Grass Garnet, had his throat clawed out by a Beowolf when he was a kid, only communicates in grunts and growls. He calls his weapon, the "Griff Shot" he won't tell anyone why but it appears to be named after someone. Back when he was 15 he broke his teammate and partner "Tanya" out of a prison escort. Don't let his tall stature fool you, he is the perfect house-husband and the one who marries him will be lucky. But don't let that also fool you, mess with his team and as Tanya puts it "Your ass is grass". He's the only one capable of keeping Tnaya from destroying Beacon. Lily Alter, she is extremely tall for her age, and extremely muscular and fit, looking like a young adult rather than a teen. In contrast to Lily’s physical appearance she is a very quiet girl, but this is due to her Semblance and harsh upbringing. Her Semblance, Symbiosis, lets her link up to any number of people and share the effects of any Semblance she “has saved.” She may only keep one Semblance “saved” however. Though the effect of the shared Semblance is weaker than the original, and gets even weaker the more people she shares it with. And since she has awakened it, it has been noted that she will always be linked with at least one person without fail. Her eyes will glow as the same Aura colour as the original owner of the Semblance she is copying. While her Semblance doesn’t cost her (or her linked) any Aura to use, it has a major drawback. She will feel any and all physical trauma that she is linked to as if she herself was dealt the damage. This has caused her to rarely open up with anyone for fear of them wanting to link up when she was growing up. However, her Semblance was too powerful to be ignored and so she was forced at the age of 5 to start training to be a huntress and testing the limits of her Semblance by the Government of Atlas. As a consequence, she no longer registers pain like a normal creature as she can not tell if it's hers or a link. The constant training, linking and unlinking has also had the good consequence of her Aura being unnaturally massive and powerful in its ability to self-heal and augment her body. As such, when she enters battle it is almost like she has a split personality. She becomes sadistic to a disturbing degree. Mocking others for their inability to “deal with a little bit of pain” and being as brutal as she can be. Rebecca Tanya Teufelechaff, She was said to be experimented since she was young. There isn't much data on what they did, but we assume they tried creating some sort of Super human. Her profile is incredibly misleading, DON'T LET IT FOOL YOU. She has killed multiple people already at cold blood. Both bad and good. Proceed with cautiousness if approached. Saeko Kaburagi, part of an infamous Mistralian Huntsmen clan feared for their penchant for destruction. Her demeanor belies her danger in that she is usually calm, collected and quite social. Her semblance [REDACTED] is highly volatile and when triggered, personality changes ensue. Much like the rest of the Mistralian Kaburagi clan, she is hyper aggressive in her [REDACTED] mode. Note: Advise future partners about "Heat" mode. Another note to mention. The Branwen tribe has taken a keen interest in her clan and will likely try to contact her directly. Be advised. Together, they will form the most unlikely and infamous team in Beacon. We have tried making Heroes. Let's see what a few monsters can do in the right hands.
[Credit goes to ReyKale and Geokit respectively]
A very tall man with hair as white as snow with an X shaped scar on his face wandered down a streer within Vale. He passed by shops while he continued wandering and looked lost, without purpose. His Fox shaped ears flickering in the wind as he picked up on sounds most other wouldn't hear. At the end of the street he was on, yelling can be heard as residents of this city flee from the scene. Leaving the wandering man to go along his way, his path set on just moving forward. His slow walk intimidating to those who watched from afar.
When he walked by the yelling, it ceased as a man walks in front of him. The man was dressed with a black suit and bowler hat with a red shirt.
"Hey! Empty out your pocket man!" The man waved his gun in front of the tall Faunus as he stopped walking, the cloak on his body fluttering lightly in the wind as he turns his head down to look at the man in front of him.
"Big man, ya got any brains up there!? Empty out ya' fucking pockets and give me all ya got!" again he waved his gun side-to-side, threateningly.
The tall man's response was a light grunt. The light grunt just irritated the smaller man as he peered up at the Fox-like ears and sneered at the sight.
