductively and locked eyes with me.

"Of course I do.~ You're the only one I love~...Hubby~" She said while whispering that last part in my ear.

I stopped my march to the mall, staring blankly ahead. And ooh boy, she got me good on that one. I think I blushed so hard that steam came out of my ears. ACTUAL STEAM. My brain stopped working, and a stupidly-goofily-cutely(?) smile plastered on my face. She saw my goofy face and giggled. A tick mark grew on my forehead and I grumbled, crossing my arms and looking away from her. After 10 seconds of grumbling, I turned to her and coughed, bringing her attention to me. My face went serious, so she knew that this is not the time to joke around.

"As I was saying, I had been seeing these dreams for the last few years. It was vague and abstract at first, but then as time went by....it became clearer." I said while putting a hand under my chin.

But as I was about to explain it to her, we arrived at the mall. It was currently 2:30 PM, so there was a lot of spare time after seeing and maybe buying something at that sale. We walked up to the third floor and saw a surprisingly long line in front of the sneakers store. People nowadays don't really mind these classic sneakers, but they're like a HOLY GRAIL to me. Their histories, inspirations, and designs are so interesting. So it is quite a rare sight to see so many people waiting in line for this sale. I and Mochi had a small talk again while waiting in line for us to enter.




3rd Person POV

Izuku and Ochako walked out of the sneaker store, both feeling satisfied. Izuku checked the time on his phone to see that it was currently 4:30 PM.

"You didn't need to buy anything for me Deku..." Ochako spoke.

"It's fine, don't worry about it okay? I wanted to be the one to buy you your first sneaker." Replied Izuku.

"But still-" Ochako was about to say something but Izuku cut her off. He placed both hands on Ochako's shoulders. She let out a small eep and looked up to see Izuku with a gentle smile. He let out a small chuckle and spoke.

"Seriously, Ochako It's fine...Just think of it as an early birthday present, a REALLY early one."

Seeing that he won't back down from this, she finally gave in.

"Okay...Thank you so much, Deku." Ochako replied beaming at him with a bright smile. She then threw her arms around Izuku's body and rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Izuku's face became neon red, and his emerald eyes became cartoonishly drawn swirls. He gained enough courage and patted Ochako's head.

"You REALLY love your sneakers huh Deku?" She spoke with a muffled voice.

"Dad-Might is a fan of sneakers. So maybe I got the trait from him. You've seen his collection, He LITERALLY has a wardrobe full of Air Jordans even though he never wears them." Izuku replied chuckling while still a little flustered.

Remembering what he wanted to do, He stopped patting her head, making her whine. They separated from the hug and continued to explore the mall.

"Mochi, where do you want to eat?" Izuku asked. The word 'Eat' echoed in her mind, Ochako perked up to see the bushy-haired boy's face. A tiny drool was leaking out of the corner of her mouth, and one thing was stuck in her mind: Mochi.

"Ochako, No. You have to keep your diet on track. You don't want to feel a New England Smash from Dad-Might don't you?" Izuku said, snapping her out of her 'Mochi Paradise'.

Ochako whined and pouted. She crossed her arms below her chest and looked away, grumbling to herself. Izuku awwed to himself at the sight of chibi Ochako pouting. He then put his arm on top of Ochako's shoulder. She looked up to the broccoli-head, seeing him smiling kindly at her.

"How about this? Tomorrow at school, I'll buy you lunch, whatever you want Okay? Just not anything too sweet." Izuku spoke reassuringly.

Ochako's eyes LITERALLY became stars, immediately nodding happily. Izuku chuckled and grabbed Ochako's hand much to her surprise. She blushed at the sudden contact but she didn't mind. In fact, she actually wants him to do this. Izuku then led Ochako to the restaurant. The menu of the place varies of different cuisines from all around Asia. Basically, a food traveler's heaven and the price is economic too since Ochako was always the person who would spend the least amount of money. Even though her family's not poor anymore, it's in her nature.

Ochako was confused and a little bit scared seeing dishes that she never even heard of. She used to only eat Japanese food, so a sudden change like this made her a bit anxious. Seeing this, Izuku put his hand on top of her, she blushed a little and looked at him.

"Just trust me on this one." He spoke.

She was entranced by his gentle emerald eyes. His tone was reassuring and kind. He never was the type of guy who messes around all the time. Sure, he likes to joke around with her from time to time, but it was because she had been there by his side since they were toddlers. He would never lie to anyone, but when he is trusted with a secret that no one should know about, he will keep it 'till the grave.

