
The Black Dragon King of the Void [Stopped]

Ouma Sora, a young teenager who has lost his family and these emotions find themselves reincarnated with a system to explore the entire multiverse and become its ROI. * My discord if you want to offer me ideas or desire that you want to see in the next chapters or even tips : Fir3Cooz #6128 * It will surely not be a big harem, I will surely think to make it 3-4 women tall max and it will not be a perverse character and eager for sexual relations

Fir3Cooz · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Sera, the embodiment of emptiness

In the darkness of infinite darkness, one could find there a ball the size of a human head which is by no means luminous, but instead as dark as the infinite darkness surrounding it. The only thing that can dissociate it from the darkness is this shade of gray, a deep and intense shade of pain and sadness that would even make the devil cry even just by looking at it.

This ball is our young protagonist, Ouma Sora. It's been an incalculable and immemorable time that is in this vacuum, maybe hundreds of years or even thousands or even millions, who knows, he didn't care much because for him, this silent place n is no different from his old life. For all this time, he has remained in the same place without moving to remember all those moments he spent with his family, memories so precious that he would not exchange them for anything in the world even if that meant sacrificing the world or the universe.

Those moments with his sister when he played with her in the doll's living room, when he read her a story to fall asleep or begged him to sleep with her, took her to the park to play carrying her on these shoulders, it was her favorite job, her big brother job to give her the love she needed and protect her at the risk of her life. And yet, he failed, she died with these parents for him, she died at the cost of her life for him, a role that should have been hers. He would have given anything so that she and these parents did not die, her soul, her heart, her feelings, her future, everything. He also remembered his mother, a mother so kind and beautiful that it was a sin, an adorable mother who loved her children and gave them all that she had just like her father.

And yet it is always people with a big heart who leave too early. The sky is cruel, the gods are sadistic and fate is unforgivable. Yet what can simple mortals like us do? Apart from accepting our destiny.

But this all this time passed, Sora tried not to think about it, he tried to think about manga, to make theories on the future of unfinished manga nevertheless the bad memories were always present deep in his soul.

Having repressed these bad feelings for so long, finally, this feeling exploded from the bottom of his soul and emerged with the force and power of a tsunami to flood his heart with sadness and immeasurable loneliness.

On the ball, in the void, could then be seen a small sphere practically invisible to the naked eye. It was a translucent, transparent sphere but you could see inside, ripples like ferocious waves and an infinite ocean, it was a tear flowing along the ball until falling into the void of darkness infinite.

After this moment of nostalgia and sadness, he pulled himself together by stitching up thinking about the right time and the manga, yet for some time now, he had been wondering: he was very comfortable in this place as if this place was his house, that it was part of him and that he was part of her, focusing on this place, he felt soothed and even felt a feeling of warmth, love or worship. This feeling reminded him oddly of the moments when his mother took him in his arms.

Without dwelling on it any longer, he continued to think of other things but it was at this moment that he noticed a few things in the distance getting closer to him. Confused and amazed to see something other than him in this place, in which he has been for a very long time, he concentrated on this "thing". But focusing on this "thing", he noticed that it was actually a silhouette.

Shocked at the greatest point for a few minutes, the silhouette had time to get closer and there ... He saw it. A silhouette of a fairly young woman about 20 years old with hair as black as darkness and silver eyes as piercing as death with a body that seem to have been sculpted by the gods and well proportioned between her buttocks and her bust accompanied by smooth, white skin like snow.

Not to mention these captivating cherry red lips that seem to taste better than any candy. It would start wars if it appeared on Earth. Yet Sora remained indifferent to all of this, not that he didn't find her attractive or beautiful, only that he wasn't interested in that sort of thing right now.

The figure finally spoke with a soft and loving voice while having a little sadness: "Hello, Sora" she said with a big sincere smile.

Sora, finally out of shock, asked with a little distrust.

"Hello ... how do you know my first name and who are you?" asked Sora still suspicious as he realized that he no longer had a ball shape but now had his old shape in astral form, that is to say quite transparent.

"You do not have to be suspicious, I am Sera, I am the embodiment of the void in which you find and for what of how I know your name ... and well after all we are connected" she says always with a sincere and loving smile.

Sora looked at her, becoming even more wary of the woman in front of him. After all, how not to be, a woman you do not know appearing before you with loving and kind expressions, while saying your first name that you never mentioned besides saying that it is because you are connected, Sora is not fooled and will not trust her until he has no evidence that she wants him no harm.

"What do you mean by" connected "and the embodiment of emptiness." said Sora.

"Well, let's start at the beginning, do you know you're dead?" Asked Sera, whose Sora nodded in affirmation while confirming his hypothesis that he was dead.

"Well normally, each person who dies is reincarnated according to what they did in their previous one and according to the color of their soul. If they are black then that means that the person has sinned in his previous life with murder or others and will be reincarnated as a bad person, or if the soul is white then it will be reincarnated as a person with a good life. The life offered depends on the intensity of the color of the soul, more it is black, the more your life will be made of misery, bad things but it is still possible to change the color of his soul by doing good deeds and vice versa; all this is called the cycle of reincarnation and is managed by the god of reincarnation "said Sera while looking Sora in the eyes, who nodded.

Sera, happy that he is listening, continued: "Now your soul has come out of the cycle of reincarnation to find itself here, in the void for a reason that I do not know. Normally your soul should have been destroyed because of the pressure and the power of the energy of the vacuum nevertheless your soul managed to survive in the vacuum while sucking little by little the energy of the vacuum during all these years to succeed in transforming your soul into soul of the vacuum, the most powerful soul which cannot exist; above a primordial soul "says Sera with a big smile.