"You got 5 seconds before I start shooting, ya fucking animal!" A small whimper comes from the mans right.
He turned slightly, getting a good look at the young woman sprawled on the ground and the tears on her clothing. The feeling of rage welling up in his body evident by the slightly shaking hands turning into fists.
"Shut the fuck up Ya' slut" The dapper man shouted and kicked the women further back into the alley as she tried to crawl out.
"Pockets, now big ma-!" The tall man had enough of the dapper man and absolutely decked him across his chest with a right cross as the man went flying back and hit the wall of the alley, body sliding down the wall next to the woman.
Sirens were thenheard off in the distance, rapidly coming closer. The woman, having taken off in fear. He bent down and picked up the pistol belonging to the dapper man.
Just then, the Vale police arrived. The doors to the first squad car open quickly as both officers steadied their arms on the doors and took aim at the large Faunus.
"Hands in the air!" The first officer yelled, causing the tall man to freeze where he was.
"Drop the weapon and kick it away, then get on your knees! Hands on the back of your head!" He complied with the second officer's demand as he lightly grunts in response. He dropped the gun before kicking it away from his body as it slides up to the slumped over body of the dapper man.
The second squad car arrived and opened up, with both officers rushing into position. Upon seeing everything being handled one of the officers rushes over to the slumped man's body and starts doing a first-aid check. Reaching down into the car, the officer that stayed with their car picked up the radio to make a call.
"Dispatch, this is unit... heh... 6969. We need an ambulance down here. Onsite first aid suggests assailant used their fist and broke the jaw of the person they were fighting" The third officer spoke into his radio, quickly regaining his composure.
"Unit 6-9-6-8, Ambulance on the way-" Dispatch was interrupted by the grunting of the tall man, as he couldn't fit into the back of the squad car.
"..Also bring a bigger transport. This guy's way too big to fit in any of our cars" The sheepish replay from the officer was noted by the tall man's snickering like growls.
-Several minutes later, Vale PD-
The doors to the precinct were opened as the tall man walked through. An officer with a shotgun aimed center mass at his back as he walked.
"Come on, You can move faster than that" His shotgun now aimed at the floor but ready to be moved up at a moment's notice. The Faunus grunts at the officer and looks back at him while he stops moving. A couple of seconds after, another voice garnered his attention.
"Sir, if you step over here I can process you... I'm not asking sir, I'm telling, but don't worry I won't kick your ass unless you make me" A female officer at the front desk gathered his attention after the fourth officer's snide remark.
He slowly walked over to the counter where the female Officer thanked him for co-operating and asked for his name. A Grunt was all she received. The first officer moved to his right as the second moves to his left, the third going off elsewhere in the precinct.
"Big guy don't talk. Had his ID on him though. Grass Garnet. No middle name" The second Officer informed as he lowered his shotgun to hand over the ID card to the Officer at the desk.
She proceeds to look it over while typing the information into a form on the computer.
"Zip ties?" She eyes his hands as she asks, Officer 3 looked visibly uncomfortable as his eyes flickered to the man's ears.
"Cuffs didn't fit him" Was his nervous response as he fidgeted with the holster on his side.
"Hands here, please" The female officer said before grabbing his right hand and putting it onto a scanner to get his finger prints and run it through their system.
"Who's this?" The police chief walked out of his office behind the desk, wiping the crumbs off of his chest as he asked.
"Grass Garnet." he nodded his head at his partner across from him, gesturing him to continue.
"Wasn't carrying anything else when we got there except for a gun. Which is in the lock box back in the car." The officer nodded his head back to the door while saying.
"So what're you doing in Vale?" His eyes flickered to the man's ears. While disgust didn't appear on his face, thinly-veiled pity did.
The light growl he received in response startled the chief, who reached for his side-arm, only to hear a laugh from the officer behind Grass.
"Big guy don't talk Chief" The officer informed, clearing his throat after getting a glare from the chief.
"Does he have his Aura unlocked?" The chief asked, slowly moving his hands away from the holster as he relaxed.