His expression also depends on the situation. He will be stoic, serious, and focused when the situation is tense; This was a product of his harsh childhood.

And when there's nothing to worry about, He will revert back to his old cheery self. Remembering that, Ochako nods, trusting him 100%.

"Okay." Ochako nodded. Izuku then called the waitress and ordered their food. While eating, they small talked....again. But then Izuku looked at Ochako dead in the eyes and his expression became serious. Ochako immediately stopped what she was doing and looked at him curiously. She wants to know what makes this dream that he was talking about that big of a deal to him.

"I know this sounds weird....being so serious about a damn dream....but maybe, just maybe....this is a work of a villain." Izuku stated, catching Ochako off guard.

Okay, now Ochako was worried. All Might never revealed his personal life to anyone, so hearing a villain having info about him and his family, and also targeting his own son, makes you think that this villain is a big deal. All Might's true identity is only known to those who are close to him.

"What's the dream about?" Ochako asked worryingly.

"It was-and still, very vague and abstract. I only saw the color red, and that's it for the first few years. And then as time went on, these....crows started to appear. They seemed to be flying away from me....or at least I thought so. Soon, I realised that they were flying away from something behind me. I tried to move my body, but I can't, so seeing what's behind me is impossible. But then I heard the words, 'Chosen one.' every time I was in that dream. Since then, each time I sleep, that dream always 'haunts' me. It never made me wake up in the middle of the night though, but it's still concerning..." Izuku said while trying to remember every single detail.

Ochako was very concerned about Izuku's condition. If it IS the work of a villain, then Izuku is in danger. He needs to tell his family about this. Maybe Recovery-Girl or someone with a mind-related quirk can help him.

"Deku, that's a serious thing...I know what I'm about to say will probably worry you even more than before but, please....get some help....what if it IS the work of a villain? And they're trying to mind control you or something..." Ochako said worrying about Izuku's safety. His best friend-no Crush is probably in danger. She couldn't live with the fact of Izuku not being safe.

Ochako grabbed Izuku's hand much to his surprise and looked at him dead in the eyes. She couldn't control her emotions anymore. Tears formed in her eyes and she began to sob.

"I-I'm worried 'Zuku....You're my best f-friend...I can't help b-but feel worried about you..." Ochako said as she started to break down in tears. Izuku immediately rushed to her side, wrapping her in a loving embrace. He slowly rubbed her back with one hand, while the other one was behind her head, trying to soothe her. She buried her face into his chest and said something that broke his heart.

"I-I can't live with the f-fact of you being in danger Izuku...I can't even imagine of a world w-without you..."

'She's so worried about me...She's crying her heart out....for....me to be safe. She had always been there for me, protecting me the best she can...I can't even protect her, yet she's still doing this for my sake...WHAT KIND OF FRIEND AM I?!' Izuku thought, mentally angry at himself for making his friend-no crush, worry about him so much. He bit his lip and forcefully closed his eyes, trying not to let the tears escape, but to no avail. Her sobbing made his dam break, and he silently cried while still soothing her.

"Shhh...shhh.....it's okay...I'm here Ochako...I'm here, okay? You don't need to worry about me all the time....it breaks my heart seeing you cry...." He spoke shakily while gently rubbing her hair.

"You've been there for me ever since the day I could remember Ochako...You poured your blood, sweat, and tears to protect me...You're one of the most wonderful girls in my life...When I'm around you, I forget about the world...I forget about all the troubles the world laid on me...Because I'm only thinking about you...." He continued.

Ochako stopped sobbing and her eyes widened in surprise. She looked up to see Izuku smiling at her with teary eyes. He cupped her cheek, wiping her tears away. She put her hand on his, feeling the warmth of his hand, and nuzzled against it. Izuku then did something that surprised her and even himself.

He kissed her forehead.

Ochako was gobsmacked, her permanent rosy cheeks became vermillion. Her heart thumping, millions of butterflies swarming in her stomach. 'Is this it? This feeling is love, isn't it? Ah, what am I saying? I've been in love with him forever now...' She thought to herself. She smiled and put her arms around his neck. He stopped the connection between his lips and her forehead and looked at her while still caressing his thumb on her cheek. This was it, it was her time to show affection. She gazed at him with a loving smile and kissed his freckled cheek.