Sora was a little dumped by all this but continued to process all this information while listening to it attentively even if its could not be seen if you looked at the eyes without emotion of Sora. However, he was thinking about a question he was asking himself.

"How long have I been here?" Asked Sora, already expecting a fairly high number.

"You have been here for 1 million years, my dear" expressed Sera as she said the last part in a cheerful manner.

However Sora was only a little surprised by this astronomical figure, the fact that he expected it a little and that he did not have the impression of having spent so much time there; which is a good thing as he might not have been able to stand it and was also a little reluctant for her to call him "my dear". She realized he didn't care much and sighed in relief lest he take it wrong, relieved she continued.

"Suddenly, as we absorb as much energy from the vacuum, the most powerful energy above the primordial energy, your soul has started to" merge / connect "with the vacuum, which means that your soul is connected with me, the embodiment of emptiness "she explained while continuing without noticing the astonishment of Sora who began to frown in worries.

"And to answer the question of who I am, I am Will be the embodiment of emptiness, in other words I am emptiness and emptiness is me, even if it should be said that I am an existence born of emptiness and the most powerful being that ever existed, of the multiverse. The emptiness is the origin of everything. The creator, the all-powerful being positioning himself below me, is a being created after me, he has create the multiverse, all the universes as well as the beings who govern them. And you are destined to become a being equal to me while being my husband, the man I love. " said Sera with a tender, big smile, proud of the last part she mentioned with a look full of love.

Sora, seeing this, was stunned by everything she said and suddenly felt an immense heat coming from her soul on hearing his last part and seeing his gaze full of love, making him recall his family. He smiles involuntarily with glassy eyes even being a spectral form of his soul, followed by a tear flowing down his spectral cheek.

A feeling began to be born in the soul of Sora, a feeling of love for the woman in front of him, but a feeling different from that which experienced it for his family, that between a man and a woman; it seems sudden and strange to fall in love with a woman we just met but yet he was sure, he loved her, if we could see his heart right now, we would see him beating at the speed of light. He does not know if it is because of this "connection" that she mentioned, the words that she said or her attentive look but he was sure of one thing; he loved her.

"Do you really love me ?" Sora asked with a little fear deep in her voice.

Sera raised his eyebrows in surprise at the question and the little fear present in his voice and lowered his eyebrows directly with a warm smile accompanied by a loving look that meant everything.

"Of course I love you, when you arrived, even if you did not realize it, you filled the loneliness present in my heart and over the years, my heart has been filled with love for you until it overflows and even if it is due a little to the connection, most of it is made of my true love. With the connection, I started to see your life as if I were present; moments, I had desires for murders against all these ****** who mistreated and harassed you, my heart was filled with hatreds and desires for murders towards these little ****** but from from the moment you were with your family, my heart was filled with happiness and love when I saw your smile and the love you had for your family. I was even a little jealous and I wanted to receive the same love from your I wanted to live with you, sleep with you, eat with you, talk with you, feel your embrace on me, hug you every day, and even .... "said Sera with the purest love ever seen in his eyes then small blushes appeared while tilting his head a little forward timidity.

"And even build a family with you" she said in a low voice but loud enough for Sora to hear it, you could even see fear in her eyes, the fear of not being accepted.

Seeing this, Sora's heart imargin exploded and he rushed towards Sera while hugging him as hard as possible even if as a spectral soul, he could not touch her. Yet to his surprise, he managed to hug her while seeing all of his possible love in a shocked Sera. As he stopped hugging him, he looked up, putting his face a few inches from Sera's, who was blushing madly but also crying with happiness, understanding the meaning of the hug received until she received confirmation. .

"I love you too, Sera, from the bottom of my soul," said Sora as those emotionless eyes filled with emptiness began to regain color and revive to the point of expressing unconditional love.

After a few minutes passed, looking into their loving eyes, he separated and Sora spoke first.

"So what's going on now? Are we going to live together here forever?" asked Sora, quite confused about what was going to happen later.

"No, not yet," said Sera with a little sadness in his voice.

"Why ?" Sora asked even more confused about the situation, not knowing why he couldn't live together yet.

"Because for the moment, you are only a soul, normally you could not even hug me but our feelings have materialized and allowed us to touch us so now you need a body" explained Sera.

Sora, tilting her head to the side of confusion, asked: "You are the most powerful being there is, can't you make me a corp?"

"No, I do not have the right to do so because despite the fact that I am the most powerful being, I cannot leave the void and I am supposed to be the only being who can live indefinitely in the void without you to count but there is a way to allow you to have a body "expressed Sera with confidence.

"What is that ?" asked Sora.

"I should reincarnate you in a world with a new body with wishes which you will choose and you will then have to become strong, strong until equaling and being able to return in the vacuum. You will also be able to explore new worlds coming from anime , movies, series to get stronger and even make friends or fall in love with a woman again and don't worry, I would agree as long as you still love me and promise to come back to me then that we build our own family "explained Sera with small blushes while making a naughty wink at Sora.

Sora smiles at Sera while being amused. Sora shows a serious face that he had never shown before with great determination.

"I will fight and get stronger as quickly as possible to find you and if I ever fall in love with another woman, you will always be the first and I will love you forever and ever. I will come back as soon as I can and find a way to get you out of the void to travel to different worlds "said Sora with unstoppable determination making Sera smile to the ears while nodding his head.

"Very well then tell me the wishes that you wish"

Here, a small chapter introducing the first woman of the harem of Sora. Hoping that the explanations are clear to everyone. I warn you the chapters that I do can be short or long it will depend on my desire and my time

Fir3Coozcreators' thoughts