"No idea. If he does, he hasn't used it" The officer shrugged his shoulders as he replied.
"HEY GET ME OUT OF HERE OR I'MMA KILL ALL OF YOU FUCKERS!!" Further inside the precinct, an angry shout could be heard as well as loud stomps, as if someone was kicking metal bars.
Releasing a louder grunt, Grass' head turned to the noise with a pensive look at the screaming of a young girl within the precinct.
"Can someone shut her up!?" The chief's exasperated voice sounding out and down the holding cell halls.
'BANG!' Another metallic impact came from where the girl's voice was heard.
"SHUT UP, YOU STUPID LITTLE CHILD!" The shuffling of clothes and what sounded like a gun was something Grass's ears were privy to, along with the retaliatory noise of the metal bars of the cell being hit.
The pensive look on his face turning to on of concern. He released a loud and concerned grunt at the situation involving the girl.
"Just focus on the in take Big guy." The officer behind Grass said as he bumped his shotgun into Grass's arm.
"Make me, ya fuckers! Or y'all don't have the balls? Who's the little girl again huh?!?!" The angry voice of the girl shouted again.
"YOU CRAZY BITCH! JERRY'S IN THE HOSPITAL BECAUSE OF YOU! HIS WIFE AND KIDS WONT SEE HIM FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS!" The tell tale click of a gun's safety being clicked off spurred Grass into action.
Stepping back from the counter, Grass hit the back of the knees of the officer behind him. On on his right, snapping the zip ties he elbow dropped the police officer to the ground and rolls backward as the other start to pull out their firearms, taking the officers shotgun with him. Getting back up into a crouching position he aims center mass at the officer that was on his left, before lobbing the shotgun at his head, getting him stagger back as he lunges forward and tackles the man to the ground with his full weight. Grabbing the officer's body in front of him, he holds him up with both arms pinned to his chest, using him like a meat shield.
"STAND DOWN" An officer pulled his pistol out and aimed down at Grass, finger on the trigger but not quite pulling it, as he didn't want to hit his colleague. His hands slightly trembling in fear, his blinking fast.
Grass then threw the meat shield officer at the officer in front of him, his ear's flickering from the sounds as he dives over the counter grabbing the thrown shotgun. Standing up quickly, he uses it as a bat to hit the female officer over the head, causing her to drop to the floor, unconscious. Looking like a blur with small arcs of lightning going over his body, he moved too fast for any of the officers to do anything as he punched the chief in the shoulder, then grabbing it and punching him the stomach and grabbing that place as well. He turns his back to the chief and throws him over his shoulder, rolling over the chief with his full weight and knocking him out cold.
He blurred once again as he appeared above the final officer in the lobby and slammed his fist down onto his head, making his face impact with the floor with that telltale sound that someone was going to be waking up with a massive headache.
The screams coming from down the hallway with the laughter of a young girl had brought him back. Back to his village, back to years past. Running from the Grimm, the laughter of his younger sister as she laughed, broken from witnessing all the death and destruction.
The pain to his throat as it was ripped from him by the Grimm, how that laughter gave way to screams of pain as his younger sister was torn apart, piece by piece.
He could still feel the ash from the fires that were set by the people in a hurry to leave. He could feel the pain on his face where the claws ripped through it like a hot knife to butter. The insane laughter gave way to that small feeling of hope, that small feeling of never letting another young girl be broken like his sister. He wouldn't allow her to go off the deep end and jump into hoards of Grimm, just like %$^)(!@#.
And then he was back, the door busted off it's hinges and bodies strewn about around as he started at the roughly four-foot-six girl in front of him.
"Their new guy or what? Get closer and I will rip your fucking neck off. Already broke three hands too..... Want to add another, big guy?" She spoke with a wild grin while sizing Grass up.
Grass shook his head 'no' as he looked down on the little girl and grunted in response.
"Yeah.... Ya don't have the profile these fuckers share.... Help me out of this shitty place! I already escaped one..... I DON'T WANT ANOTHER ROUND OF THIS HELL!!!" The girl spoke before kicking the bars of her cell.