Izuku was dumbfounded. His eyes, wide as saucers, nearly bulged out of its sockets. His body was trembling, his mouth was agape, and a large blush appeared connecting from one cheek to the other. He couldn't even form a sentence at the moment. Ochako hugged him tightly whilst blushing while Izuku was still trying to process what just happened.

"W-w-wh-wha-whaaaa....." That was all Izuku could say. Ochako nestled her head on his chest, feeling his warmth. Izuku shakily hugged Ochako back, still mind blown by what just happened.

'S-so....the f-feeling's mutual huh? I'd never thought this would happen...She fell for someone like me....a Deku....then again she was the one who made me appreciate that name....she was the one that made the name Deku, a name of a hero.' Izuku thought while smiling. He looked down at Ochako and kissed the top of her head while rubbing her back. Ochako felt this and clung to Izuku even tighter.

'She made my life brighter....seeing her smile is like looking at THE FUCKING SUN for god sake, of course, my life would be brighter with her....' Izuku thought, chuckling to himself while resting his chin on top of her head. He sighed happily and closed his eyes.

'You've been there for me....protecting me, supporting me, being my best friend....now being the girl that I love...I swear Ochako, that I'll always be by your side. I swear that I'll be there to protect you no matter what. You've done so much to me...Now it's my time to repay you.' He swore to himself.




Izuku POV

I'm walking with Ochako from our trip to the mall. She had not spoken a word since that 'incident' in the restaurant and has been clinging to my arm since then. It was a nice and peaceful walk though, and I can't wait to walk with Ochako clinging to my arm again like this.

"Mochi...Mochi...." I softly nudged her shoulder, getting her attention. She looked up at me, gazing into my emerald eyes.

'God, She's so beautiful...' I thought to myself and subconsciously smiled at her. She responded with her own bright smile.

"Hmm?" She asked-or hummed, at me.

'Ok, Phase 1 starts now.' I huffed and mentally cheered myself.

"You wanna go to The Dagobah Municipal beach and watch the sunset? We still have plenty of time to spend before I take you home." I asked. Ochako's eyes widened a little and her cheeks became more flushed. I think she knows about what was going to happen. She leaned her head on my upper arm and nodded, still clinging to me like a Koala.

We walked to the beach in comfortable silence, the spring breeze comforting and the sunset hue making the atmosphere relaxing. 'I'm still so young, but I'm walking around with a girl clinging to my arm. Jeez, what kind of life am I living?' I chuckled, amazed at myself being in love with someone this young.

We arrived at the beach, seeing it empty. I thought it was perfect for the occasion. The sky of Musutafu glowing purple with blazing orange across the horizon. We sat down near the shore, water tickling our feet. I leaned back, both of my hands behind my back as support, and gazed into the purple sky, with Ochako copying what I'm doing.

'Okay Izuku Deku Midoriya, it's right now or never...' I mentally encouraged myself. I took a deep breath. All of the moments with Ochako flashed in my mind. All the time she stood up for me, the time when I was at my lowest and Ochako encouraged me to never give up, the time when she found out that I was quirkless and told me that I was and will always be her hero. Those moments gave me a realization for me; that I want nothing but to be a hero and save everyone while standing with her by my side, that I want to be with her till the day I die, that I want to protect her in any way I can for as long as I live.

"Ochako, I have to tell you something," I asked. She looked up to me and time seemed to slow down. I just realised that her hazel eyes had a tint of gold and a bit of honey in it. It was so mesmerizing.

"Remember the promise we made six years ago? I want that...I really do...I want to be there with you as heroes when we grow up...I want to protect you and everyone in any way I can....even if I die doing it. Because as long as you're safe, as long as you walk on this earth, I'm happy. You've always been there for me Ochako....and now is my time to repay you..." I said while grabbing Ochako's hand.

Her eyes began to water and she sobbed quietly. We stood up and gazed into each other's eyes. With our hands intertwined, we leaned our foreheads against each other with the sun exactly on the horizon in the background.

"I swear, that I will always be there for you. I will always protect you, I will always support you. I will forever be your best friend, and I will always be a shoulder you can cry on and you can lean on. And most importantly...I will always love you...Will you, Ochako Uraraka, stay by my side forever?"

Hearing that last part, Ochako stopped sobbing and let out a snort.

"PFFT! YOUR SO CHEESY!!" She giggled.

Now...I am confused. I think from Ochako's perspective my eyes became black dots and a question mark appeared on top of my head.


I was standing there in confusion while Ochako kept giggling and saying that I was so cheesy. Feeling defeated, I slumped my shoulder while holding my head down and sighed dejectedly. But then Ochako lifted my chin. She looked at me kindly and spoke.

