
Chapter 117: A Terrifying Presence

Chaos and fear continued to spread in the downtown area, casting a shadow of unease over the bustling streets.

As Elias fixed his gaze on the oddly behaving little girl, Luna tugged at his hand, asking in confusion, "Bro, what are you looking at?" Her voice was tinged with concern, echoing the tense atmosphere around them.

Elias turned around in surprise. "You can't see her?" His voice was laced with disbelief, as he struggled to understand Luna's inability to see what was so clear to him.

"See what?" Luna's confusion deepened as she strained her eyes in the direction Elias had been looking. 

Her brow furrowed in a mix of worry and curiosity.

Isabella, hearing their conversation, quickly scanned the surroundings, then looked at Elias with equal puzzlement. "I don't see anything. What's there?" She spoke with a sense of urgency, her gaze darting around the area.