Nodding his head to the young girls request as he figured it was time to bounce, he walks to the back wall after grunting happily in response. Raising his fist, lighting arced around it as his red aura shimmered. He smashed the back wall of the precinct with little resistance.
Grass cooly pointed his thumb out the new hole as alarms blared out.
Smiling smugly, she tries to walk out, only to stop at the sound of metal clanging. The chained cuff on her leg stopping her from going past her cell.
"Hmm... Forgot about that shit..." She turned to Grass before asking.
"I'm hungry as fuck right now... can ya help me out, Snow head?" She asked, pointing to her chained leg.
Grass nodded his head and walked over to the chain before crouching down and grabbing onto it. Lighting arced on both his arms for a second before he riped the chain apart.
"Cool tricks ya got there! Breaking a wall? Bam! And now chains! Bom! Cool as fuck! Now let's get out before the high ego retards come back" She said while pointing at the large hole in the wall.
Agreeing, Grass walked over to the young girl and picked her up, setting her on his back.
"..I would fucking wreck your facial features.... But ya are helping me and I think your face already has enough damage" The girl chuckled in amusement at her joke as he grunted in response, walking out of the hole and making sure she wasn't hit.
Walking away from the station, Grass felt the girl's hand tap him on the shoulder.
"Hmm... I think we are safe. Can ya keep going? There was something I came a hell of way to try, but those fuckers stopped me.... I was so cloose!!!" The girl exclaimed, desire written on her face.
Seeing her adamant and 'slightly' innocent looking desire, Grass nodded his head and growled in acknowledgement. The girl pointing to where she wanted to go from atop the tall Faunus' shoulders as she started sniffing the air. Though Grass took a right turn, away from where she wanted to go.
"OY!!! GO BACK, SNOW HEAD!! IT'S FUCKING RIGHT THERE!!!" She yelled while pulling his head back and pointing at a black haired woman.
Turning around, he walked towards the black haired lady, walking just too far and overshooting it. Just staring at him, the girl groaned before looking at the woman, who was shaking in fear, like the devil has come to personally see her. Backpedaling just a bit, they stand in front of the woman, who was running a burger cart. Two delicious burgers sat ready and made on the side. Grass tilted his head down to look at the prices but looked rather intimidating with his scars, further putting fear into the woman operating the food stall.
Keeping eye contact with the black haired woman, the girl remembered something. The only person who could have knocked her out that was close by when she had her 'incident' was..
"You.... You fucking didn't ...did ya?" She asked with a very unsettling smile, eyes glowing while she stared the woman down.
With a confused grunt, Grass looked up at his new companion.
"No... just a friend... Look at the prices for us.. just a fricking good friend.... right lady?~" She asked the terrified woman.
'Thump' Looking over the cart, Grass saw the lady had fainted. Her leg twitching and foam at her mouth as her eyes had rolled back in her head, fainted from something. Reaching around his back and into a pocket in his hood, he took out a blue lien card and set it on the cart top while grabbing the two premade burgers and handing one to the girl as he continues to walk down the street.
The girl started eating hers, looking around as they pass people who glance at her, but a quick grimace was enough to make them look away.
"Hmph... Weak ass bitches" The girl muttered in between bites.
In response, Grass lightly slapped the girl on the back of her head as he took a bite of his burger. Seeming to chastise her use of curse words. She eyed him for a second, annoyed, but said nothing before looking away. He helped her and if there was one thing that still stood with her to this day, it would be her pride.
That was when they heard a rather calm and collective male voice call out their names from nearby.
"Tanya Rachel Teufelechaff and Mister Grass Garnet. Might I have a moment of your time? Hate to interrupt your.. lunch? But it's rather important" The male voice called out to them from beside them.
Flinching, the blonde haired girl turned around and eyed the new additions, frowning as she held her burger in hands. Remembering she didn't tell her name to anyone since leaving Mountain Glenn.