"What makes you think that I'll leave you?"

"I-...I don't know..." I said, averting her gaze, a bit confused too on why I was doubting her in the first place.

"Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya, I've been by your side since we were still 3 years old....I've been supporting you and protecting you since then...I know that you want to repay me, but I'm not planning to stop protecting you. I want to be a hero to help people–even though that's their job....and if I can't help people who are the closest to me, then what kind of hero am I? Do you know who's my biggest inspiration for me to be a hero? It's you...Your drive, your determination to be a hero, your passion, everything about you has been an inspiration for me to be better. So, to answer your question...Of course, I'll always stay by your side Dum-Dum..." Ochako said, caressing my cheek with her hands.

I was dumbfounded, flabbergasted, shocked, happy, flattered, you name it. A whole clusterfuck of happiness erupted inside of me. My eyes began to tear up and I couldn't keep my emotions under control anymore. My tears of joy dripped on the sand as the sunset began to end.

We closed our eyes and leaned closer to each other. I wrapped my arms around Ochako's waist and she wrapped hers around my neck. But milliseconds before our lips met each other, Ochako placed a hand over my mouth. I slowly opened my eyes to see her with a sincere loving smile.

"And also, I love you too..."

Our lips finally connected as we embraced a sweet kiss. Her soft ones met mine. I felt like I was soaring through the skies of Cloud 9, that's how happy I was. Her lips tasted like pure bliss, and I was hooked on them. We kept kissing for thirty seconds, not wanting to stop. We pulled away with a trail of saliva still connecting to our mouths.

"Damn Deku, you're a good kisser...I wouldn't mind doing that every so often..." Said Ochako, feeling very impressed.

"I would say that to you too..." I said, still wanting to feel her cherry-flavored lips.

I invited Ochako to a loving embrace. She snuggles her head against my chest. I laid my head on top of hers and sighed happily, finally satisfied with myself.

'Best. Day. EVER!!!' I mentally cheered to myself.




3rd Person POV

On an empty sidewalk, Izuku and Ochako were chatting happily while walking back home. Suddenly three menacing-looking men popped out of the alley in front of them, stopping them on their track. A scrawny guy with long black hair and piercings all over his body, a guy with a shitty-looking mohawk, and a big guy with crocodile-like features began to slowly march towards Izuku and Ochako.

"My My, what do we have here?" Said the croc-guy smirking evilly. Izuku didn't seem to be fazed by his menacing sight and silently observed them.

"It seems that we caught a jackpot, Takeru...Those curves, that cute face...Oooh~ I'm so excited!" Said the guy with a shitty mohawk, looking at Ochako while licking his lips. This made Izuku's stoic face twitch slightly, but he quickly regained his composure.

"What're we gonna do boss? Kill the boy and take turns on the chick?" Said the guy with the piercings.

Ochako was a little bit scared, but something inside of her tells her that she'll be alright. Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, and his stoic face adorned a slight frown. 'Disgusting pricks.' Izuku thought while observing the slowly advancing thugs.

"That's the plan, Jin." Said Takeru, the croc-guy who was apparently the leader. He turned to face Izuku and gave him a toothy grin trying to intimidate him, only to fail miserably.

'Crocodiles have armor-like skin and a powerful biting force, but the skin on their undersides A.K.A their bellies are not as hard as the other parts.' Izuku analyzed while observing the leader. He turned his gaze to the guy with the piercings, whose name was apparently Jin, and the creepy mohawk guy. 'Okay, those guys probably have transformation or emitter type quirks...Better be careful on those two.' Izuku thought while observing the two. He thinks of ways to win the fight, and a reckless plan came to mind.

'Okay, this may be a stupid plan but fuck it.' Izuku thought, mentally preparing himself for probably his first real fight. He motions his hand to a halt, stopping the thugs.

"Before we go to the fighting shit, I want to know both of your quirks." Said Izuku with his stoic face pointing at Jin and the weird mohawk. They looked a bit surprised at the confidence but immediately laughed while clutching their sides. 'Just laugh, you asswipes.' Izuku thought while smirking slightly. After a full minute, they stopped laughing and looked at Izuku who was still stoic. Their expression changed from amusement to bewilderment.

"Ya serious?!" They said in unison. They only got a simple nod from him.

"I want the fight to be fair, so it's only normal for me to know your quirks." Izuku said casually while shrugging.

"Don't try to be a hero and give up, Squirt!!" They said in unison, clearly agitated by Izuku's attitude.

'Squirt? I'm 170 cm dumbass....' Izuku thought with his face twitching slightly, feeling a little insulted.

"You think you can win in a fight with the three of us brat?" The croc-guy asked smugly. Izuku simply shrugged as a response. 'This kid's coo-coo.' They all thought in unison.

(One explanation later...)

'Okay...The creepy mohawk dude can transform a certain part of his body into the material that he touches, and the emo can shoot needles from his palm...' He thought, analyzing ways to win this fight. Finally, an idea popped into his mind. He smirked confidently, adrenaline and excitement rushing throughout his body.

"This'll be easier than I thought." He muttered under his breath.

He took off his Denim jacket and hoodie, revealing his sculpted body that was hugged tightly by his black T-shirt. He had a defined six-pack, very toned arms, a muscular back, and broad shoulders. His body had the perfect combination of speed, flexibility, and strength. The thugs felt very intimidated, with every confidence in them went down the drain. He began to stretch his body, getting ready to kick some ass.

He smirked and took the Taekwondo 'L Stance'. Ochako raised an eyebrow, curious as to why he was choosing that stance. 'His Shoot Style is very unorthodox and unpredictable...His way of fighting depends on the momentum of his movement, analytical skills, his inhuman flexibility, quick instincts, and his knowledge of martial arts. But he usually uses his boxing stance whenever we spar. What are you planning, Deku?' She thought while analyzing his style. She felt slightly worried that the change of stance might cause him some consequences in the fight.

"Here I come!" Izuku shouted.

Izuku dashed at a ridiculous speed towards the croc-guy, who barely had any time to react. He brought down his sharp claws to Izuku, who just easily slides under them matrix style with his flexibility. Izuku used his momentum to quickly jump up and uppercuts him in the chin. The leader stumbles a few steps back, feeling dazed.

Wanting to end this fight quickly, Izuku threw a quick right uppercut to his stomach, making him vomit his dinner. Then Izuku threw a hard left hook to his liver, immediately incapacitating him. The other two felt their blood run cold. Their leader was the strongest out of the three of them, and the squirt incapacitated him in less than 5 seconds. They had badly underestimated him, and now He's going to wipe the floor with their sorry asses.

Still in his momentum, Izuku dashed towards the shitty mohawk and tackled him towards a concrete wall. Having no time to react, he accidentally activated his quirk and turned his back into concrete. Izuku, while still pinning him against the wall, threw a right hook to his left temple. The punch caused his head to slam against the wall as blood trickled down his forehead. Using the dazed state of his opponent, he used him as a shield against the rain of needles that was coming at him.

"Die, asshole!!!" The emo shouted while shooting his needles recklessly at Izuku. Izuku just simply charged at him with the dazed mohawk as some sort of riot shield. The emo being stupid as fuck, didn't move out of the way and got rammed by the concrete surface of his comrade's back. He got a concussion and immediately fell unconscious. Izuku let go of the mohawk who was still in a daze and did a 360⁰ roundhouse kick to his left cheek, finishing him off.

Izuku sighed and wiped the sweat on his forehead. 'My first real fight...' He thought while looking at his bruised knuckles. He clenched his fists, feeling a newfound determination. But then, he heard a low growl coming from behind him. He turned around and saw the croc-guy wobbly standing up, still having the effects of the liver shot.

"You..." He shakily pointed at Izuku. He wiped the blood on his mouth and shouted.


He then charged at Izuku who simply stood his ground and put his arms up in a boxing position.

Ochako was watching her boyfriend with a proud smile. She was proud that he was fighting back. Most importantly, he was fighting back for HER sake.

'He looks so hot right now~...-WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING?!?!' She mentally scolded herself for being a little turned on. But what could she do? She's just a teenager with hormones. Her attempt to forget the image of Izuku shirtless with only boxers laying sexily on her bed was futile, and she subconsciously rubbed her thighs together.

'I want that body on top of me right now~...-WHOA STOP OCHAKO!'

Izuku lowers his stance and central balance and begins to aggressively weave his body in a pattern similar to the shape of the infinity symbol. He effortlessly dodges the croc-guy's reckless attacks, infuriating him. The croc-guy added more speed to his attacks but Izuku picked up his speed and continued to dodge them.

'Ah, a classic one...The Dempsey Roll.' Ochako thought while smirking, waiting for Izuku to recreate one of the most beautiful knockdowns ever recorded. Izuku countered the croc-guy's claw strike with a powerful right hook. He then weaved to the left and continued to strike with a devastating left hook. A crunch was heard from the croc-guy's face.