"Who the fuck? And how?" Tanya cursed again, looking at the grey haired man and adult blonde woman.
Grass stopped moving as he fully turns around, towering over the other snow haired man. Across from them was a rather well dressed man in a nice, comfortable ensemble. He seemed unperturbed by his size or Tanya's irritable mood. Beside him though, was a stern and ready looking blonde who held a riding crop in her hand tightly.
"Hello there. My name is Ozpin. Headmaster of Beacon Academy" He greeted them politely while fixing his glasses while receiving a non-commital grunt from Grass.
"Hmmm, what'ya want? Not the right fucking time of the day to be bragging about a Academy ya know?" Tanya asked before taking another bite.
"I only thought it fair, seeing as how I know of you. Mind if I ask as to what you've come to Vale for? Seeing such gifted people in my Kingdom is welcome. Though only if they have good intentions" The woman behind him narrowed her eyes.
"This" Tanya replied, seeing the woman looking at her. Tanya just shrugged and stretched her hands while holding the burger in them.
Grass reached behind himself and pulled out a notepad and pencil after he threw the ball of garbage from his burger away. Writing on the paper, Grass wrote down his words. Something he hadn't done in years.
"Big people really eat fast as fuck huh..." Seeing him done his food so fast, Tanya muttered.
'Wandering' Was what Grass wrote out.
"Hm!" The man released a pleased hum as the woman sighed.
"Then perhaps you'd like to attend my Academy? I've had my eye on you and two others for a special team of elite Huntsmen and Huntresses" The man asked amicably.
Hearing this, Grass shrugged his shoulders before looking up at Tanya. Hearing the invite she lookes back at him while biting another piece of burger that just reached its half, and thinks for a bit. Wondering if it was good idea, but since she didn't have anywhere else to go, she replied quickly.
"Hmmm... I could enter... But, I want something...." Shuffling around her gray dress pockets that was in a rough shape with her free hand, she brought out a paper she got inside the prison under the bed. It probably belonged to the person who was there before, there was quite a lot of fliers there.
But only one got her attention, as she had lost her weapon, she kept it to herself so she could find the armory the guy on flier was using. Finding it, she tossed it to Ozpin while taking another bite of her lunch.
"I want dat" Tanya replied.
Ozpin catches it with ease, browsing the contents with a thoughtful expression for half a minute.
"The bayonet too" Tanya added while Ozpin slowly nodded.
"I believe this can be arranged. Of course, our crafting facilities would be open to you too" Ozpin agreed, putting the note in his coat.
Nodding, the blonde small girl hummed with her mouth full and gives the woman with Ozpin a funny look because she was staring at her for some time already. Seeing Tanya in agreement with this, Grass nodded his head in agreement.
"Initiation starts in two days. Do you have scrolls?" Glynda took the lead this time, asking with a tired face.
"Trolls?" Tanya asked with a tilt of her head while Grass shook his head.
Gesturing with his head, Ozpin pulls out two new scrolls for them, having fully expecting them not to have any and hands them each one. Along with that, he gave them both two lien cards.
"I believe that's enough for a two day stay in the hotels around Vale" Ozpin finished with a pleased nod.
Seeing the strange things, Tanya just shrugs, not really caring much about it. She would receive what she wanted, that was enough for her, and as bonus having a place to try more stuff. All while Grass simply took the items with a small nod of appreciation.
The idea actually made her face contort a bit, thinking about all the modifications she could do in the crafting workshop within Beacon.
"I look forward to seeing you at initiation" Ozpin waved and excused himself, along with Glynda.
"What the fuck is wrong with that woman? Do I still have blood on my mouth or something?" Tanya asked while wiping her face.
Seeing nothing there, Grass simply shook his head and grunted negatively.
"Ozpin.. you're just trying to give me a headache, aren't you..?" Glynda whispered.
"Why I'm sure I have no idea what you mean.." He acted ignorant, ignoring the glare Glynda sent his way.
[Start of the author collab betweeeeen..
Lilith Zenon