'That's it...Use the momentum of the weave to add the force of the Punch!' Izuku thought while weaving to the right. The croc-guy was on the verge of losing consciousness with only half of his eyelids opened. Izuku threw a right hook to his face, breaking his jaw. He then continued delivering devastating punches towards the croc-guy.

Left hook. *POW*

Right hook. *BLAM*

Left hook. *WHACK*

Right hook. *KABLAM*

Ochako was seen secretly filming Izuku beating the crap out of the croc-guy. 'Bakugou would piss his pants seeing Deku like this...' Ochako thought while on the verge of laughter. She wanted Izuku to stand up for himself.

She was sick and tired of Bakugou bullying them ever since that day when Izuku told them the heartbreaking news. And now seeing Izuku confidently standing up for his and her sake, she felt an indescribable amount of pride swelling in her chest.

"And for the desert..." Izuku said while weaving his body to the right. The croc guy's face was already a bloody broken mess. One of his eyes was bruised shut, his jaw was hanging low, and his crocodile snout was broken and bleeding.

Izuku cocked his right arm back in a similar position to his step-dad's 'Detroit Smash'. He then threw a devastating punch directly at the croc-guy's cheek with his full power, knocking some of his teeth out and immediately sent him flying towards the concrete wall, rendering him unconscious.

"A BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA!" Shouted Izuku while raising his arm in triumph.

With the effects of the adrenaline dying down, Izuku felt pain spreading in his fists. He looked at his arms and saw that his knuckles were all bruised and bloody. Ochako came rushing to his side and hugged him as lovingly as she could. Izuku chuckled and patted her head, forgetting the pain in his knuckles.

"I'm so proud of you ZuZu..." Ochako said as she nuzzled her head against her boyfriend's chest. Izuku snorted and let out a chuckle.

"ZuZu? What's with the new nickname?" Izuku smirked. Ochako didn't seem to be embarrassed by his tease and just nuzzled her head even more.

"Dunno, sounds cute I guess?" Ochako spoke. Izuku smiled and gladly returned the hug. They stayed like that for a good minute, feeling each other's warmth in the cold spring night. They separated from the hug and gave each other a loving kiss.

After they separated, Ochako looked at Izuku's bruised knuckles and cringed a little. Bruised knuckles are common when it comes to fights, but when she saw Izuku's knuckles she chuckled.

"Let's call the police first, then we go to the pharmacy to get bandages and Ice packs, then we call it a day. Sounds good?" Ochako asked while softly caressing Izuku's hand.

"Yep, I'm beat." Izuku replied.




They were currently sitting on a bench in the park. It was 8:30 PM, surely both of their parents expected them to come home soon, especially Ochako's.

"You didn't pull your punches Deku...I love your finishing move though, Blunt Force Trauma was it?" Ochako said while wrapping an Ice pack on his hand. Izuku nodded while drinking his CapriSun.

"You've worked harder than anybody else to be a hero...Stand up for yourself against that explodo-shit for once..." Ochako said, caressing his cheek. Izuku chuckled hearing her new nickname of the ash-blonde.

"I know..." Izuku sighed. His eyes suddenly widened in realization. He snapped his head at Ochako with an annoyed expression.

"You could've helped me back there with your Jiu-Jitsu y'know..." Izuku said, clearly upset about why Ochako wasn't helping him. Instead, she secretly filmed him beating the crap out of those thugs, much to his amusement. Ochako just chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"I know, but I prefer watching my boyfriend beating the tard out of those guys..." Ochako said, poking his chiseled chest. Izuku deadpanned, looking at her with an expression that basically meant 'Are you fucking kidding me?' and sighed.

"I don't know what to do with you..." Izuku facepalmed, while Ochako just smiled innocently and giggled. Ochako got in front of Izuku and caressed his freckled cheek. He then looked up seeing her with a sincere smile.

"And I don't know what to do without you..." Ochako said while caressing his cheek. She gave him a quick peck on the lips and dragged him home

'I said it once and I'll say it again, BEST. DAY. EVER!!!' Izuku mentally cheered himself while being dragged home by Ochako.

But what didn't they know, was that next week will be the worst days of their lives.

To be continued.

I still remembered how cheesy it was when I first read this particular chapter. But I didn't regret it whatsoever and continued to publish it XD

hoovcreators' thoughts